I graduated from the Immigration and Settlement Studies Master Program at Ryerson University. I hold a PhD in Social and Political Sciences by Iberoamericana University, Mexico. I am currently a full-time professor at the International Studies Department at Iberoamericana and teach in the Master in Migration Studies. I am also member of the Mexican National Research System and a founding partner of Laboratorio de Inivestigación Social Justicia en Movimiento, a Mexican NGO. My research interests focus on protection of nationals abroad, Diaspora-State relations, borders and migrant integration.
- Universidad IberoamericanaProfessorLomas de Santa Fe
I graduated from the Immigration and Settlement Studies Master Program at Ryerson University. I hold a PhD in Social and Political Sciences by Iberoamericana University, Mexico. I am currently a full-time professor at the International Studies Department at Iberoamericana and teach in the Master in Migration Studies. I am also member of the Mexican National Research System and a founding partner of Laboratorio de Inivestigación Social Justicia en Movimiento, a Mexican NGO. My research interests focus on protection of nationals abroad, Diaspora-State relations, borders and migrant integration.
Areas of expertise
- Finnish party and government politics concerning immigration & immigrants
- Immigration: post-WWII evolution at the policy, judicial, and discursive levels in Finland and Western Europe
- Populist political communication
Doc. Diss.: Finnish parties and immigration issues from the 1970s to the 2010s (2014-2019)
Post doc project: Securitization in authorities’ discourse and practice: Refugee reception in Finland, 1986–1995. (2019-2020, Kone Foundation)
- Migration Institute of FinlandResearcherTurku
Areas of expertise
- Finnish party and government politics concerning immigration & immigrants
- Immigration: post-WWII evolution at the policy, judicial, and discursive levels in Finland and Western Europe
- Populist political communication
Doc. Diss.: Finnish parties and immigration issues from the 1970s to the 2010s (2014-2019)
Post doc project: Securitization in authorities’ discourse and practice: Refugee reception in Finland, 1986–1995. (2019-2020, Kone Foundation)
Graduate Student at the KTH - Environmental Humanities Laboratory, Department of Philosophy and History, Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment (2015). I am part of the Marie Sklodowska Curie ITN program in Environmental Humanities ENHANCE. I am interested in working at the intersection between Environmental History, Environmental Humanities and Migration Studies, touching also upon Cultural Heritage, Memory Studies, Oral History, Psychogeography, and Political Ecology.
Currently, I am working on my doctoral thesis, which is provisionally entitled: "Coal Lives. Italians and the Metabolism of Coal in Wallonia, Belgium".
- KTH - Royal Institute of TechnologyPhDStockholm
Graduate Student at the KTH - Environmental Humanities Laboratory, Department of Philosophy and History, Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment (2015). I am part of the Marie Sklodowska Curie ITN program in Environmental Humanities ENHANCE. I am interested in working at the intersection between Environmental History, Environmental Humanities and Migration Studies, touching also upon Cultural Heritage, Memory Studies, Oral History, Psychogeography, and Political Ecology.
Currently, I am working on my doctoral thesis, which is provisionally entitled: "Coal Lives. Italians and the Metabolism of Coal in Wallonia, Belgium".
- Universidad ComplutenseProfesora Contratada DoctoraMadrid
- Catholic University of the Sacred HearthAssociate ProfessorMilan
- ISMU (Initiatives and Studies on MUlthietnicity)Head of the Child and Family DepartmentMilan
- ERCOMER, Utrecht UniversityStudent researcherutrecht
- University of AmsterdamLecturer Interdisciplinary Social SciencesAmsterdam
Current Research:
Dr. Anja van Heelsum is Project Coordinator of EU funded H2020 research consortium Advancing Alternative Migration Governance (See: http://admigov.eu). She's associate professor at the Department of Political Science of the University of Amsterdam, and works together with 13 partner institutes in Greece, Poland, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Turkey, Lebanon and Ethiopia, to investigate the consequences of migration policies on the ground, with the intention to suggest alternatives.
Dr van Heelsum has been involved with the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES) since 1997 and is particularly fascinated by the interplay between migrants motives and migration policies. Her complete personal website provides more info and papers online. With a broad experience as a migration scholar, she worked on a variety of subject, including: migrants aspirations, the refugee “crisis”, refugee reception, local policies on immigrants, ethnicity, political participation of immigrants, migrant organisations, and Islam. Regional specialisations are: the Mediterranean area (Spain, Greece, Turkey, Morocco) and Africa (Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia). She applies a multidisciplinary approach to migration and ethnic studies, where insights from psychology, political science, sociology and anthropology meet.
