Strengthening RCP Contributions to and Cooperation on Objective 23 of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
This side-event will look at the role of Regional Consultative Processes in relation to the Global Compact, including the role that they have played to date in providing a platform for dialogue on the GCM, the challenges and opportunities of aligning their thematic programmes with the GCM’s objectives, and potential mechanisms for coordination among themselves at an inter-regional level. The side-event will hear from six speakers from three different RCPs, representing a broad geographic spread, alongside inputs from civil society and international organisations that play a key role in supporting regional action. The aim of the side-event is to learn lessons from the first four years of GCM implementation, and understand the extent to which RCPs can strengthen their response in advance of the next IRMF.
To register for (and join during) the side-event, please use the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86909825387