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Experts Database

In partnership with IMISCOE’s Migration Research Hub, this database provides access to a range of migration experts from around the world. The academics and researchers registered with IMISCOE contribute their publications and expertise to further innovation in the field of migration studies, bringing knowledge on a range of topics related to the Global Compact for Migration. Links to their research are provided in their profiles. Search the database below by expertise and location to find an expert and review their latest work. Sign-in to contact an expert directly.

Disclaimer: Contact with the experts is facilitated via the Migration Research Hub and inclusion in this database does not signify endorsement by the United Nations Network on Migration or its members.

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Peer review roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more about the review criteria here

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Experts database

Search Results
Displaying 411 - 420 of 492

My research and expertise concern political representation of migrants, citizenship and belongings, forced migrations, work exploitation and access to decent housing for migrants.
I have obtained a PhD in Political Sociology at the University of Padua, Italy. The focus of my research project was the political integration of migrants and refugees in Italy and the United Kingdom. During my PhD I held also a residential visiting positions at the Centre for Citizenship, Identities and Governance, Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom (2014-2015).
Here you can find my publications


My research and expertise concern political representation of migrants, citizenship and belongings, forced migrations, work exploitation and access to decent housing for migrants.
I have obtained a PhD in Political Sociology at the University of Padua, Italy. The focus of my research project was the political integration of migrants and refugees in Italy and the United Kingdom. During my PhD I held also a residential visiting positions at the Centre for Citizenship, Identities and Governance, Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom (2014-2015).
Here you can find my publications

University of Birmingham

Professor Nando Sigona is Chair of International Migration and Forced Displacement at the University of Birmingham, UK. Nando is a founding editor of the peer reviewed journal Migration Studies (Oxford University Press), and lead editor for Global Migration and Social Change book series at Bristol University Press. He is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. His research interests include: the migration and citizenship nexus; undocumented migration; naturalisation, denaturalisation and statelessness; Romani politics and anti-Gypsyism; asylum and EU; Brexit and intra-European migration; and child and youth migration.
His work has appeared in a range of international academic journals, including Sociology, Social Anthropology, Antipode, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Identities, Citizenship Studies and Ethnic and Racial Studies. He is author or editor of books and journal’s special issues including Undocumented Migration (with Gonzales, Franco and Papoutsi, 2019); Unravelling Europe’s ‘migration crisis’ (with Crawley, Duvell, Jones, and McMahon, 2017), Within and beyond citizenship (with Gonzales, 2017), The Oxford Handbook on Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (with Fiddian Qasmiyeh, Loescher and Long, 2014), and Sans Papiers. The social and economic lives of undocumented migrants (with Bloch and Zetter, 2014).

  • University of Birmingham

Professor Nando Sigona is Chair of International Migration and Forced Displacement at the University of Birmingham, UK. Nando is a founding editor of the peer reviewed journal Migration Studies (Oxford University Press), and lead editor for Global Migration and Social Change book series at Bristol University Press. He is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. His research interests include: the migration and citizenship nexus; undocumented migration; naturalisation, denaturalisation and statelessness; Romani politics and anti-Gypsyism; asylum and EU; Brexit and intra-European migration; and child and youth migration.
His work has appeared in a range of international academic journals, including Sociology, Social Anthropology, Antipode, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Identities, Citizenship Studies and Ethnic and Racial Studies. He is author or editor of books and journal’s special issues including Undocumented Migration (with Gonzales, Franco and Papoutsi, 2019); Unravelling Europe’s ‘migration crisis’ (with Crawley, Duvell, Jones, and McMahon, 2017), Within and beyond citizenship (with Gonzales, 2017), The Oxford Handbook on Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (with Fiddian Qasmiyeh, Loescher and Long, 2014), and Sans Papiers. The social and economic lives of undocumented migrants (with Bloch and Zetter, 2014).

Business and Technologies University
Associate Professor

Dr. Salome holds a PhD in Economics (summa cum laude) from Tbilisi State University (TSU) in Economics, a Master's Degree (MA) from TSU as well and has a BA from the American University of Paris (AUP). She is an Associate Professor at the Business & Technologies University (BTU). Moreover, Salome serves as a visiting professor at several other Georgian universities.
She studies intellectual migration and has published 10+ scholarly articles in Georgia and abroad. Salome also was a beneficiary of Erasmus + in 2022, when she took part in Staff Mobility exchange.

  • Business and Technologies University
    Associate Professor

Dr. Salome holds a PhD in Economics (summa cum laude) from Tbilisi State University (TSU) in Economics, a Master's Degree (MA) from TSU as well and has a BA from the American University of Paris (AUP). She is an Associate Professor at the Business & Technologies University (BTU). Moreover, Salome serves as a visiting professor at several other Georgian universities.
She studies intellectual migration and has published 10+ scholarly articles in Georgia and abroad. Salome also was a beneficiary of Erasmus + in 2022, when she took part in Staff Mobility exchange.

