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Experts Database

In partnership with IMISCOE’s Migration Research Hub, this database provides access to a range of migration experts from around the world. The academics and researchers registered with IMISCOE contribute their publications and expertise to further innovation in the field of migration studies, bringing knowledge on a range of topics related to the Global Compact for Migration. Links to their research are provided in their profiles. Search the database below by expertise and location to find an expert and review their latest work. Sign-in to contact an expert directly.

Disclaimer: Contact with the experts is facilitated via the Migration Research Hub and inclusion in this database does not signify endorsement by the United Nations Network on Migration or its members.

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Experts database

Search Results
Displaying 521 - 530 of 2384
University of Geneva

After having studied Sociology (University of Geneva, 2005-2008) and Social sciences (University of Lausanne, 2008-2010), I was hired by the University of Lausanne as a junior researcher on SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation) and SNIS (Swiss Network for International Studies) research projects (2009-2011). These projects focused on the role of the World Bank in the transfer of development policies in Brazil and the Philippines (SNSF), the feminization of the fight against poverty in Brazil and the Philippines (SNIS). I subsequently completed a doctoral thesis devoted to transnational migrations at the University of Geneva (2011-2016), which was based on 10 months of ethnographic fieldwork in the Philippines, unpicked the processes of sexualization and racialization of Filipina women as they go through recruitment, training and deployment as migrant domestic workers. From 2016 to 2019, I expanded my field of research into the nexus of Mobilities and Migrations through an SNSF-funded project. This innovative research focused on the processes of racialization and sexualization that take place in the European artistic field. In particular, I explored the ways in which the normative regime of transnational mobility shapes artistic careers. By studying the transnational field of the arts in so-called “(post)multicultural“ societies, I demonstrated how the construction of cultural, ethnic/racial and gendered differences has become an aesthetic norm which structures the biographical, professional and mobility trajectories of artists in the field of contemporary dance. Since 2020, I have kept contributing to the fields of Transnational Mobilities and Migrations studies, Gender studies and Critical race theory, Sociology of Public spaces, Sociology of Work and Sociology of Art.

  • University of Geneva

After having studied Sociology (University of Geneva, 2005-2008) and Social sciences (University of Lausanne, 2008-2010), I was hired by the University of Lausanne as a junior researcher on SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation) and SNIS (Swiss Network for International Studies) research projects (2009-2011). These projects focused on the role of the World Bank in the transfer of development policies in Brazil and the Philippines (SNSF), the feminization of the fight against poverty in Brazil and the Philippines (SNIS). I subsequently completed a doctoral thesis devoted to transnational migrations at the University of Geneva (2011-2016), which was based on 10 months of ethnographic fieldwork in the Philippines, unpicked the processes of sexualization and racialization of Filipina women as they go through recruitment, training and deployment as migrant domestic workers. From 2016 to 2019, I expanded my field of research into the nexus of Mobilities and Migrations through an SNSF-funded project. This innovative research focused on the processes of racialization and sexualization that take place in the European artistic field. In particular, I explored the ways in which the normative regime of transnational mobility shapes artistic careers. By studying the transnational field of the arts in so-called “(post)multicultural“ societies, I demonstrated how the construction of cultural, ethnic/racial and gendered differences has become an aesthetic norm which structures the biographical, professional and mobility trajectories of artists in the field of contemporary dance. Since 2020, I have kept contributing to the fields of Transnational Mobilities and Migrations studies, Gender studies and Critical race theory, Sociology of Public spaces, Sociology of Work and Sociology of Art.

Malmö University
Associate Professor

Daniela is Resident Academic at the University of Malta. Previously she was Associate Professor (Docent) in International Migration and Ethnic Relations at the Department of Global Political Studies, Malmö University. She held a Marie Curie COFAS Research Fellowship at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute and was a Research Fellow at the Malmö Institute for the Studies of Migration, Welfare and Diversity. She has conducted long-term ethnographic research on irregularised migration across the Mediterranean, border control and management in Malta, Lampedusa and Western Sicily. She also undertook an ethnographic study on deportation from Sweden. In relation to these projects, she has published on irregularised migration in the Mediterranean, hospitality and humanitarianism in the immigration field, on return and deportation from the EU, on citizenship and on children's rights.

