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Experts Database

Learn about recent practices from governments, civil society, international organizations, and other stakeholders to gain insight into their experiences implementing the Global Compact’s objectives and guiding principles – get ready to be inspired!

Elaborada en colaboración con el Centro de Investigación sobre Migración de IMISCOE, esta base de datos permite acceder a un conjunto de expertos en migración de todo el mundo. Los académicos e investigadores inscritos en IMISCOE contribuyen con sus publicaciones y conocimientos especializados a fomentar la innovación en materia de migración, aportando sus bagajes sobre una serie de temas relacionados con el Pacto Mundial para la Migración. En sus perfiles se ofrecen enlaces a sus investigaciones. Realice búsquedas por especialidad y ubicación en la base de datos que figura a continuación para encontrar a un experto y consultar sus últimos trabajos. Inicie sesión para contactar con un experto de manera directa.

Descargo de responsabilidad: El contacto con los expertos se facilita a través del Centro de Investigación sobre Migración; la inclusión en esta base de datos no implica ningún tipo de aval por la Red de las Naciones Unidas sobre la Migración o sus miembros.

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Lista de revisión entre homólogos

Todo material que se envía al Centro de la Red sobre Migración se somete primero a una revisión por expertos del sector tanto de las Naciones Unidas como de otros ámbitos. Los interesados en integrar la lista pueden solicitar su inclusión en cualquier momento. Conozca más sobre los criterios de revisión aquí.

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Base de datos de expertos

Search Results
Displaying 771 - 780 of 2366
Catholic University

Guia Gilardoni is an international research project manager at ISMU Foundation, where she is in charge for the International Relations. She has a research scholarship at the Catholic University in Milan. Her topics of interest are European migration policy, refugees and migrant integration. For the last ten years she has been committed to bring research and academic knowledge to policymakers. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology and Research Methods from Catholic University of Milan, where she specialized in the integration of young generations in a multicultural society, and a bachelor's degree in Modern History from Bologna University. She is a member of the Board of Directors of IMISCOE and leading ReSOMA – Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum H2020.

  • Catholic University

Guia Gilardoni is an international research project manager at ISMU Foundation, where she is in charge for the International Relations. She has a research scholarship at the Catholic University in Milan. Her topics of interest are European migration policy, refugees and migrant integration. For the last ten years she has been committed to bring research and academic knowledge to policymakers. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology and Research Methods from Catholic University of Milan, where she specialized in the integration of young generations in a multicultural society, and a bachelor's degree in Modern History from Bologna University. She is a member of the Board of Directors of IMISCOE and leading ReSOMA – Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum H2020.


Molly is a qualitative researcher specialising in using participatory research methods to improve humanitarian
healthcare. Molly works across the disciplines of Public Health, Community Education and Sociology and has ten years'
experience in research and management in academia, NGOs and think tanks. Molly has work experience across Europe,
Sub-Saharan Africa and most recently in the Greater Middle East. Molly has completed training on working and
researching in fragile environments and has studied Irish, Dutch, French and continues to study Arabic

  • Researcher

Molly is a qualitative researcher specialising in using participatory research methods to improve humanitarian
healthcare. Molly works across the disciplines of Public Health, Community Education and Sociology and has ten years'
experience in research and management in academia, NGOs and think tanks. Molly has work experience across Europe,
Sub-Saharan Africa and most recently in the Greater Middle East. Molly has completed training on working and
researching in fragile environments and has studied Irish, Dutch, French and continues to study Arabic

Universitat de València
Senior Lecturer

Jordi Giner Monfort holds a degree in Sociology. He has participated in various research projects and contracts, with more than 40 publications, including articles, book chapters and monographs. He has been a visiting researcher at the Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS-Birmingham). His main line of research focuses on the migrations of the British nationals, with special attention to return movements towards the United Kingdom.

  • Universitat de València
    Senior Lecturer

Jordi Giner Monfort holds a degree in Sociology. He has participated in various research projects and contracts, with more than 40 publications, including articles, book chapters and monographs. He has been a visiting researcher at the Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS-Birmingham). His main line of research focuses on the migrations of the British nationals, with special attention to return movements towards the United Kingdom.

Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli
Full Professor

Dario Giugliano, M.A. Università di Bologna (1993), PhD Università di Trieste (2012), is full professor of Aesthetics at Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli. He is on the advisory board of “Third Text. Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture” and member of scientific committee of European Research Center in History and Theory of the Image (ICONE), Faculty of Philosophy, University “Vita-Salute San Raffaele”, Milan. He is founding editor of the journal “estetica. studi e ricerche”. From 2013 he is foreign member of the Accademia di Scienze Morali e Politiche of the Società Nazionale di Scienze Lettere e Arti in Napoli. From 2023 he is research associate at ISPF - Istituto per la Storia del Pensiero Filosofico e Scientifico Moderno (CNR).

  • Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli
    Full Professor
    associate research

Dario Giugliano, M.A. Università di Bologna (1993), PhD Università di Trieste (2012), is full professor of Aesthetics at Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli. He is on the advisory board of “Third Text. Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture” and member of scientific committee of European Research Center in History and Theory of the Image (ICONE), Faculty of Philosophy, University “Vita-Salute San Raffaele”, Milan. He is founding editor of the journal “estetica. studi e ricerche”. From 2013 he is foreign member of the Accademia di Scienze Morali e Politiche of the Società Nazionale di Scienze Lettere e Arti in Napoli. From 2023 he is research associate at ISPF - Istituto per la Storia del Pensiero Filosofico e Scientifico Moderno (CNR).