Timisoara Centre of Migration and Mobility Studies (SISEC)
Research Fellow

Dr Simina is currently coordinating the work of Timisoara Centre for Migration and Mobility Studies (SISEC) located in Timisoara, Romania, the research centre which continued the migration related activity of the former Jean Monnet European Center of Excellence - part of the School of High Comparative European Studies (SISEC), West University of Timisoara (1995-2008).
Dr Simina is head of training at Civilian Deployable Capability (CDC Romania), an initiative aimed to support the Romanian authorities involved in the civilian capability development through training and creation of a pool of experts ready to be deployed to missions and operations under the EU, OSCE and UN auspices, in line with the Romanian foreign policy interest.
Previous experiences as immigration and border police officer at borders with Serbia and Hungary, legal adviser with Legal Department of MAI, personal adviser to state secretary for liaison with Parliament and European affairs, home affairs attaché at the Romanian Embassy to Japan and migration liaison officer in the framework of Regulation (EC) No.337/2004., and senior strategic planner with the General Directorate for Operational Management of the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs. His most recent professional experience has been the position of training manager (seconded national expert) at the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), Brussels.
Mr. Simina is Law graduate (Law Faculty of the Romanian Police Academy, Bucharest), holds an MA (High European Studies) from SISEC - West University of Timisoara and a PhD in Economics from the same University. Graduated the Romanian National College for Home Affairs (Strategic Management of Home Affairs) and attended the 7th CSDP High Level Course Konrad Adenauer 2011-20122 of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC).

  • Timisoara Centre of Migration and Mobility Studies (SISEC)
    Research Fellow
  • Civilian Deployable Capability (CDC Romania)
    Head of training

Dr Simina is currently coordinating the work of Timisoara Centre for Migration and Mobility Studies (SISEC) located in Timisoara, Romania, the research centre which continued the migration related activity of the former Jean Monnet European Center of Excellence - part of the School of High Comparative European Studies (SISEC), West University of Timisoara (1995-2008).
Dr Simina is head of training at Civilian Deployable Capability (CDC Romania), an initiative aimed to support the Romanian authorities involved in the civilian capability development through training and creation of a pool of experts ready to be deployed to missions and operations under the EU, OSCE and UN auspices, in line with the Romanian foreign policy interest.
Previous experiences as immigration and border police officer at borders with Serbia and Hungary, legal adviser with Legal Department of MAI, personal adviser to state secretary for liaison with Parliament and European affairs, home affairs attaché at the Romanian Embassy to Japan and migration liaison officer in the framework of Regulation (EC) No.337/2004., and senior strategic planner with the General Directorate for Operational Management of the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs. His most recent professional experience has been the position of training manager (seconded national expert) at the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), Brussels.
Mr. Simina is Law graduate (Law Faculty of the Romanian Police Academy, Bucharest), holds an MA (High European Studies) from SISEC - West University of Timisoara and a PhD in Economics from the same University. Graduated the Romanian National College for Home Affairs (Strategic Management of Home Affairs) and attended the 7th CSDP High Level Course Konrad Adenauer 2011-20122 of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC).

Independent Consultant
Development Economist|Migration Governance expert

Paddy is a Zambian national with over 16 years of professional experience as a Development Economist and Migration governance expert. Her work covers regional integration and governance. Her experience includes supporting NGOs, governments, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) as well as UN agencies in programme formulation, implementation, undertaking research as well as monitoring and evaluation. She has worked with the European Commission, UN agencies (UNICEF, IOM, UNESCO), bilateral donors as well as consultancy firms as programme manager, coordinator and consultant. She holds a Master in Financial Economics from SOAS and BSC Development & Economics from LSE. She is fluent in English, French and Swahili. She has lived and worked in Zambia, Tanzania, China, Malaysia, and with missions to Ethiopia, Senegal, The Gambia, Kenya, South Africa among others. She is an advisory member of the Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism (GRFDT) .

  • Independent Consultant
    Development Economist|Migration Governance expert

Paddy is a Zambian national with over 16 years of professional experience as a Development Economist and Migration governance expert. Her work covers regional integration and governance. Her experience includes supporting NGOs, governments, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) as well as UN agencies in programme formulation, implementation, undertaking research as well as monitoring and evaluation. She has worked with the European Commission, UN agencies (UNICEF, IOM, UNESCO), bilateral donors as well as consultancy firms as programme manager, coordinator and consultant. She holds a Master in Financial Economics from SOAS and BSC Development & Economics from LSE. She is fluent in English, French and Swahili. She has lived and worked in Zambia, Tanzania, China, Malaysia, and with missions to Ethiopia, Senegal, The Gambia, Kenya, South Africa among others. She is an advisory member of the Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism (GRFDT) .

Radboud University Nijmegen
Associate Professor

I am scholar of migration, transnational and translocal processes as linked to livelihoods, aspirations and identities. This research extends to climate change, rural-urban connectivities, societal engagement with new technologies, the role of diasporas and reconsiderations of the contested notion of development.

  • Radboud University Nijmegen
    Associate Professor

I am scholar of migration, transnational and translocal processes as linked to livelihoods, aspirations and identities. This research extends to climate change, rural-urban connectivities, societal engagement with new technologies, the role of diasporas and reconsiderations of the contested notion of development.

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

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*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).