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Experts Database

In partnership with IMISCOE’s Migration Research Hub, this database provides access to a range of migration experts from around the world. The academics and researchers registered with IMISCOE contribute their publications and expertise to further innovation in the field of migration studies, bringing knowledge on a range of topics related to the Global Compact for Migration. Links to their research are provided in their profiles. Search the database below by expertise and location to find an expert and review their latest work. Sign-in to contact an expert directly.

Disclaimer: Contact with the experts is facilitated via the Migration Research Hub and inclusion in this database does not signify endorsement by the United Nations Network on Migration or its members.

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Peer review roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more about the review criteria here

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Experts database

Search Results
Displaying 271 - 280 of 2354

Rintu Borah is a PhD candidate of Sociology and Philosophy at the department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. He did his M.phil in Planning and Development from Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, and Masters in Development Studies from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. After completion of his M.A he was engaged as a Research Associate in the Centre for Development and Peace Studies, North East India for one year. His public writings have appeared in Indian Cultural Forum, The Wire, The Telegraph and Firstpost. Currently, he works on migration theory, caste in India, indigeneity, borderland, and development in global South with special interest on India's Northeast.

Rintu Borah is a PhD candidate of Sociology and Philosophy at the department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. He did his M.phil in Planning and Development from Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, and Masters in Development Studies from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. After completion of his M.A he was engaged as a Research Associate in the Centre for Development and Peace Studies, North East India for one year. His public writings have appeared in Indian Cultural Forum, The Wire, The Telegraph and Firstpost. Currently, he works on migration theory, caste in India, indigeneity, borderland, and development in global South with special interest on India's Northeast.

OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University
Head of Research / Research Professor

Borch was educated sociologist at the University of Oslo and took her Ph.D. degree at the University of Helsinki on gambling and gambling problems in households. Today, Borch holds a position as Research Professor and Head of Research for the research group Consumption Policy and Economy at Consumption Research Norway (SIFO). She also leads a group entiteled 'inclusive consumption' adressing consumer barriers of people with disabilities and immigrants at the same institute. Borch has worked at SIFO since 1994 and has throughout her career studied a number of subjects, such as obesity, food insecurity, environmental sustainability, responsible research and innovation, RRI, Christmas gift giving, consumer litteracy amongs youth, digital media, and children and commercials.

  • OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University
    Head of Research / Research Professor

Borch was educated sociologist at the University of Oslo and took her Ph.D. degree at the University of Helsinki on gambling and gambling problems in households. Today, Borch holds a position as Research Professor and Head of Research for the research group Consumption Policy and Economy at Consumption Research Norway (SIFO). She also leads a group entiteled 'inclusive consumption' adressing consumer barriers of people with disabilities and immigrants at the same institute. Borch has worked at SIFO since 1994 and has throughout her career studied a number of subjects, such as obesity, food insecurity, environmental sustainability, responsible research and innovation, RRI, Christmas gift giving, consumer litteracy amongs youth, digital media, and children and commercials.

University of Vienna
Senior Scientist

Much of my work focuses on contributing to the development of concepts and methods for the spatial assessment of vulnerability and risk in the context of environmental transformation. I have conducted research in Congo, Senegal, Algeria, India & Ethiopia and I have significant experience in population-based surveys and data analysis in the Global South. I am currently working on the role of environmental and climate change in driving migration in Ethiopia.

  • University of Vienna
    Senior Scientist

Much of my work focuses on contributing to the development of concepts and methods for the spatial assessment of vulnerability and risk in the context of environmental transformation. I have conducted research in Congo, Senegal, Algeria, India & Ethiopia and I have significant experience in population-based surveys and data analysis in the Global South. I am currently working on the role of environmental and climate change in driving migration in Ethiopia.

London South Bank University
Senior Lecturer

My research in this field is based on studies on coaches' migration. Over the past years, I have been studying the perceptions of migrant coaches in relation to their recruitment process, motivations to migrate and migration experience as a whole. I have also investigated the patterns and networks of Portuguese coaches’ migration and examined how foreign coaches are viewed through media discourse. I have been studying the coaches’ immigration to the United Kingdom by analysing the foreign and native coaches’ views on migration. With the support from the UEFA Research Grant 2017/18, my research in sports migration also provided insight for cultural intelligence in the sports context and informed about the cross-cultural training needs of football coaches to work with people from different countries. I was awarded with the FIFA Scholarship 2022/23 to implement and evaluate a cross-cultural training programme for football coaches. My research interests are also in coach education, learning and professional development by examining the sports coaches knowledge and competences.

