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Experts Database

Learn about recent practices from governments, civil society, international organizations, and other stakeholders to gain insight into their experiences implementing the Global Compact’s objectives and guiding principles – get ready to be inspired!

Elaborada en colaboración con el Centro de Investigación sobre Migración de IMISCOE, esta base de datos permite acceder a un conjunto de expertos en migración de todo el mundo. Los académicos e investigadores inscritos en IMISCOE contribuyen con sus publicaciones y conocimientos especializados a fomentar la innovación en materia de migración, aportando sus bagajes sobre una serie de temas relacionados con el Pacto Mundial para la Migración. En sus perfiles se ofrecen enlaces a sus investigaciones. Realice búsquedas por especialidad y ubicación en la base de datos que figura a continuación para encontrar a un experto y consultar sus últimos trabajos. Inicie sesión para contactar con un experto de manera directa.

Descargo de responsabilidad: El contacto con los expertos se facilita a través del Centro de Investigación sobre Migración; la inclusión en esta base de datos no implica ningún tipo de aval por la Red de las Naciones Unidas sobre la Migración o sus miembros.

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Lista de revisión entre homólogos

Todo material que se envía al Centro de la Red sobre Migración se somete primero a una revisión por expertos del sector tanto de las Naciones Unidas como de otros ámbitos. Los interesados en integrar la lista pueden solicitar su inclusión en cualquier momento. Conozca más sobre los criterios de revisión aquí.

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Base de datos de expertos

Search Results
Displaying 1641 - 1650 of 2374
ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Research Professor

Pereira is Research Professor at ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon (IUL), integrated at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL). She is the executive coordinator of the Emigration Observatory (OEm) Portugal, which carries out statistical research on the Portuguese in all countries. Among other activities, the OEm team is responsible for the Yearly Statistical Report on Portuguese Emigration produced for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for presentation to the Assembly of the Republic.
She participates in research-action, migration and humanitarian action projects, with international and national funding. One of the projects she coordinated focused on Nepalese immigration in agriculture.
She was the State Secretary for Integration and Migration, at the 22nd Constitutional Government. Together with her team, she coordinated the task force for the first humanitarian emergency hosting in the country of people from Afghanistan and later from Ukraine.
She has focused on linking research, teaching and public policies.

  • ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
    Research Professor
  • CIES-Iscte, Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology
    Research Fellow
  • Emigration Observatory, Portugal
    Executive Coordinator

Pereira is Research Professor at ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon (IUL), integrated at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL). She is the executive coordinator of the Emigration Observatory (OEm) Portugal, which carries out statistical research on the Portuguese in all countries. Among other activities, the OEm team is responsible for the Yearly Statistical Report on Portuguese Emigration produced for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for presentation to the Assembly of the Republic.
She participates in research-action, migration and humanitarian action projects, with international and national funding. One of the projects she coordinated focused on Nepalese immigration in agriculture.
She was the State Secretary for Integration and Migration, at the 22nd Constitutional Government. Together with her team, she coordinated the task force for the first humanitarian emergency hosting in the country of people from Afghanistan and later from Ukraine.
She has focused on linking research, teaching and public policies.

Independent Researcher

Alexandra Pereira, Postdoc Research Fellow in Integral Human Development (IHD) at CADOS, Portuguese Catholic University (UCP). PhD by ISEG - University of Lisbon with a thesis entitled "Transborder Himalaya - Processes of Transnationalism Among Nepalese Entrepreneurs and Workers in Lisbon" (2019) and MA in Clinical Psychology by Coimbra University (2004). Researches Nepalese Migration in Portugal (entrepreneurship, labour, networks, female migrants, new media usage, mobility), Nepalese Transnational Networks and Nepalese in Europe. Conducted FAMI Project "Migration and Labour Exploitation of Nepalese in Agriculture in Portugal" (2017-2019).

  • ISEG
    Independent Researcher
  • Portuguese Government Ministry of Health DGS - General Health Direction
    Clinical Psychologist doing remote work in the Covid-19 pandemic context for the Contact Center of the Portuguese National Healthcare Service SNS24
  • Nova University of Lisbon
    Research Fellow for Project Biovoices
  • ISEG
    PhD Researcher under OpenSoc Sociology Program
    Research Fellow for Project Immigration and Trafficking for Labour Exploitation: Nepalese in Greenhouses in Portugal (PT/2017/FAMI/158)
  • Clinical Psychologist
    Clinical Psychologist - Independent
  • Clinical Psychologist Independent
    Clinical Psychologist Graduate Seminars Psychology, Education and Social Sciences
    Lisbon and London
  • Clinical Psychologist, Collaborator of Several Immigrant Associations
    Independent Clinical Psychologist, Collaborator of Several Immigrant Associations
  • Immigrant Associations in London and Reading
    Clinical psychologist, visual arts student (until 2011), collaborator of several immigrant associations projects in partnership with galleries, producers and festivals
    London and Reading
  • Government of Portugal Ministry of Health
    Clinical psychologist Collaboration with art education programs, reception of minorities and immigrants
  • Government of Portugal Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity
    Clinical psychologist Monitoring unemployed and young people at risk, school and professional guidance, vocational counseling; interviews, focus groups, surveys and advice
    Lisbon, Sintra
  • FPCE-COIMBRA UNIVERSITY & CAT Coimbra Centre for Substance Abuse
    Clinical Psychologist/Researcher
  • Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (FPCE) Coimbra University and CAT Centre for Substance Abuse: Coimbra, Coimbra, PT
    Researcher for the project Drug Addiction and Psychiatric Comorbidity - Symptomatology of Axis 1 and Personality Disorder - NEPPUS - Nucleus for the Study of Substance Use Disorders. Psychology.
  • Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (FPCE) Coimbra University and CAT Centre for Substance Abuse
    Researcher of the Research project in partnership with the CAT of Coimbra: Hepatitis C - Epidemiology and Treatment in CAT Coimbra's Patients. Psychology and Health Sciences.
  • FPCE-COIMBRA UNIVERSITY & CAT Coimbra Centre for Sunstance Abuse
    Trainee Psychologist - Clinical - Sytemic and Dynamic - Curricular Training Program
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
    Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Alexandra Pereira, Postdoc Research Fellow in Integral Human Development (IHD) at CADOS, Portuguese Catholic University (UCP). PhD by ISEG - University of Lisbon with a thesis entitled "Transborder Himalaya - Processes of Transnationalism Among Nepalese Entrepreneurs and Workers in Lisbon" (2019) and MA in Clinical Psychology by Coimbra University (2004). Researches Nepalese Migration in Portugal (entrepreneurship, labour, networks, female migrants, new media usage, mobility), Nepalese Transnational Networks and Nepalese in Europe. Conducted FAMI Project "Migration and Labour Exploitation of Nepalese in Agriculture in Portugal" (2017-2019).