Daniela is the country expert for Malta at the Global Citizenship Observatory, and has authored a series of reports on citizenship law and policy, naturalisation and access to electoral rights.

  • Malmö University
    Associate Professor
  • European University Institute
    Marie Curie COFAS Fellow
  • University of Malta
    Resident Academic

Daniela is Resident Academic at the University of Malta. Previously she was Associate Professor (Docent) in International Migration and Ethnic Relations at the Department of Global Political Studies, Malmö University. She held a Marie Curie COFAS Research Fellowship at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute and was a Research Fellow at the Malmö Institute for the Studies of Migration, Welfare and Diversity. She has conducted long-term ethnographic research on irregularised migration across the Mediterranean, border control and management in Malta, Lampedusa and Western Sicily. She also undertook an ethnographic study on deportation from Sweden. In relation to these projects, she has published on irregularised migration in the Mediterranean, hospitality and humanitarianism in the immigration field, on return and deportation from the EU, on citizenship and on children's rights.

Daniela is the country expert for Malta at the Global Citizenship Observatory, and has authored a series of reports on citizenship law and policy, naturalisation and access to electoral rights.

Lecturer / Senior Lecturer

PAOLA DEGANI University of Padova, Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies (SPGI) Via del Santo 2835100 Padova Tel +39 049 8274086
Human Rights Centre, Via Martiri della Libertà, 2 35137 Padova Tel +39 049 8271810 Fax +39 049 8271816……

