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InfoContigo: Inter-agency attention platform for Refugees and Migrants

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InfoContigo: Inter-agency attention platform for Refugees and Migrants

Primary GCM Objectives

Secondary GCM Objectives


Principes directeurs du Pacte mondial*

*All practices are to uphold the ten guiding principles of the GCM. This practice particularly exemplifies these listed principles.

Objectifs de développement durable (ODD)


2023 - Present

Geographic Scope





Refugees and migrants in Peru, specially Venezuelans, maintain a considerable gap in access to information and guidance on regularization, access to the health system, social protection programs, access to education, and housing. Thus, it is necessary to promote safe and reliable communication channels, that allow identifying the assistance available to the refugee and migrant population according to their differentiated needs.

For this reason, UNHCR, IOM, UNICEF and WFP created the "InfoContigo" interagency hotline and chatbot, the first inter-agency assistance initiative aimed at refugees and migrants in Peru. InfoContigo provide relevant and verified information, timely and consistent support, programmatic and PSEA complaints, and a key tool for mainstreaming Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) to accomplish the UN agencies principles. It promotes gender equality and the empowerment of vulnerable populations, contributing to informed decision-making and access to rights and services appropriate to their needs through the strengthening of confidential and secure information channels and reporting of complaints and suggestions.

In the Design phase (2021-2022) the organizational structure, SOPs, flowchart and scripts for calls and chatbot were created. In the Pilot phase (2022-2023), registration and referral flows were implemented, using a single registration matrix, and United Nations Volunteers were hired as hotline operators. In the Implementation (2023-present) the processes have been adjusted and the operational management model reformed, the Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) was implemented, which allows the visualization of service statistics in a dashboard. In addition, participatory consultations and post-distribution monitoring were developed as part of the ongoing feedback process.


Principale(s) organisation(s) de mise en œuvre

International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Organisations partenaires/donatrices

World Food Programme - WFP
United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society - HIAS
Jesuit Migrant Service - ENCUENTROS

Bénéfice et impact

InfoContigo represents an inter-agency effort for the implementation of the Core Humanitarian Standard and the Inter-Agency Standing Committee's (IASC) Commitments on Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PEAS). The phone line and chatbot facilitates the right to access quality information validated by the agencies that make up InfoContigo, from anywhere in the country. In addition to accessing the services of partners, assert their rights regarding state services, seek protection, issue a programmatic complaint, PSEA cases, and have guidance on the official channel to issue a sensitive complaint in a confidential manner.

Both the hotline and the Infocontigo Chatbot require the registration of personal data in the CRM. Therefore, the agencies that comprise it maintain a commitment to the transfer and proper processing of personal data, in accordance with the respective regulations of each one, their rules, policies and procedures. With due regard to the IOM Principles of Personal Data Protection, data is only recorded after requesting and obtaining the informed consent of the user. According to the information registered in the call center system (3CX/Toll Free), between September 2022 and March 2024, more than 28,513 thousand calls have been received on the Interagency InfoContigo line. According to the CRM, 82.5% of the people attended to as of March 2024 are women, 17% are men and 0.5% are of other gender identities. In addition, 70% are people from 18 to 39 years old, while 25.8% are people from 40 to 59 years old.

The Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) services, enables the platform as a PSEA channel, feedback and complaint mechanism as an initiative of interest to agencies, contributing to financial sustainability. Moreover, InfoContigo maintains the capacity to expand and sustain itself through additional and/or complementary funding sources from UN Agencies and GTRM partners.

Principales leçons

In view of the need to know the preferred channels of the migrant population to receive information, and within the framework of the planning for the implementation of InfoContigo, consultation sessions were held with refugees and migrants. Among the main findings, the need for human and personalized attention to receive information was highlighted . In addition, they recognized the absence of reliable mechanisms to receive information, in some cases, they had to wait up to a year to find out the truth about the process of certain procedures.

The agencies that make up InfoContigo had problems in executing the operationalization of assistance in a standardized manner. Therefore, a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was developed, which has allowed the decision-making system to be predictable and has contributed to the platform's governance and operational development. This effort also included the adaptation of protocols based on internal agency systems such as PROGRESS, SCOPE and 3CX.

From the pilot experience, we identified that the recorded information presented inconsistencies, due to different criteria for filling and the need for some adjustments in the variables. In view of this situation, the variables considered in the CRM were built with feedback from our assistants, in order to optimize the flow of attention and fill the fields in the system consistently, modernizing the management of the information. As a result, the CRM matrix now allows us to establish a profile of migrant callers.

Recommandations(if the practice is to be replicated)

• Promote the provision of information and assistance services with a focus on accountability to the affected populations, as this allows for a relationship of trust that generates benefits for the migrant population and for our organization.
• Standardize the sources of information and the responses provided to the migrant population that will use the initiative, which constitutes an added value to facilitate and improve access to rights and services. The initiative is constantly adapting to specific needs and preferences, strengthening the quality of information and the credibility of UN agencies.
• Empathize with the population that comes to the hotline, with first level care assistants permanently trained under the principles of Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) and Protection, ensuring empathetic, humane and resilient care. Many of them, being migrants as well.
• Design the information system considering the vision of both front-line care providers and information managers. It is important to carry out a pilot implementation. In addition, it is important to consider the internal systems of the agencies that make up the initiative to ensure interoperability and standardization.
• Consider that the system must maintain permanent feedback, in information management, adjustments related to services, referrals, among others, to always provide the most updated information possible.


InfoContigo is the first real-time phoneline with operators specifically designed for migrants and refugees in Peru. While drawing inspiration from other call centers, the approach was designed with a primary emphasis on local needs assessments and consultations with migrant communities, making its gender-sensitive and people-centered design an added value for facilitation and comprehensiveness of access to rights and services when compared to existing communication channels. The initiative is tailored to specific needs and preferences, fostering trust, and encouraging meaningful participation. Venezuelans working in InfoContigo, who represent approximately 50% of the total line operators, contribute to the team by utilizing language and communication styles that resonate with the diverse cultural backgrounds of migrants, supporting trust building.

In general, and especially for individuals in vulnerable situations, people often do not remember specific numbers or agency names in the field. However, they find it easier to comprehend and recall that they are receiving support from the United Nations and its partners. Serving as a one-stop-shop that streamlines access to various services and simplifies the process of lodging complaints and providing feedback, the focus is on the person calling, rather than the agency delivering the service or the specific intervention the agency aims to achieve. As a people-centered initiative, it adapts to the diverse needs of affected populations, particularly those most vulnerable.
Another innovation is the data governance mechanisms established. InfoContigo not only provides information but also collects and analyzes data on main needs, context, and trends. This data-driven approach enhances decision-making processes and contributes valuable insights for improving operations. The data collected adheres to the do-no-harm principle and complies with the data protection policies of the participating agencies. This ensures that only the necessary individuals, following specific requirements, have minimal access to personal data.

Ressources additionnelles

Additional Images

Date de soumission:

19 juin 2024

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.