Research Group on Migration and Development Processes. Department of Social Work. University of València (InMIDE)
Work Team

I am a Doctor in Social Sciences from the University of Valencia, Spain (2015-2019), Migration, Mobility and Social Change Research Line. My thesis was co-supervised by the University of Valencia (Spain) and El Colef (Tijuana, Mexico). I have a Master’s in Development Cooperation / Specialty Co-development and Migratory Movements (UV, 2011-2013). Graduated in Law (UNED, 2006), with training in the field of Social Integration of migrants (2007), I also have been Head of a Research Project at the Instituto de Estudios Ceutíes (2014-2015). Finally, I am member of the Editorial Committee of the Diarios del Terruño Magazine (2016-present, SEMMI - UAM - Cuajimalpa Unit, Mexico), of the Network of Students in International Migration (REMI), and Work Team of the Research Group on Migration and Development of the University of Valencia (InMIDE).

  • Research Group on Migration and Development Processes. Department of Social Work. University of València (InMIDE)
    Work Team

I am a Doctor in Social Sciences from the University of Valencia, Spain (2015-2019), Migration, Mobility and Social Change Research Line. My thesis was co-supervised by the University of Valencia (Spain) and El Colef (Tijuana, Mexico). I have a Master’s in Development Cooperation / Specialty Co-development and Migratory Movements (UV, 2011-2013). Graduated in Law (UNED, 2006), with training in the field of Social Integration of migrants (2007), I also have been Head of a Research Project at the Instituto de Estudios Ceutíes (2014-2015). Finally, I am member of the Editorial Committee of the Diarios del Terruño Magazine (2016-present, SEMMI - UAM - Cuajimalpa Unit, Mexico), of the Network of Students in International Migration (REMI), and Work Team of the Research Group on Migration and Development of the University of Valencia (InMIDE).

International Police Organization
Vice President (Section Cyprus)

Experienced financial services, AML, Compliance professional hoping to bring the traditional financial services together with new and emerging financial technology services to expand opportunities, share ideas, network and shape the industry and to involve with different Govt./ Non. Govt. agencies to combat financial crime.

  • International Police Organization
    Vice President (Section Cyprus)

Experienced financial services, AML, Compliance professional hoping to bring the traditional financial services together with new and emerging financial technology services to expand opportunities, share ideas, network and shape the industry and to involve with different Govt./ Non. Govt. agencies to combat financial crime.

Technical University of Berlin
Research Associate and Part-time Lecturer

Esteban Perez Gnavi (MA in Sociology of European Societies, MA in International Education and Development) is a Research Associate, Part-Time Lecturer and PhD Candidate at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany. His research interests include migration and integration, higher education, social inequality and stratification, as well as methods of social research (qualitative and quantitative).

  • Technical University of Berlin
    Research Associate and Part-time Lecturer

Esteban Perez Gnavi (MA in Sociology of European Societies, MA in International Education and Development) is a Research Associate, Part-Time Lecturer and PhD Candidate at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany. His research interests include migration and integration, higher education, social inequality and stratification, as well as methods of social research (qualitative and quantitative).

The University of Manchester
Honorary Research Fellow

Luis Eduardo Pérez Murcia holds a PhD in Development Studies from the University of Manchester, UK and has recently finished a three year postdoc position at the HOMInG Project, University of Trento. His research interests include home and home-making, conflict-induced displacement, migration and mobilities, and ageing. Recent publications include ‘Physically sheltered but existentially homeless’ (Migration Studies, 2021), ‘Remaking a place called home following displacement (in the Routledge Handbook of Place, 2020), Thinking home on the move (co-authored, 2020) and ‘Where the heart is and where it hurts’ (Refugee Survey Quarterly, 2019).

  • The University of Manchester
    Honorary Research Fellow

Luis Eduardo Pérez Murcia holds a PhD in Development Studies from the University of Manchester, UK and has recently finished a three year postdoc position at the HOMInG Project, University of Trento. His research interests include home and home-making, conflict-induced displacement, migration and mobilities, and ageing. Recent publications include ‘Physically sheltered but existentially homeless’ (Migration Studies, 2021), ‘Remaking a place called home following displacement (in the Routledge Handbook of Place, 2020), Thinking home on the move (co-authored, 2020) and ‘Where the heart is and where it hurts’ (Refugee Survey Quarterly, 2019).

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

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*Todas las referencias a Kosovo deben entenderse en el contexto de la Resolución 1244 [1999] del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.