- Maastricht UniversityResearcherMaastricht
- University Of The WitwatersrandProfesssor of PsychologyJohannesburg
- University Of The WitwatersrandAssistant Dean of ResearchJohannesburg
Ana Margheritis is Research Professor at CONICET/UTDT (National Council for Scientific and Technological Research/Universidad Torcuato Di Tella) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and co-Coordinator of the MIGCITPOL Standing Committee within IMISCOE. She previously worked and hold visitingpositions at highly ranked universities in the USA, Europe, and the UK. She is the author of four sole-authored books, including Migration Governance across Regions (Routledge 2016); editor of two other volumes (including Shaping Migration between Europe and Latin America (SAS Publications, 2018), and co-author of a seventh. Her peer-reviewed articles on transnational migration, international political economy and foreign policy appeared in a wide range of journals. She
has been consultant for EUDO at the European University Institute and private firms in higher education, as well as the UNDP and national research agencies in the USA, UK, The Netherlands, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Canada.
- CONICET/UTDTprofessor, researcherBuenos Aires
Ana Margheritis is Research Professor at CONICET/UTDT (National Council for Scientific and Technological Research/Universidad Torcuato Di Tella) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and co-Coordinator of the MIGCITPOL Standing Committee within IMISCOE. She previously worked and hold visitingpositions at highly ranked universities in the USA, Europe, and the UK. She is the author of four sole-authored books, including Migration Governance across Regions (Routledge 2016); editor of two other volumes (including Shaping Migration between Europe and Latin America (SAS Publications, 2018), and co-author of a seventh. Her peer-reviewed articles on transnational migration, international political economy and foreign policy appeared in a wide range of journals. She
has been consultant for EUDO at the European University Institute and private firms in higher education, as well as the UNDP and national research agencies in the USA, UK, The Netherlands, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Canada.
A media and migration scholar/digital anthropologist with expertise in the material and affective practices of connectivity among European and forced migrants. I am particularly interested in observing the role that media technologies play in shaping transnational identities and communities, but also how they contribute to the circulation of solidarity and support across and despite of borders.
- London College of CommunicationSenior LecturerLondon
- ECREA Diaspora, Migration and the MediaChairBrussels
- Digital Cultures and Economies Research HubCo-founderLondon
A media and migration scholar/digital anthropologist with expertise in the material and affective practices of connectivity among European and forced migrants. I am particularly interested in observing the role that media technologies play in shaping transnational identities and communities, but also how they contribute to the circulation of solidarity and support across and despite of borders.
Ivaylo Markov holds a doctoral degree in Ethnology from the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethographic Museum – BAS in Sofia (since 2011, PhD thesis “Contemporary Labour Migrations of Albanians from Macedonia”). Currently he is an Assistant Professor at the same institute, where he directs the regular research seminar “Mobility. Migrations. Culture”. He also is a part-time lecturer at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski, where he reads the lecture course "Anthropology of Migrations" within the master’s curriculum of "Interpretative Anthropology".
His research interests are directed toward migration processes in the region of Southeastern Europe. The research projects he has been participating in have allowed him to work with different ethnic, cultural and social groups (some of them dispersed through the state borders) in several SEE countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia). His fieldwork and publications cover the following research topics: historical patterns of human mobility and their reflections on the contemporary migratory dynamics; role of financial and social remittances in socio-cultural transformation’s processes; transnationalism and coping with the live in-between; transnational family-kin relationships, inter-personal conflicts and decision-making issues of migration; memory and heritage in migration, etc.
- Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Bulgarian Academy of SciencesAssistant ProfessorSofia
- Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski"Part-time lecturerSofia
Ivaylo Markov holds a doctoral degree in Ethnology from the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethographic Museum – BAS in Sofia (since 2011, PhD thesis “Contemporary Labour Migrations of Albanians from Macedonia”). Currently he is an Assistant Professor at the same institute, where he directs the regular research seminar “Mobility. Migrations. Culture”. He also is a part-time lecturer at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski, where he reads the lecture course "Anthropology of Migrations" within the master’s curriculum of "Interpretative Anthropology".
