Pledging initiatives – Submission form

Member States and other stakeholders are invited to use this form to prepare and announce pledges they wish to submit to support the implementation of the GCM. The pledges will be recorded, visible and tracked on the Network website (pledging dashboard). An annual report will be published by July 2023.

Please note that:

  • Each pledge should be recorded in a different copy of this template;
  • Joint pledges (i.e. Common Pledges and Pledges in Partnership) should be recorded by only one of the pledging state or actor;
  • Matching pledges should indicate the ID number of the pledge they refer to.

For more information about the Pledging initiative, click here.

Please note that, as outlined in the preamble of the GCM, migrants and refugees are distinct groups governed by separate legal frameworks. The GCM refers to migrants and presents a cooperative framework addressing migration in all its dimensions. Pledges on GCM implementation should therefore focus on migrants and not on refugees and asylum seekers who are covered by the Global Compact on Refugees.

Please also note that this form should only be used to make a pledge on the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular migration. Any other submission will not be considered.

Section I

Personal details of the contact person:

Section II

Section II a

If this is a common pledge or a pledge in partnership, please list the detail(s) of the other participating state(s) and/or actor(s)
Participating States and Actors

Section II b

If this is a matching pledge, please indicate the title and ID number of the pledge you are matching

Section III

Section IV

Section V

Section VI

Maximum: 3000 chrs/approx. 300 words
Minimum 300 characters.

Section VII

One file only.
25 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.