  • London South Bank University
    Senior Lecturer

My research in this field is based on studies on coaches' migration. Over the past years, I have been studying the perceptions of migrant coaches in relation to their recruitment process, motivations to migrate and migration experience as a whole. I have also investigated the patterns and networks of Portuguese coaches’ migration and examined how foreign coaches are viewed through media discourse. I have been studying the coaches’ immigration to the United Kingdom by analysing the foreign and native coaches’ views on migration. With the support from the UEFA Research Grant 2017/18, my research in sports migration also provided insight for cultural intelligence in the sports context and informed about the cross-cultural training needs of football coaches to work with people from different countries. I was awarded with the FIFA Scholarship 2022/23 to implement and evaluate a cross-cultural training programme for football coaches. My research interests are also in coach education, learning and professional development by examining the sports coaches knowledge and competences.

University of Macerata
Researcher-Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow

Susana Borràs Pentinat holds a degree in Law from the Rovira i Virgili University (URV), where she also obtained her Master's degree in Environmental Law and the title of Doctor with European mention and the Extraordinary Doctorate Award. Associate Professor of International Public Law and International Relations in the Department of Public Law at the URV (with advanced research accreditation from AQU Catalunya). Assistant to the Vice-Rector for Institutional Relations, Culture and Social Commitment URV. From 2008 -2022, she has been the coordinator of the URV's Master's Degree in Environmental Law.

Currently she holds a Marie Skłodowska-Curie position (H2020-MSCA-IF-2020) no. 101031252, at the Università degli Studi di Macerata, with the project "CLIMOVE: gender CLImate Migration: innOvatiVe European Union socio-legal avenues".

Her main teaching and research areas are Public International Law and International Relations, European Union Law and Environmental Law.

Visiting professor at several universities and international institutions: in Brazil at Universidade de Marília (UNIMAR), Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara, Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), Pontificia Universidade Católica, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Universidade Federal Fluminense. In Colombia: Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (UNAB) and Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS). In Italy: Università di Torino, Italy; International Center for Climate Governance. And in Japan: Hiroshima University.

Member of the Research Group on Environmental Law, Citizenship and Sustainability and the Centre for Environmental Law Studies (CEDAT) of the URV, associated with the Centre de Recherche en Droit Public of the University of Montreal (Canada) and the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law (University of Maryland, USA).

Researcher at the Jean Monet Chair on Environmental Policy of the European Union, coordinated by the University of Barcelona.

She has participated in several national, regional and international research projects. Her research and transfer activity has mainly focused on climate change, climate justice and human rights, environmental and climate shelter, human rights defenders and the environment and the rights of Nature.

The results of his research have been published in various national and international indexed journals, as well as in books and book chapters in prestigious publishing houses.

She has given lectures, seminars and courses in many Spanish and foreign universities in more than ten different countries, as well as in several Masters and PhD courses.

She participates as a legal expert in several international networks: the United Nations in the platform "Harmony with Nature"; the Academic Network on Climate Change, Energy and Human Rights (RICEDH); the RED Empresas y Derechos Humanos, (REDH-EXATA); the Asociación Iberoamericana Derecho Cultura y Ambiente (AIDCA); the South American Network for Environmental Migration (RESAMA); the Earth Law Center; and the Brazilian Institute of Human Rights.

Member of the Editorial Board of: Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental; Revista Argumentum, Universidade de Marília, UNIMAR, Brazil; Ius Gentium, UNINTER, Brazil; Editora Mucuripe, Fortaleza, Brazil; Fundamental Laws and Democracy Journal of UniBrasil; 'Revista de Direito da Unochapecó (RDUno)', Brazil. Universidade Comunitária da Regiáo de Chape

Member of the Advisory Board of the following journals: Ecological Citizen Journal, London, UK; European Scientific Journal (ESJ), Macedonia; The Open Ecology Journal, Bentham Science Publishers, Sharjah, U.A.E; Revista Chilena de Derecho y Ciencia Política, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile; Revista Internacional de Direito ambiental" (RIDA) editora Plenum, Caxias do Sul, Brazil and Revista da Faculdade de Direito Candido Mendes, Rio Janeiro, Brazil.

Web of Science InvestigatorID: AAB-2577-2019
ScopusID: 56268809500

  • University of Macerata
    Researcher-Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow

Susana Borràs Pentinat holds a degree in Law from the Rovira i Virgili University (URV), where she also obtained her Master's degree in Environmental Law and the title of Doctor with European mention and the Extraordinary Doctorate Award. Associate Professor of International Public Law and International Relations in the Department of Public Law at the URV (with advanced research accreditation from AQU Catalunya). Assistant to the Vice-Rector for Institutional Relations, Culture and Social Commitment URV. From 2008 -2022, she has been the coordinator of the URV's Master's Degree in Environmental Law.

Currently she holds a Marie Skłodowska-Curie position (H2020-MSCA-IF-2020) no. 101031252, at the Università degli Studi di Macerata, with the project "CLIMOVE: gender CLImate Migration: innOvatiVe European Union socio-legal avenues".

