Informal Cross-Regional GCM Champions Event

The Regional UN Network on Migration in West and Central Africa and the Government of Ghana in the framework of the GCM Champion countries initiative will organize the Informal Cross-Regional GCM Champions Event in Accra, Ghana took place on the 28th – 30th of November with financial support of agencies: IOM, OHCHR, UNODC. This event built upon the previous Informal Cross-Regional of GCM Champions Countries that brought together regions from Africa, Europe and the MENA region that took place in Morocco and Kenya. On this occasion, the initiative will bring together and for the first time GCM Champion countries from Africa, Europe, MENA and Latin America. This was carried out online and in person. The dialogue last 2.5 days, bringing together 28 GCM Champion countries, and stakeholders. This entails: Azerbaijan, Canada, Chad, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Honduras, Iraq, Kenya, Luxembourg, Malawi, Mali, Mexico, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Senegal, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Türkiye. As part of Turkiye's steadfast commitment to the implementation of the GCM, and its significant contributions to the UN Network on Migration in Turkiye (UNNM), Government of Turkiye had attended to the event with two government counterparts at senior technical level who are responsible for migration/GCM implementation. These institutions are Directorate General of International Labor Force and Presidency of Migration Management as the governmental members of UNNM in Turkiye. The participation of the Turkish Government representatives in the event was online.