Education : Degree in Political Science, Univ.of Padua (1988), PHD Post Graduate Institution and Techniques of Human Rights Implementation, Padua University (3 y. postgraduate course-1996).
Scientific areas of interest, researches and publications • Women's Rights and Equal opportunities • Women's Rights and International Politics; • International system of promotion and protection of women’s rights • Violence against women as violation of human rights • Gender Security • Gender dimension of the intercultural dialogue • Trafficking on human beings especially for the purpose of sexual exploitation • Policies on prostitution and trafficking related issues • Mixed flows: refugee as trafficked persons and trafficked persons as asylum claims or refugee •Children’s rights • New forms of traffiicking
Academic activities at University of Padua, Faculty of Political Sciences:
- Lecturer in Comparative Politics and in Political sociology - Research contract holder on International criminal law, human rights and the contribution of non-governmental actors - Contract Professor of Human Rights and Vulnerable Groups MA on Institution and Politics of the Human Rights and of the Peace - Professor on Gender Approach to the Internationalisation of Human Rights in the European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation - Assistant Professor of Human Rights and Vulnerable Groups and of Human Rights and Women Condition, Master’s Degree Course on Institutions and Policies of Human Rights and Peace - Since 2010, Assistant Professor of Public Policies and Human Rights at Degree Course in Political Science, International Relations, Human Rights, and at Degree on Institution and Politics of the Human Rights and of the Peace, - Since 2013, Assistant aggregate of Women’s Human rights in the Master’s degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance,
International Research, training activities and other roles:
- 2004 expert on trafficking in human beings in the Women East Smuggling Trafficking, EU Interreg III B CADSES Activity of Information, training, awareness raising for the public Urban Safety Operators, Administrators and Management staff- Police forces- Traffic police- Social workers. - 2006: Project coordinator of Daphne II Project: Human Rights and Trafficking in Women and Young People. An educational toolkit for teachers and students (to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk - 2007: Participation at the European Research Project on Intercultural Dialogue for the Development of a New (Plural, Democratic) Citizenship, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence of the University of Padua, with University of Lodz, European Institute, Poland – Panteion University, Athens and ECSA-Greece University of Malta, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence ECSA-Japan and ECSA-Mexico - 2007: Expert on trafficking in person in EU Agis Project on protection of victims of trafficking
- 2008/2009 /2010 Participation to the project Acting for stronger private-public partnerships in the field of identification and support of child victims and at risk of trafficking in Europe, AGIRE: Save the Children, Austria, Greece, Italy and Romania. - 2011: Human rights expert for the Council of Europe(Special Representative of the Secretary General for Roma) in training course for lawyers defending Roma, (report on The presence of Roma people in Italy) - 2013: Member of the Scientific and Technical Committee, Trainer and Scientific responsible of the final conference of the EU Project STOP FOR BEG, AgainST emerging fOrms of trafficking in Italy: exPloited immigrants in the international phenomenon of FORced BEGgging - 2014-2015: Scientific Coordinator of the EU Project TEMVI Trafficked and Exploited Minors between Vulnerability and Illegality Forced criminal activities as a new form of exploitation in human trafficking: knowledge and human rights based practices through pilot research and multi-agency training and prototype-procedures.
2016/2017, participation to the N.A.Ve Project, Network against traffickingVeneto, funding by the Equal Opportunities Department of the Presidency of Government, Municipality of Venezia - Servizio Protezione e Inclusione sociale, Unità Operativa Complessa Protezione umanitaria e sociale del Comune di Venezia, Regioni in partnership with: Veneto Region, Emilia Romagna Region, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region; the Municipalities of: Padova, Verona, Treviso, Vicenza, Rovigo, Belluno, Casier (TV); institutional subjects in the area involved: Comando Legione Carabinieri Veneto, Comando Provinciale Carabinieri of Venezia, Guardia di Finanza of Venezia, Commissione territoriale per ilriconoscimento della protezione internazionale of Verona, Direzione Interregionale del Lavoro of Venezia, Direzione Territoriale del Lavoro of Belluno, Direzione Territoriale del Lavoro of Padova, Direzione Territoriale del Lavoro of Rovigo, Direzione Territoriale del Lavoro of Treviso, Direzione Territoriale del Lavoro of Venezia, Direzione Territoriale del Lavoro of Verona; Istituto Penale per minorenni of Treviso, Prefettura of Venezia, Procura of Venezia; Questura of Belluno, Questura of Treviso, Questura of Venezia, Questura of Padova, Questura of Verona, Servizio Sociale per Minorenni USSM Veneto, Irecoop Veneto, Ente Bilaterale Turismo Venezia, Legacoop. Veneto, Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori, Ordine Assistenti Sociali Veneto, University of Padova, University ofVerona; union trades: CGIL Veneto, CGIL Venezia, CGIL Rovigo, CGIL Vicenza, CGIL Verona, CGIL Padova, UIL Veneto; other institutions of the health area: AULSS 16 SPISAL Padova, AULSS 13 Mirano (VE), AULSS 20 Verona, AULSS 21 Legnago (VR), AULSS 22 Bussolengo (VR); other subjects:: Cooperativa Sociale Dedalus (Napoli), Cooperativa Lotta contro l’Emarginazione (Milano), La strada Der Weg (Bolzano), Save the Children Italia; operative organizations involved: Equality Cooperativa sociale onlus, Comunita’ dei Giovani Cooperativa sociale onlus, Volonta’ di Sapere Cooperativa sociale onlus, Azalea Cooperativa sociale, Francescane con i Poveri onlus, Associazione Welcome onlus, Associazione La tenda onlus, Gruppo R società cooperativa sociale, Domus Nostra
2016/2018, participation to the Project: “Nessuno si senta escluso”, Clinic laboratory to implement the Istanbul Convention di Istanbul, Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies, University of Padua, in partnership with: Italian group of representatives to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Department of Law, University of Ferrara, Venice Foundation for the research on peace
2015-2017, research activity on issues related to male violence against women as member of the Expert group on data on gender violence of the Equal Opportunities Department of the Presidency of Government, as foreseen by the Piano d'azione straordinario contro la violenza sessuale e di genere 2015/2017. 2017 (2019), participation to the N.A.Ve Project, Network against trafficking Veneto, funding by the Equal Opportunities Department of the Presidency of Government, National anti-trafficking Plan, project coordinated by the Municipality of Venice, - Servizio Protezione e Inclusione sociale
2016/2018 University of Padua Research, Scientific Coordinator, Violence against women and human rights: the Italian public policies in the framework of international law with a particular focus on Istanbul Convention and the Italian Extraordinary Plan of Action Piano against sexual and genderbased violence 2015- 2017, code number: CPDR158035/15, Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies of the University of Padua; from 01-05-2016 to 30 april 2018
2017- 2018, Scientific coordinator of the Veneto Reional Project “L’otto per tutte” founded by Veneto Region in collaboration with the Municipality of Padua, Centro Veneto Progetti Donna – Anti Violence Centre of Padua, Municipality of Este, .Azioni Positive and Arising Africans associations and the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, the Minicipality of (TV), ITT E. Barsanti di Castelfranco Veneto (TV), Este (PD) and Conselv (PD), ENAIP Veneto Impresa Sociale, the Journalist Rank of Veneto, Belluno DONNA and Cooperativa Sociale ISIDE associations; from 1-01-2018 to 31-12-2018
2018-2020, Scientific coordinator of the national Project “Seconde a Nessuno”, Department of Equal Opportunity of the Presidency of the Council of Ministry, Call to found project to prevent and combat male violence gender based, Municipality of Padua, Centro Veneto Progetti Donna – Anti Violence Centre of Padua, Municipality of Este, Rel.Azioni Positive and Arising Africans associations and the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, from 7-01-2019 to June 2020.
2018 - 2019 – Scientific coordinator of the national Project “Genere, Donne Diritti Umani e Processi di Pace” and Director of the Training course for trainers to support the national implementation of the Third Italy Plan of Action on “Women, Peace and Security” (2016-2019) promoted by the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua and by the Centro Studi Difesa Civile, with the support of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
2019 – Scientific coordinator and Project manager of the CARIPARO Project Call
Visiting 2018: Migrant Women at the Margin: Addressing Vulnerabilities in Intersectionality between Violence and Exploitation / MWM, founded by Fondazione Cariparo, Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies and Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua and University of Wroclaw, Institute of International Studies, Polish; from1-01-2019 to 31-12-2019
2020 – Scientific coordinator of the research team of the University of Padova – Human Rights Centre and the Municipality of Venice, involved in writing the National Free Tool Anti -Trafficking Number Report for the Department of Equal Opportunity of the Presidency of the Council of Ministry
2020 – 2022, Participation to the EU Commission Project N.E.x.T. TO YOU, Network for the Empowerment, the social and labour inclusion of Trafficked children and young adults, Coordinated by Veneto Region, Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, Transnational actions on asylum, migration and integration, AMIF-2019-AG-CALL, Topic 5.

