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Experts Database

In partnership with IMISCOE’s Migration Research Hub, this database provides access to a range of migration experts from around the world. The academics and researchers registered with IMISCOE contribute their publications and expertise to further innovation in the field of migration studies, bringing knowledge on a range of topics related to the Global Compact for Migration. Links to their research are provided in their profiles. Search the database below by expertise and location to find an expert and review their latest work. Sign-in to contact an expert directly.

Disclaimer: Contact with the experts is facilitated via the Migration Research Hub and inclusion in this database does not signify endorsement by the United Nations Network on Migration or its members.

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Peer review roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more about the review criteria here

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Experts database

Search Results
Displaying 471 - 480 of 2384
Dublin City University
Assistant Professor

Dr Veronica Crosbie is an Assistant Professor in Migration and Intercultural Studies in SALIS, Dublin City University, Ireland. Other roles and responsibilities include Chair of the University of Sanctuary Ireland (UoSI) network. She was instrumental in establishing DCU as the first University of Sanctuary in Ireland in 2016, which entails creating a culture of welcome for asylum seekers and refugees, In 2017, she co-hosted the colloquium ‘Asylum Narratives’ and co-edited a special issue related to the theme for the journal Studies in Arts and Humanities, which was published in January 2019.

  • Dublin City University
    Assistant Professor

Dr Veronica Crosbie is an Assistant Professor in Migration and Intercultural Studies in SALIS, Dublin City University, Ireland. Other roles and responsibilities include Chair of the University of Sanctuary Ireland (UoSI) network. She was instrumental in establishing DCU as the first University of Sanctuary in Ireland in 2016, which entails creating a culture of welcome for asylum seekers and refugees, In 2017, she co-hosted the colloquium ‘Asylum Narratives’ and co-edited a special issue related to the theme for the journal Studies in Arts and Humanities, which was published in January 2019.

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Distinguished Professor of Sociology

Maurice Crul is a distinguished professor of Sociology at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. He is a specialist on school and labour market careers of children of immigrants and refugees in Europe and the United States. He has coordinated the TIES project which was the first European comparative study on the second generation in Europe. He has further coordinated two ERC Grant projects. The first looked at the upcoming elite among the second generation ( and the second, an ERC advanced grant project, BAM looks at the new minority in superdiverse cities: the people of native descent ( He has written extensively about issues of diversity and inclusion. Some of his books include: The New Face of World Cities (Russell Sage Foundation Publishers), Coming to Terms with Superdiversity. The Case of Rotterdam (Springer), Superdiversity. A New Vision on Integration (Free University Press).

  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
    Distinguished Professor of Sociology

Maurice Crul is a distinguished professor of Sociology at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. He is a specialist on school and labour market careers of children of immigrants and refugees in Europe and the United States. He has coordinated the TIES project which was the first European comparative study on the second generation in Europe. He has further coordinated two ERC Grant projects. The first looked at the upcoming elite among the second generation ( and the second, an ERC advanced grant project, BAM looks at the new minority in superdiverse cities: the people of native descent ( He has written extensively about issues of diversity and inclusion. Some of his books include: The New Face of World Cities (Russell Sage Foundation Publishers), Coming to Terms with Superdiversity. The Case of Rotterdam (Springer), Superdiversity. A New Vision on Integration (Free University Press).

Jagiellonian University
Assistant Professor, PhD

Karolina Czerska-Shaw holds a PhD in Sociology and is assistant professor at the Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Her research interests include migration and integration policies and practices at EU and national levels, local migration governance, as well as issues of belonging in transnational social spaces and international student mobility. She is a researcher in several international projects, including a Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action project entitled: EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy, where she studies the development and contestation of EU migration and asylum policies, particularly from the point of view of civil society actors. She is also a work package leader in the PeaceRep project in collaboration with the London School of Economics, focusing on the networks and activities of civil society organisations involved in the mobilisation of humanitarian aid in Poland and peace process in Ukraine. She collaborates with the Multiculturalism and Migration Observatory of the Krakow University of Economics, and is a member of the Jagiellonian Centre for Migration Studies. She is currently involved in building an integration strategy for the Lesser Poland district as well as the city of Krakow.

