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Pledging initiative – Submission form: Submission #2333

Submission information

Submission Number: 2333
Submission ID: 9106
Submission UUID: dc643965-3d55-4edf-a722-6dfb9ac6ec91
Submission URI: /submit-pledges

Created: Thu, 10/27/2022 - 10:40
Completed: Thu, 10/27/2022 - 10:40
Changed: Thu, 10/27/2022 - 10:40

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Section I
Name of entity submitting the pledge: International organisation
Pledging entity: International Organizations
Is the country of the pledging entity a GCM Champion country?: {Empty}
Full name: Puneet Gill
Position: Member
Country of implementation: India (139)
Other country of implementation: Global (23641)
Region of implementation: {Empty}
Email Address:
Secondary contact person: {Empty}
Secondary email: {Empty}

Section II
Name of the pledge: Individual
Type of pledge (please select): Individual (by one state/actor)
Is this a mirror pledge (pledge is also relevant to the Global Compact on Refugees) ?: {Empty}

Section III
Nature of the pledge: Process oriented (e.g. convening fully consultative processes in preparing national reports for  the IMRF)

Section IV
Please select the main three GCM objectives the pledge is/are meant to support: 2. Minimize the adverse drivers and  structural factors that compel people to  leave their country of origin; 5. Enhance availability and flexibility of  pathways for regular migration; 6. Facilitate fair and ethical recruitment and safeguard conditions that ensure decent work; 8. Save lives and establish coordinated  international efforts on missing migrants; 9. Strengthen the transnational response to  smuggling of migrants; 10. Prevent, combat and eradicate  trafficking in persons in the context of  international migration

Section V
Please indicate which GCM Guiding Principle is/are particularly relevant for the pledge:
International cooperation (739); Rule of law and due process (741); Human rights (259); Whole-of-government approach (737)

Section VI
Please provide a description of the pledge:
Respected Sir i would like to inform you that  christian community is not safe in india  state punjab. One person name amritpal singh is threathed  christians  targeting  pastor's and avengelist. He  speech is so agressive so violent Against Bible .he told their own community to stop the  preacher  and banned  pastors and Avengelist at village and town. He promoting  kalistan terroism in punjab . Indian govt didnt  listen christian its humble request do something and direct involve in matter. Chrstian communities didnt feel secure.  Its humble request to safe christian peoples in india.  

Section VII
Please indicate the tentative deadline within which this pledge is expected to be realised: 27 Oct 2022

Upload project document: {Empty}

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).