Other activites
2010, Member of the Technical Round table of the Inter-ministerial Commission to support victims of trafficking, violence and serious exploitation, Equal Opportunities Ministry (now Department of Equal Opportunities of Italian Presidency of Council of Ministers (DPO)

2013/2017, Member of the Equal Opportunity Commission of the University of Padua
2014/ 2016, Member of the Direction of the Anti-Violence Centre in Padua (Centro Veneto Progetti Donna)
2015/2017, Member of the Expert Group on data on Violence against women of the Department of Equal Opportunities of Italian Presidency of Council of Ministers (DPO)
2014 /2019, Member of the Veneto Region Commission on Violence against women based on Regional Law
2015 / 2019 Experts for W20 at the G20
2015/2019, Representative of the University of Padua Rector for Human Rights at the Veneto Region
2019, Italian National Expert for the Council of Europe of Grevio (Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence)
2016/2021, Member of ASGI Association of Legal Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration, Turin Italy
2017/ 2021, Member of AIS (Italian Association of Sociology) section Gender Studies
2017/2021, Member of the Standing Group Gender and Politics of SISP Italian Society of Political Science

Lecturer / Senior Lecturer
University of Padua
Padua, Italy

Society Memberships
Present Member
AIS Italian Association of Sociology - Section on Legal Sociology and Gender
Present Member ASGI Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration
Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration (ASGI) is a membership-based association focusing on all legal aspects of immigration. As a pool of lawyers, academics, consultants and civil society representatives, ASGI’s expertise relates to various areas of immigration and migrants’ rights, including but not limited to antidiscrimination and xenophobia, children’s and unaccompanied minors’ rights, asylum and refugee seekers, statelessness and citizenship.
SISP section Gender and Politicd
Italian Society of Political Science - Section on Gender and Politics
WAVE Women Against Violence Europe
WAVE is a legal entity since 2014 and a formal network NGO composed of European women’s NGOs working in the field of combating violence against women and children. The WAVE Network aims to promote and strengthen the human rights of women and children in general and to prevent violence against women and children in particular. It aims at establishing gender equality by eliminating all forms of violence against women. WAVE is the only European network focusing solely on the elimination of violence against women and children.
2015 - 2018
Member of Board
Centro Veneto Progetti Donna - Anti Violence Centre in Padova (Italy)

  • Public
    Lecturer / Senior Lecturer

PAOLA DEGANI University of Padova, Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies (SPGI) Via del Santo 2835100 Padova Tel +39 049 8274086
Human Rights Centre, Via Martiri della Libertà, 2 35137 Padova Tel +39 049 8271810 Fax +39 049 8271816……