His research interests are directed toward migration processes in the region of Southeastern Europe. The research projects he has been participating in have allowed him to work with different ethnic, cultural and social groups (some of them dispersed through the state borders) in several SEE countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia). His fieldwork and publications cover the following research topics: historical patterns of human mobility and their reflections on the contemporary migratory dynamics; role of financial and social remittances in socio-cultural transformation’s processes; transnationalism and coping with the live in-between; transnational family-kin relationships, inter-personal conflicts and decision-making issues of migration; memory and heritage in migration, etc.
- University of WarsawAsisstant ProfessorWarsaw
- Interdisciplianry Center for Social SciencesResearcherLisbon
- Polytechnic InstituteFull ProfessorLeiria
I have been doing research on various aspects of migration in Finland. Most of my presonal research has dealt with religious associations, including their organisation processes and activities, as well their engagement with public authorities. In addition, I have collarorated in a number projects that have dealt with migrant integration, transnationalism, generations, governance, labour market questions and other ethnic minority issues. I am also interested in demographic data and population projections, in particular how can we estimate future levels of religous and ethnic diversity in western societies in order to evaluate the importance of current developments for future.
- University of Helsinki, Swedish School of Social ScienceRectorHelsinki
I have been doing research on various aspects of migration in Finland. Most of my presonal research has dealt with religious associations, including their organisation processes and activities, as well their engagement with public authorities. In addition, I have collarorated in a number projects that have dealt with migrant integration, transnationalism, generations, governance, labour market questions and other ethnic minority issues. I am also interested in demographic data and population projections, in particular how can we estimate future levels of religous and ethnic diversity in western societies in order to evaluate the importance of current developments for future.
Andra-Lucia Martinescu is a Research Fellow with the Foreign Policy Centre (a London think tank) and Co-founder of The Diaspora Initiative, a non-profit research initiative based in Luxembourg, focusing on migration and diasporas. After completing her MPhil in International Relations at the University of Cambridge, Andra continued with a part-time doctorate on the geopolitics of the Black Sea region (which she has yet to submit). She previously worked in various research capacities for the British Army (Centre for Historical Analysis and Conflict Research, Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst) and think tanks such as RUSI (Royal United Services Institute for Security and Defence, London) and RAND Europe (Cambridge). Andra is also a diaspora expert affiliated with EUDiF (European Union Global Diaspora Facility, Brussels). Her expertise and research interests include operations and conflict analysis, the geopolitics of the ex-Soviet space, regional histories, transnationalism and civil society, migration, and diasporas, to name a few. Andra's body of work is interdisciplinary and blends advanced quantitative and qualitative methodologies (i.e. Social Network Analysis, satellite imagery and spatial analysis).
- The Diaspora InitiativeCo-founderLuxembourg
- The Foreign Policy CentreResearch FellowLondon
Andra-Lucia Martinescu is a Research Fellow with the Foreign Policy Centre (a London think tank) and Co-founder of The Diaspora Initiative, a non-profit research initiative based in Luxembourg, focusing on migration and diasporas. After completing her MPhil in International Relations at the University of Cambridge, Andra continued with a part-time doctorate on the geopolitics of the Black Sea region (which she has yet to submit). She previously worked in various research capacities for the British Army (Centre for Historical Analysis and Conflict Research, Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst) and think tanks such as RUSI (Royal United Services Institute for Security and Defence, London) and RAND Europe (Cambridge). Andra is also a diaspora expert affiliated with EUDiF (European Union Global Diaspora Facility, Brussels). Her expertise and research interests include operations and conflict analysis, the geopolitics of the ex-Soviet space, regional histories, transnationalism and civil society, migration, and diasporas, to name a few. Andra's body of work is interdisciplinary and blends advanced quantitative and qualitative methodologies (i.e. Social Network Analysis, satellite imagery and spatial analysis).
I am an expert in childhood and South-South migration who combines an academic and non-profit career: I have worked for more than 10 years with various NGOs, and I was awarded a PhD in Sociology in September 2021, exploring the experiences and identity construction of young West African children living with their families in Morocco.
- University of InnsbruckExternal lecturerInnsbruck
- UNODCConsultantVienna
I am an expert in childhood and South-South migration who combines an academic and non-profit career: I have worked for more than 10 years with various NGOs, and I was awarded a PhD in Sociology in September 2021, exploring the experiences and identity construction of young West African children living with their families in Morocco.
About the Migration Network Hub
What is the Migration Network Hub?
The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.
The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).
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The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.
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Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.
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*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).