  • Jagiellonian University
    Assistant Professor, PhD

Karolina Czerska-Shaw holds a PhD in Sociology and is assistant professor at the Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Her research interests include migration and integration policies and practices at EU and national levels, local migration governance, as well as issues of belonging in transnational social spaces and international student mobility. She is a researcher in several international projects, including a Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action project entitled: EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy, where she studies the development and contestation of EU migration and asylum policies, particularly from the point of view of civil society actors. She is also a work package leader in the PeaceRep project in collaboration with the London School of Economics, focusing on the networks and activities of civil society organisations involved in the mobilisation of humanitarian aid in Poland and peace process in Ukraine. She collaborates with the Multiculturalism and Migration Observatory of the Krakow University of Economics, and is a member of the Jagiellonian Centre for Migration Studies. She is currently involved in building an integration strategy for the Lesser Poland district as well as the city of Krakow.

University of Neuchâtel
Professor and Director

Gianni D’Amato is Professor at the University of Neuchâtel, Director of the ‘NCCR – On the move’, and Head of the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (SFM). His main foci are addressing citizenship, mobility, populism, and the history of migration. Recent contributions in English include “Continuum, process, and dyad: three readings of the migration–mobility nexus”, Migration Studies, Volume 11, Issue 4, December 2023, Pages 631–649, (together with Marco Bitschnau), “Politicising immigration in times of crisis: empirical evidence from Switzerland”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2021.1936471 (together with Marco Bitschnau, Leslie Ader and Didier Ruedin), and “The Battle over Rights in Switzerland. Populist Arguments against International Law”, in: Pieter Bevelander and Ruth Wodak (Eds.), Europe at the Crossroads: Confronting Populist, Nationalist, and Global Challenges (259-280). Lund: Nordic Academic Press. (see:

  • University of Neuchâtel
    Professor and Director
  • Swiss Forum for Migration Studies
    Project Leader
  • University of Potsdam
    Research assistant

Gianni D’Amato is Professor at the University of Neuchâtel, Director of the ‘NCCR – On the move’, and Head of the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (SFM). His main foci are addressing citizenship, mobility, populism, and the history of migration. Recent contributions in English include “Continuum, process, and dyad: three readings of the migration–mobility nexus”, Migration Studies, Volume 11, Issue 4, December 2023, Pages 631–649, (together with Marco Bitschnau), “Politicising immigration in times of crisis: empirical evidence from Switzerland”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2021.1936471 (together with Marco Bitschnau, Leslie Ader and Didier Ruedin), and “The Battle over Rights in Switzerland. Populist Arguments against International Law”, in: Pieter Bevelander and Ruth Wodak (Eds.), Europe at the Crossroads: Confronting Populist, Nationalist, and Global Challenges (259-280). Lund: Nordic Academic Press. (see:

Ghent University
Post-doctoral researcher

Fanny D'hondt her PhD focused on how the experience of ethnic discrimination is related to the achievement and school wellbeing of pupils with a migration background in Flanders, Belgium. In this context, she realized a large-scale survey in secondary schools in Flanders. Since 2019, Fanny is coordinator of EdisTools. An research project focused on understanding and addressing ethnic discrimination in education, healthcare, the housing market and the labor market. Her current research is situated in the fields of ethnic relations, ethnic discrimination and sociology of education.

  • Ghent University
    Post-doctoral researcher

Fanny D'hondt her PhD focused on how the experience of ethnic discrimination is related to the achievement and school wellbeing of pupils with a migration background in Flanders, Belgium. In this context, she realized a large-scale survey in secondary schools in Flanders. Since 2019, Fanny is coordinator of EdisTools. An research project focused on understanding and addressing ethnic discrimination in education, healthcare, the housing market and the labor market. Her current research is situated in the fields of ethnic relations, ethnic discrimination and sociology of education.

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

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*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).