Education : Degree in Political Science, Univ.of Padua (1988), PHD Post Graduate Institution and Techniques of Human Rights Implementation, Padua University (3 y. postgraduate course-1996).
Scientific areas of interest, researches and publications • Women's Rights and Equal opportunities • Women's Rights and International Politics; • International system of promotion and protection of women’s rights • Violence against women as violation of human rights • Gender Security • Gender dimension of the intercultural dialogue • Trafficking on human beings especially for the purpose of sexual exploitation • Policies on prostitution and trafficking related issues • Mixed flows: refugee as trafficked persons and trafficked persons as asylum claims or refugee •Children’s rights • New forms of traffiicking
Academic activities at University of Padua, Faculty of Political Sciences:
- Lecturer in Comparative Politics and in Political sociology - Research contract holder on International criminal law, human rights and the contribution of non-governmental actors - Contract Professor of Human Rights and Vulnerable Groups MA on Institution and Politics of the Human Rights and of the Peace - Professor on Gender Approach to the Internationalisation of Human Rights in the European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation - Assistant Professor of Human Rights and Vulnerable Groups and of Human Rights and Women Condition, Master’s Degree Course on Institutions and Policies of Human Rights and Peace - Since 2010, Assistant Professor of Public Policies and Human Rights at Degree Course in Political Science, International Relations, Human Rights, and at Degree on Institution and Politics of the Human Rights and of the Peace, - Since 2013, Assistant aggregate of Women’s Human rights in the Master’s degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance,
International Research, training activities and other roles:
- 2004 expert on trafficking in human beings in the Women East Smuggling Trafficking, EU Interreg III B CADSES Activity of Information, training, awareness raising for the public Urban Safety Operators, Administrators and Management staff- Police forces- Traffic police- Social workers. - 2006: Project coordinator of Daphne II Project: Human Rights and Trafficking in Women and Young People. An educational toolkit for teachers and students (to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk - 2007: Participation at the European Research Project on Intercultural Dialogue for the Development of a New (Plural, Democratic) Citizenship, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence of the University of Padua, with University of Lodz, European Institute, Poland – Panteion University, Athens and ECSA-Greece University of Malta, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence ECSA-Japan and ECSA-Mexico - 2007: Expert on trafficking in person in EU Agis Project on protection of victims of trafficking
- 2008/2009 /2010 Participation to the project Acting for stronger private-public partnerships in the field of identification and support of child victims and at risk of trafficking in Europe, AGIRE: Save the Children, Austria, Greece, Italy and Romania. - 2011: Human rights expert for the Council of Europe(Special Representative of the Secretary General for Roma) in training course for lawyers defending Roma, (report on The presence of Roma people in Italy) - 2013: Member of the Scientific and Technical Committee, Trainer and Scientific responsible of the final conference of the EU Project STOP FOR BEG, AgainST emerging fOrms of trafficking in Italy: exPloited immigrants in the international phenomenon of FORced BEGgging - 2014-2015: Scientific Coordinator of the EU Project TEMVI Trafficked and Exploited Minors between Vulnerability and Illegality Forced criminal activities as a new form of exploitation in human trafficking: knowledge and human rights based practices through pilot research and multi-agency training and prototype-procedures.
2016/2017, participation to the N.A.Ve Project, Network against traffickingVeneto, funding by the Equal Opportunities Department of the Presidency of Government, Municipality of Venezia - Servizio Protezione e Inclusione sociale, Unità Operativa Complessa Protezione umanitaria e sociale del Comune di Venezia, Regioni in partnership with: Veneto Region, Emilia Romagna Region, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region; the Municipalities of: Padova, Verona, Treviso, Vicenza, Rovigo, Belluno, Casier (TV); institutional subjects in the area involved: Comando Legione Carabinieri Veneto, Comando Provinciale Carabinieri of Venezia, Guardia di Finanza of Venezia, Commissione territoriale per ilriconoscimento della protezione internazionale of Verona, Direzione Interregionale del Lavoro of Venezia, Direzione Territoriale del Lavoro of Belluno, Direzione Territoriale del Lavoro of Padova, Direzione Territoriale del Lavoro of Rovigo, Direzione Territoriale del Lavoro of Treviso, Direzione Territoriale del Lavoro of Venezia, Direzione Territoriale del Lavoro of Verona; Istituto Penale per minorenni of Treviso, Prefettura of Venezia, Procura of Venezia; Questura