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Migration Dialogue for West Africa (MIDWA)

Knowledge Platform

The Migration Dialogue for West Africa or MIDWA was designed as a platform to encourage the Member States of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to discuss in a regional context such common migration issues and concerns for which immediate solutions may not be forthcoming we have national level. Its objective is to promote and ensure high quality cooperation among ECOWAS Member States, third countries and other international consultative forums on Free Movement and migration by

  • institutionalizing permanent national platforms and secretariats for cooperation on migration and mobility;
  • implementing projects in the area of ​​border management, migration data, labor migration, return and reintegration as well as people on the move;
  • awareness raising of migration issues in the Member States;
  • sharing experiences and challenges with other consultative processes on migration to foster solidarity, partnership and shared responsibility
  • participating in national, regional and international migration forums; and
  • maintaining a robust website on migration issues.
Date of Publication
Type of Resource
Target Audience
Geographic Scope
Sub Regions
Western Africa
Workstream Output
Regional Review Process
GCM Objectives
Cross Cutting Theme
International cooperation
International and Regional Cooperation

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).