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Experts Database

Learn about recent practices from governments, civil society, international organizations, and other stakeholders to gain insight into their experiences implementing the Global Compact’s objectives and guiding principles – get ready to be inspired!

Elaborada en colaboración con el Centro de Investigación sobre Migración de IMISCOE, esta base de datos permite acceder a un conjunto de expertos en migración de todo el mundo. Los académicos e investigadores inscritos en IMISCOE contribuyen con sus publicaciones y conocimientos especializados a fomentar la innovación en materia de migración, aportando sus bagajes sobre una serie de temas relacionados con el Pacto Mundial para la Migración. En sus perfiles se ofrecen enlaces a sus investigaciones. Realice búsquedas por especialidad y ubicación en la base de datos que figura a continuación para encontrar a un experto y consultar sus últimos trabajos. Inicie sesión para contactar con un experto de manera directa.

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Lista de revisión entre homólogos

Todo material que se envía al Centro de la Red sobre Migración se somete primero a una revisión por expertos del sector tanto de las Naciones Unidas como de otros ámbitos. Los interesados en integrar la lista pueden solicitar su inclusión en cualquier momento. Conozca más sobre los criterios de revisión aquí.

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Base de datos de expertos

Search Results
Displaying 2091 - 2100 of 2375
University of Neuchâtel
Doctoral Fellow, nccr - on the move

Eloise Thompson is a doctoral fellow with the nccr - on the move (funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation) and associated with the Institute for Geography, University of Neuchâtel.

  • University of Neuchâtel
    Doctoral Fellow, nccr - on the move
  • Migration Policy Institute
    Research Consultant; Research Intern
    Washington DC
  • University of Oxford
    MSc Migration Studies
  • University of Cambridge
    BA Geography

Eloise Thompson is a doctoral fellow with the nccr - on the move (funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation) and associated with the Institute for Geography, University of Neuchâtel.

Linköping University

Malin Thor Tureby gained her PhD at Linnaeus University in 2005 (History). During the years 2005-2014 she worked as a senior lecture in history and oral history at Malmo university, where she became Docent in 2013 (History) and was promoted Associated Professor (History/Oral History) the same year. Since 2014 Thor Tureby works at Linköping university where she was appointed as Associated Professor (History) in 2015. She is one of the co-founders of Oral History in Sweden (OHIS) and co-chair of the European Social Science Conference (ESSHC) Oral history and life stories network.
Thor Tureby is currently the PI and PL of the research projects Narratives as cultural heritage. Power and resistance in collections of narratives from and about immigrants at the archive of Nordic Museum 1970–2015 and Jewish and Woman. Historical and Intersectional perspectives on Jewish Women’s lives in Sweden during the twentieth and twenty-first century. Both projects are funded by the Swedish Research Council.
She is also the PI and the PL for the research project Oral history as digital heritage in the age of migration. A project that is part the international research consortium and research project DigiCONFLICT, funded by JPICH. The Swedish research team is researching the involvement of cultural heritage institutions and other actors, while collecting, curating and using oral histories during and about the refugee reception of 2015. The Swedish study is funded by The Swedish National Heritage Board.

  • Linköping University

Malin Thor Tureby gained her PhD at Linnaeus University in 2005 (History). During the years 2005-2014 she worked as a senior lecture in history and oral history at Malmo university, where she became Docent in 2013 (History) and was promoted Associated Professor (History/Oral History) the same year. Since 2014 Thor Tureby works at Linköping university where she was appointed as Associated Professor (History) in 2015. She is one of the co-founders of Oral History in Sweden (OHIS) and co-chair of the European Social Science Conference (ESSHC) Oral history and life stories network.
Thor Tureby is currently the PI and PL of the research projects Narratives as cultural heritage. Power and resistance in collections of narratives from and about immigrants at the archive of Nordic Museum 1970–2015 and Jewish and Woman. Historical and Intersectional perspectives on Jewish Women’s lives in Sweden during the twentieth and twenty-first century. Both projects are funded by the Swedish Research Council.
She is also the PI and the PL for the research project Oral history as digital heritage in the age of migration. A project that is part the international research consortium and research project DigiCONFLICT, funded by JPICH. The Swedish research team is researching the involvement of cultural heritage institutions and other actors, while collecting, curating and using oral histories during and about the refugee reception of 2015. The Swedish study is funded by The Swedish National Heritage Board.