of Belluno, Questura of Treviso, Questura of Venezia, Questura of Padova, Questura of Verona, Servizio Sociale per Minorenni USSM Veneto, Irecoop Veneto, Ente Bilaterale Turismo Venezia, Legacoop. Veneto, Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori, Ordine Assistenti Sociali Veneto, University of Padova, University ofVerona; union trades: CGIL Veneto, CGIL Venezia, CGIL Rovigo, CGIL Vicenza, CGIL Verona, CGIL Padova, UIL Veneto; other institutions of the health area: AULSS 16 SPISAL Padova, AULSS 13 Mirano (VE), AULSS 20 Verona, AULSS 21 Legnago (VR), AULSS 22 Bussolengo (VR); other subjects:: Cooperativa Sociale Dedalus (Napoli), Cooperativa Lotta contro l’Emarginazione (Milano), La strada Der Weg (Bolzano), Save the Children Italia; operative organizations involved: Equality Cooperativa sociale onlus, Comunita’ dei Giovani Cooperativa sociale onlus, Volonta’ di Sapere Cooperativa sociale onlus, Azalea Cooperativa sociale, Francescane con i Poveri onlus, Associazione Welcome onlus, Associazione La tenda onlus, Gruppo R società cooperativa sociale, Domus Nostra
2016/2018, participation to the Project: “Nessuno si senta escluso”, Clinic laboratory to implement the Istanbul Convention di Istanbul, Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies, University of Padua, in partnership with: Italian group of representatives to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Department of Law, University of Ferrara, Venice Foundation for the research on peace
2015-2017, research activity on issues related to male violence against women as member of the Expert group on data on gender violence of the Equal Opportunities Department of the Presidency of Government, as foreseen by the Piano d'azione straordinario contro la violenza sessuale e di genere 2015/2017. 2017 (2019), participation to the N.A.Ve Project, Network against trafficking Veneto, funding by the Equal Opportunities Department of the Presidency of Government, National anti-trafficking Plan, project coordinated by the Municipality of Venice, - Servizio Protezione e Inclusione sociale
2016/2018 University of Padua Research, Scientific Coordinator, Violence against women and human rights: the Italian public policies in the framework of international law with a particular focus on Istanbul Convention and the Italian Extraordinary Plan of Action Piano against sexual and genderbased violence 2015- 2017, code number: CPDR158035/15, Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies of the University of Padua; from 01-05-2016 to 30 april 2018
2017- 2018, Scientific coordinator of the Veneto Reional Project “L’otto per tutte” founded by Veneto Region in collaboration with the Municipality of Padua, Centro Veneto Progetti Donna – Anti Violence Centre of Padua, Municipality of Este, .Azioni Positive and Arising Africans associations and the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, the Minicipality of (TV), ITT E. Barsanti di Castelfranco Veneto (TV), Este (PD) and Conselv (PD), ENAIP Veneto Impresa Sociale, the Journalist Rank of Veneto, Belluno DONNA and Cooperativa Sociale ISIDE associations; from 1-01-2018 to 31-12-2018
2018-2020, Scientific coordinator of the national Project “Seconde a Nessuno”, Department of Equal Opportunity of the Presidency of the Council of Ministry, Call to found project to prevent and combat male violence gender based, Municipality of Padua, Centro Veneto Progetti Donna – Anti Violence Centre of Padua, Municipality of Este, Rel.Azioni Positive and Arising Africans associations and the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, from 7-01-2019 to June 2020.
2018 - 2019 – Scientific coordinator of the national Project “Genere, Donne Diritti Umani e Processi di Pace” and Director of the Training course for trainers to support the national implementation of the Third Italy Plan of Action on “Women, Peace and Security” (2016-2019) promoted by the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua and by the Centro Studi Difesa Civile, with the support of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
2019 – Scientific coordinator and Project manager of the CARIPARO Project Call
Visiting 2018: Migrant Women at the Margin: Addressing Vulnerabilities in Intersectionality between Violence and Exploitation / MWM, founded by Fondazione Cariparo, Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies and Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua and University of Wroclaw, Institute of International Studies, Polish; from1-01-2019 to 31-12-2019
2020 – Scientific coordinator of the research team of the University of Padova – Human Rights Centre and the Municipality of Venice, involved in writing the National Free Tool Anti -Trafficking Number Report for the Department of Equal Opportunity of the Presidency of the Council of Ministry
2020 – 2022, Participation to the EU Commission Project N.E.x.T. TO YOU, Network for the Empowerment, the social and labour inclusion of Trafficked children and young adults, Coordinated by Veneto Region, Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, Transnational actions on asylum, migration and integration, AMIF-2019-AG-CALL, Topic 5.