International Networks
Dr. van Heelsum has been part of many international research teams, such as the CLIP network, the EURISLAM team and currently the ADMIGOV team. She's a member of the European Network for Immigration, Integration and Social Cohesion (IMISCOE) and involved in Metropolis International, which is largest international network of researchers, policy makers, and community groups engaged in identifying, understanding, and responding to developments in migration and diversity. For her sabatics she was a visiting researcher in Rabat (Morocco) and Ethiopia (University of Mek'ele and Addis Abeba). Also, she is board member of the journal Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Teaching and PhD supervision (2019)
Dr. van Heelsum had set up and is the coordinator of the Minor “Global Migration”, a bachelor program that provides students with fundamental understanding of processes, causes and impacts of migration. Her course is on Migrants Motives and Migration Policy;
She is also involved in thesis supervision within the Research Project Conflict Studies and Governance;
In the past she taught several other subjects.
She is a PhD supervisor in the ADMIGOV project.
For a full list, see the TAB Publications below, , and for h-index click here. Favorites:
Heelsum, A. van (2016) 'Why migration will continue: aspirations and capabilities of Syrians and Ethiopians with different educational backgrounds', Ethnic and Racial Studies 39(9) 3001-3009.
Kassaye, A., Ashur, I., & van Heelsum, A. (2016) 'The relationship between media discourses and experiences of belonging: Dutch Somali perspectives'. Ethnicities, 16(6), 773-797. DOI: 10.1177/1468796816653627
Heelsum, A. van (2017) 'Aspirations and Frustrations experiences of recent refugees in the Netherlands', Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30(13) 2137-2150. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2017.1343486
- Dept of Political Science/IMES, University of AmsterdamResearch Coordinator and Senior LectererAmsterdam
Current Research:
Dr. Anja van Heelsum is Project Coordinator of EU funded H2020 research consortium Advancing Alternative Migration Governance (See: http://admigov.eu). She's associate professor at the Department of Political Science of the University of Amsterdam, and works together with 13 partner institutes in Greece, Poland, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Turkey, Lebanon and Ethiopia, to investigate the consequences of migration policies on the ground, with the intention to suggest alternatives.
Dr van Heelsum has been involved with the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES) since 1997 and is particularly fascinated by the interplay between migrants motives and migration policies. Her complete personal website provides more info and papers online. With a broad experience as a migration scholar, she worked on a variety of subject, including: migrants aspirations, the refugee “crisis”, refugee reception, local policies on immigrants, ethnicity, political participation of immigrants, migrant organisations, and Islam. Regional specialisations are: the Mediterranean area (Spain, Greece, Turkey, Morocco) and Africa (Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia). She applies a multidisciplinary approach to migration and ethnic studies, where insights from psychology, political science, sociology and anthropology meet.
International Networks
Dr. van Heelsum has been part of many international research teams, such as the CLIP network, the EURISLAM team and currently the ADMIGOV team. She's a member of the European Network for Immigration, Integration and Social Cohesion (IMISCOE) and involved in Metropolis International, which is largest international network of researchers, policy makers, and community groups engaged in identifying, understanding, and responding to developments in migration and diversity. For her sabatics she was a visiting researcher in Rabat (Morocco) and Ethiopia (University of Mek'ele and Addis Abeba). Also, she is board member of the journal Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Teaching and PhD supervision (2019)
Dr. van Heelsum had set up and is the coordinator of the Minor “Global Migration”, a bachelor program that provides students with fundamental understanding of processes, causes and impacts of migration. Her course is on Migrants Motives and Migration Policy;
She is also involved in thesis supervision within the Research Project Conflict Studies and Governance;
In the past she taught several other subjects.
She is a PhD supervisor in the ADMIGOV project.
For a full list, see the TAB Publications below, , and for h-index click here. Favorites:
Heelsum, A. van (2016) 'Why migration will continue: aspirations and capabilities of Syrians and Ethiopians with different educational backgrounds', Ethnic and Racial Studies 39(9) 3001-3009.
Kassaye, A., Ashur, I., & van Heelsum, A. (2016) 'The relationship between media discourses and experiences of belonging: Dutch Somali perspectives'. Ethnicities, 16(6), 773-797. DOI: 10.1177/1468796816653627
Heelsum, A. van (2017) 'Aspirations and Frustrations experiences of recent refugees in the Netherlands', Ethnic and Racial Studies, 30(13) 2137-2150. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2017.1343486
About the Migration Network Hub
What is the Migration Network Hub?
The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.
The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).
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*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).