Her main teaching and research areas are Public International Law and International Relations, European Union Law and Environmental Law.

Visiting professor at several universities and international institutions: in Brazil at Universidade de Marília (UNIMAR), Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara, Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), Pontificia Universidade Católica, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Universidade Federal Fluminense. In Colombia: Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (UNAB) and Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS). In Italy: Università di Torino, Italy; International Center for Climate Governance. And in Japan: Hiroshima University.

Member of the Research Group on Environmental Law, Citizenship and Sustainability and the Centre for Environmental Law Studies (CEDAT) of the URV, associated with the Centre de Recherche en Droit Public of the University of Montreal (Canada) and the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law (University of Maryland, USA).

Researcher at the Jean Monet Chair on Environmental Policy of the European Union, coordinated by the University of Barcelona.

She has participated in several national, regional and international research projects. Her research and transfer activity has mainly focused on climate change, climate justice and human rights, environmental and climate shelter, human rights defenders and the environment and the rights of Nature.

The results of his research have been published in various national and international indexed journals, as well as in books and book chapters in prestigious publishing houses.

She has given lectures, seminars and courses in many Spanish and foreign universities in more than ten different countries, as well as in several Masters and PhD courses.

She participates as a legal expert in several international networks: the United Nations in the platform "Harmony with Nature"; the Academic Network on Climate Change, Energy and Human Rights (RICEDH); the RED Empresas y Derechos Humanos, (REDH-EXATA); the Asociación Iberoamericana Derecho Cultura y Ambiente (AIDCA); the South American Network for Environmental Migration (RESAMA); the Earth Law Center; and the Brazilian Institute of Human Rights.

Member of the Editorial Board of: Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental; Revista Argumentum, Universidade de Marília, UNIMAR, Brazil; Ius Gentium, UNINTER, Brazil; Editora Mucuripe, Fortaleza, Brazil; Fundamental Laws and Democracy Journal of UniBrasil; 'Revista de Direito da Unochapecó (RDUno)', Brazil. Universidade Comunitária da Regiáo de Chape

Member of the Advisory Board of the following journals: Ecological Citizen Journal, London, UK; European Scientific Journal (ESJ), Macedonia; The Open Ecology Journal, Bentham Science Publishers, Sharjah, U.A.E; Revista Chilena de Derecho y Ciencia Política, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile; Revista Internacional de Direito ambiental" (RIDA) editora Plenum, Caxias do Sul, Brazil and Revista da Faculdade de Direito Candido Mendes, Rio Janeiro, Brazil.

Web of Science InvestigatorID: AAB-2577-2019
ScopusID: 56268809500


Monique Borsenberger works as a researcher at LISER in Luxembourg and is currently doing her PdD at UCL IOE. Her main research interests include social cohesion, values, attitudes, religion, cross-country comparisons.


Monique Borsenberger works as a researcher at LISER in Luxembourg and is currently doing her PdD at UCL IOE. Her main research interests include social cohesion, values, attitudes, religion, cross-country comparisons.

Paris 8
Ph.D. researcher

Giordano BOTTECCHIA is a Ph.D. candidate at Paris 8 University and Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa). The title of his project is "Twice foreigners. The departure of the Jews from Libya and their resettlement in Italy (1951-1987)". Giordano’s researches focus mainly on the history of Jews from North Africa, refugees, and decolonization. Together with his supervisor, he is also working on projects dealing with racism and anti-Semitism and he is a member of the editorial board of Alarmer (Association against anti-Semitism and racism through the mobilization of teaching and research).

  • Paris 8
    Ph.D. researcher
  • Scuola Normale Superiore
    Ph.D. researcher

Giordano BOTTECCHIA is a Ph.D. candidate at Paris 8 University and Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa). The title of his project is "Twice foreigners. The departure of the Jews from Libya and their resettlement in Italy (1951-1987)". Giordano’s researches focus mainly on the history of Jews from North Africa, refugees, and decolonization. Together with his supervisor, he is also working on projects dealing with racism and anti-Semitism and he is a member of the editorial board of Alarmer (Association against anti-Semitism and racism through the mobilization of teaching and research).

  • university of glasgow
    Senior Lecturer in Human Geography
  • Edinburgh Napier University
  • Newcastle University
    Research Associate
    Newcastle upon Tyne
  • Loughborough University
    Research Associate
Université Clermont Auvergne
Tenured Associate Professor

Associate Professor of Economics at UCA, CERDI and invited Professor at Paris School of Economics.

  • Université Clermont Auvergne
    Tenured Associate Professor

Associate Professor of Economics at UCA, CERDI and invited Professor at Paris School of Economics.

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

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*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).