TU Chemnitz
Full Professor

Prof. Dr. Birgit Glorius works as professor for human geography with focus on European migration research at the European studies institute of Chemnitz university of technology. She was trained in Geography, Geology and Political Sciences at the universities of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Würzburg and the University of Texas at Austin. She earned a diploma in human geography from the university of Würzburg and a doctoral degree from the university of Halle-Wittenberg. Her research interests and majority of publications are in the fields of international migration, demographic change and geographies of education; most of her research is carried out in Eastern Germany, Poland, Bulgaria and the Western Balkans. Recent research projects include refugee reception in Europe, concentrating on questions of local governance and local reception cultures; effects of the European financial and economic crisis on migratory processes from southern European countries; and return migration of international students from studies abroad and mechanisms of knowledge transfer. Birgit is frequently asked to give expertise to federal and non-governmental institutions and receives invitations for academic keynotes on issues related to migration, integration and social cohesion in Europe.

  • TU Chemnitz
    Full Professor

Prof. Dr. Birgit Glorius works as professor for human geography with focus on European migration research at the European studies institute of Chemnitz university of technology. She was trained in Geography, Geology and Political Sciences at the universities of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Würzburg and the University of Texas at Austin. She earned a diploma in human geography from the university of Würzburg and a doctoral degree from the university of Halle-Wittenberg. Her research interests and majority of publications are in the fields of international migration, demographic change and geographies of education; most of her research is carried out in Eastern Germany, Poland, Bulgaria and the Western Balkans. Recent research projects include refugee reception in Europe, concentrating on questions of local governance and local reception cultures; effects of the European financial and economic crisis on migratory processes from southern European countries; and return migration of international students from studies abroad and mechanisms of knowledge transfer. Birgit is frequently asked to give expertise to federal and non-governmental institutions and receives invitations for academic keynotes on issues related to migration, integration and social cohesion in Europe.

University of Amsterdam
Postdoctoral Researcher

Davide Gnes is a post-doctoral researcher at ACELG in the context of the project “Separation of Powers for 21st Century Europe” (SepaRope), which aims to examine the theory and practice of separation of powers in the European Union. Within SepaRope, Davide's research explores the institutional dynamics shaping EU governance, policy and law in the field of migration.

Davide holds a PhD in political science (2018) from the University of Amsterdam. His doctoral research examined coalition-building, organizational strategies and legitimacy amongst migrant advocacy organizations in Los Angeles, California. Davide also obtained an Erasmus Mundus MSc in International Migration and Social Cohesion (Universities of Amsterdam, Bilbao, Lima and Riga) and an MA in International Relations and BA in Political Science, both from the University of Pavia, Italy.

Prior to this position, Davide was a policy advisor on EU migration and development policy in Brussels. He also worked and interned for a number of other NGOs in Jordan, Spain and Denmark on issues related to migration and international development.

  • University of Amsterdam
    Postdoctoral Researcher

Davide Gnes is a post-doctoral researcher at ACELG in the context of the project “Separation of Powers for 21st Century Europe” (SepaRope), which aims to examine the theory and practice of separation of powers in the European Union. Within SepaRope, Davide's research explores the institutional dynamics shaping EU governance, policy and law in the field of migration.

Davide holds a PhD in political science (2018) from the University of Amsterdam. His doctoral research examined coalition-building, organizational strategies and legitimacy amongst migrant advocacy organizations in Los Angeles, California. Davide also obtained an Erasmus Mundus MSc in International Migration and Social Cohesion (Universities of Amsterdam, Bilbao, Lima and Riga) and an MA in International Relations and BA in Political Science, both from the University of Pavia, Italy.

Prior to this position, Davide was a policy advisor on EU migration and development policy in Brussels. He also worked and interned for a number of other NGOs in Jordan, Spain and Denmark on issues related to migration and international development.

University of Coimbra

Pedro Góis is a Professor in Sociology and Methodology at the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, and a Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES). Undergraduate degree in Sociology, masters and PhD in Sociology. He is an expert in sociology of migration and quantitative methodologies. Recently he was consultant or country expert for the International Organisation for Migration (OIM), Caritas International, The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), European Commission or European Migration Network (EMN). His most recent research-driven publications used quantitative and qualitative methodologies and include papers and books on: refugees in Europe; transnational ethnic identity; Portuguese immigration and emigration; Brazilian migration or Eastern European migrants; discrimination practices in the labour market; immigrants' descendants; and diasporic engagement practices and policies.

  • University of Coimbra
  • Center for Social Studies

Pedro Góis is a Professor in Sociology and Methodology at the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, and a Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES). Undergraduate degree in Sociology, masters and PhD in Sociology. He is an expert in sociology of migration and quantitative methodologies. Recently he was consultant or country expert for the International Organisation for Migration (OIM), Caritas International, The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), European Commission or European Migration Network (EMN). His most recent research-driven publications used quantitative and qualitative methodologies and include papers and books on: refugees in Europe; transnational ethnic identity; Portuguese immigration and emigration; Brazilian migration or Eastern European migrants; discrimination practices in the labour market; immigrants' descendants; and diasporic engagement practices and policies.

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

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*Todas las referencias a Kosovo deben entenderse en el contexto de la Resolución 1244 [1999] del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.