Knowledge Platform
Anti-Discrimination and COVID-19 Advocacy Tool
At a glance
This publication looks at discrimination on grounds related to race and gender and how these shape the impact of COVID-19 on migrants, including their access to relief and recovery services. Race and gender are viewed both separately and through an intersectional lens, with the tool offering a snapshot of issues, challenges, and promising practices across regions.
What it offers
The tool considers how COVID-19 policies and responses may interact with other migration, gender and race-related policies, including those impacting on social determinants of health (e.g. income, employment, education and access to services). Although it does not set out to provide a comprehensive mapping of all discrimination issues or anti-discrimination practices, it does highlight some of the issues that may be overlooked when migrants are treated as a homogenous group. This done by:
- Providing an overview of issues and experiences related to race, racism, gender, and SOGIESC (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics)
- Outlining responses and promising action that respond to the related issues and experiences.
Further information
This paper was produced by the UN Network on Migration.