Other activites
2010, Member of the Technical Round table of the Inter-ministerial Commission to support victims of trafficking, violence and serious exploitation, Equal Opportunities Ministry (now Department of Equal Opportunities of Italian Presidency of Council of Ministers (DPO)

2013/2017, Member of the Equal Opportunity Commission of the University of Padua
2014/ 2016, Member of the Direction of the Anti-Violence Centre in Padua (Centro Veneto Progetti Donna)
2015/2017, Member of the Expert Group on data on Violence against women of the Department of Equal Opportunities of Italian Presidency of Council of Ministers (DPO)
2014 /2019, Member of the Veneto Region Commission on Violence against women based on Regional Law
2015 / 2019 Experts for W20 at the G20
2015/2019, Representative of the University of Padua Rector for Human Rights at the Veneto Region
2019, Italian National Expert for the Council of Europe of Grevio (Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence)
2016/2021, Member of ASGI Association of Legal Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration, Turin Italy
2017/ 2021, Member of AIS (Italian Association of Sociology) section Gender Studies
2017/2021, Member of the Standing Group Gender and Politics of SISP Italian Society of Political Science

Lecturer / Senior Lecturer
University of Padua
Padua, Italy

Society Memberships
Present Member
AIS Italian Association of Sociology - Section on Legal Sociology and Gender
Present Member ASGI Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration
Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration (ASGI) is a membership-based association focusing on all legal aspects of immigration. As a pool of lawyers, academics, consultants and civil society representatives, ASGI’s expertise relates to various areas of immigration and migrants’ rights, including but not limited to antidiscrimination and xenophobia, children’s and unaccompanied minors’ rights, asylum and refugee seekers, statelessness and citizenship.
SISP section Gender and Politicd
Italian Society of Political Science - Section on Gender and Politics
WAVE Women Against Violence Europe
WAVE is a legal entity since 2014 and a formal network NGO composed of European women’s NGOs working in the field of combating violence against women and children. The WAVE Network aims to promote and strengthen the human rights of women and children in general and to prevent violence against women and children in particular. It aims at establishing gender equality by eliminating all forms of violence against women. WAVE is the only European network focusing solely on the elimination of violence against women and children.
2015 - 2018
Member of Board
Centro Veneto Progetti Donna - Anti Violence Centre in Padova (Italy)

National Research Council - Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (CNR-Irpps)

