Knowledge Platform
Position Paper: Ensuring Safe and Dignified Return and Sustainable Reintegration
At a glance
This paper identifies key principles, and the UN Migration Network's common position, on migrant return and reintegration. It seeks to assist Member States and stakeholders to facilitate the safe and dignified return and readmission, and sustainable reintegration, along with the other relevant GCM objectives.
What it offers
The position paper sets out how the GCM provides a unique opportunity to strengthen cooperation between countries of origin, transit and destination – based on key principles, safeguards and positive practices – for:
- Ensuring that returns are safe, dignified and uphold human rights
- Reducing the precariousness and related vulnerabilities of returnees
- Promoting child-sensitive and gender-responsive sustainable reintegration in countries of origin.
The paper ends with a note on return and reintegration in the context of COVID-19 that can also be drawn on for policy or programmatic responses.
Further information
This paper was drafted by Return and Reintegration Working Group Co-leads (IOM, OHCHR, UNICEF), reviewed by Return and Reintegration Working Group Members (FAO, ILO, UN-Habitat, UNDP, UNHCR, UNU, WFP, Alianza Americas, APRRN, Catalyze Change, GANHRI, Global Detention Project, ICRC, Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts, IOE, ISS, Jill Alpes (researcher), MPI, NRC, PICUM, Post Deportation Monitoring Network, UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants).
While distinct products, the position paper, mapping and checklist are meant to provide a 'package' to assist States and other stakeholders to operationalize GCM objectives related to return, readmission and reintegration.