BA in Literature, MA in Anthropology of Development and Social Transformation (Sussex University) and a PhD in the Anthropology and Epistemology of Complexity (University of Bergamo). I am currently a researcher at CNR-IRPPS. I lectured in Cultural Anthropology and the Anthropology of Migration at the University of Bologna and taught as guest lecturer at the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance. Before joining the CNR, I were a visiting researcher at the UNU-CRIS in Belgium. I also served as a project officer for humanitarian associations, national institutions and international organizations, including the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and ICMPD in Austria. More recently I worked as vice-coordinator of a reception centre for asylum seekers in Bolzano (2015-2016).
I carries out ethnographic fieldwork and desk research, mainly in Italy and Senegal, largely in the following areas: transnationalism and migration (identity and globalization, imaginary/imagination, diversity, multiculturalism); the nexus between migration and development (co-development, migrant associationism, cultural tourism); migration, asylum and integration policies in host countries (social policy, representation and public sphere, cultures of migration), mobility and processes of regional integration (e.g. EU, ECOWAS, SADC). I am author and co-author of several publications in edited volumes and peer-reviewed journals (e.g. Regions & Cohesion; Urban Anthropology, Cahiers d’Études Africaines, Ethnography and Qualitative Research, Mondi Migranti, La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, La Ricerca Folklorica, Ethnorema).

  • National Research Council - Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (CNR-Irpps)

BA in Literature, MA in Anthropology of Development and Social Transformation (Sussex University) and a PhD in the Anthropology and Epistemology of Complexity (University of Bergamo). I am currently a researcher at CNR-IRPPS. I lectured in Cultural Anthropology and the Anthropology of Migration at the University of Bologna and taught as guest lecturer at the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance. Before joining the CNR, I were a visiting researcher at the UNU-CRIS in Belgium. I also served as a project officer for humanitarian associations, national institutions and international organizations, including the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and ICMPD in Austria. More recently I worked as vice-coordinator of a reception centre for asylum seekers in Bolzano (2015-2016).
I carries out ethnographic fieldwork and desk research, mainly in Italy and Senegal, largely in the following areas: transnationalism and migration (identity and globalization, imaginary/imagination, diversity, multiculturalism); the nexus between migration and development (co-development, migrant associationism, cultural tourism); migration, asylum and integration policies in host countries (social policy, representation and public sphere, cultures of migration), mobility and processes of regional integration (e.g. EU, ECOWAS, SADC). I am author and co-author of several publications in edited volumes and peer-reviewed journals (e.g. Regions & Cohesion; Urban Anthropology, Cahiers d’Études Africaines, Ethnography and Qualitative Research, Mondi Migranti, La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, La Ricerca Folklorica, Ethnorema).

Max Planck Institute For Demographic Research
Research Scientist

I am a quantitative researcher with a Ph.D. in statistics, with a highly multidisciplinary research perspective (biostatistics, epidemiology, demography, health economics) and interest in computational methods and data. My expertise is mainly in statistical modeling of infectious disease data and international migration data.

  • Max Planck Institute For Demographic Research
    Research Scientist

I am a quantitative researcher with a Ph.D. in statistics, with a highly multidisciplinary research perspective (biostatistics, epidemiology, demography, health economics) and interest in computational methods and data. My expertise is mainly in statistical modeling of infectious disease data and international migration data.

Kobenhavns Universitet Sociologisk Institut
Guest Postdoc Researcher

Postdoc Guest Researcher at the University of Copenhagen with a fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation. Working on: internationalisation of education, valuation of international credentials, cosmopolitan capital, transnational social mobility, luxury hospitality industry and the role of Switzerland in the circulation of privileged groups.

  • Kobenhavns Universitet Sociologisk Institut
    Guest Postdoc Researcher
  • University of Neuchâtel
    Assitante doctorante

Postdoc Guest Researcher at the University of Copenhagen with a fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation. Working on: internationalisation of education, valuation of international credentials, cosmopolitan capital, transnational social mobility, luxury hospitality industry and the role of Switzerland in the circulation of privileged groups.

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

Apply Now

Contact us

We welcome your feedback and suggestions, please contact us

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).