University of South-Eastern Norway

Ramesh Timsina, an M. A. in English Literature from Tribhuvan University, has been pursuing other Master’s in Human Rights and Multiculturalism at the University of South-Eastern Norway. He completed his first Master’s in English in 2015 and his Bachelor’s in Religion and Society from MF Scientific College, Norway, in 2022. He has worked as an English teacher for seven years, including two years of experience as a high school teacher in a public school in Nepal. He is keenly interested in literature, literary theories, cultural studies, human rights issues, migration, and sociology. He has contributed to both creative and critical writing in newspapers and journals. He has some poems, opinion articles, and journal articles published to his credit.

  • University of South-Eastern Norway

Ramesh Timsina, an M. A. in English Literature from Tribhuvan University, has been pursuing other Master’s in Human Rights and Multiculturalism at the University of South-Eastern Norway. He completed his first Master’s in English in 2015 and his Bachelor’s in Religion and Society from MF Scientific College, Norway, in 2022. He has worked as an English teacher for seven years, including two years of experience as a high school teacher in a public school in Nepal. He is keenly interested in literature, literary theories, cultural studies, human rights issues, migration, and sociology. He has contributed to both creative and critical writing in newspapers and journals. He has some poems, opinion articles, and journal articles published to his credit.

International Centre for Migration Policy Development
Knowledge Management and research officer

Dr. Fanny Tittel-Mosser is currently Knowledge Management and Research Officer at the International Center for Migration Policy Development in Brussels. She conducts research on issues related to diaspora engagement globally. In 2018 she completed a Marie Curie PhD in law at the University of Minho, Portugal. Fanny has experience in research, comparative studies, monitoring and evaluation as well as a deep knowledge of migration issues in the MENA Region and West Africa. Dr. Tittel-Mosser previously worked on various migration-related issues with IOM, the UN Alliance of Civilizations, and NGOs. Her research interests include migration governance, EU External Action, EU-Africa relations, EU-UN relations, diaspora engagement policy, labor migration, migrants human capital and skills and entrepreneurship.

  • International Centre for Migration Policy Development
    Knowledge Management and research officer

Dr. Fanny Tittel-Mosser is currently Knowledge Management and Research Officer at the International Center for Migration Policy Development in Brussels. She conducts research on issues related to diaspora engagement globally. In 2018 she completed a Marie Curie PhD in law at the University of Minho, Portugal. Fanny has experience in research, comparative studies, monitoring and evaluation as well as a deep knowledge of migration issues in the MENA Region and West Africa. Dr. Tittel-Mosser previously worked on various migration-related issues with IOM, the UN Alliance of Civilizations, and NGOs. Her research interests include migration governance, EU External Action, EU-Africa relations, EU-UN relations, diaspora engagement policy, labor migration, migrants human capital and skills and entrepreneurship.

Postdoctoral Researcher

Chhavi is currently working as a Postdoctoral Researcher in WORKLIFE project at Institut national d’études démographiques (INED), Paris. The aim of the project which is to study (1) the impact of non-standard working hours on fertility, conjugality and gender inequalities, (2) and the role of employers in the choices made by employees (postponing births, going part-time, etc.). The WORKLIFE project mobilises three complementary sources of data: French and European panel data (Gender and Generation Survey; Working Conditions Survey-RPS) and 4 case studies (company HR files; employee interviews) in different sectors of activity. Under the supervision of Anne Lambert, principal investigator of the project, I am specifically looking at the impact of working hours on the family and professional careers of employees of different grades and levels of qualification.

Prior to joining INED, I have worked as an Assistant Professor at T. A. Pai Management Institute (TAPMI) for 1.5 years. My research interest is primarily in inequalities and labour migration specially in women.

  • INED
    Postdoctoral Researcher
  • T A Pai Management Institute
    Assistant Professor
  • Giri Institute of Development Studies
    Research Associate

Chhavi is currently working as a Postdoctoral Researcher in WORKLIFE project at Institut national d’études démographiques (INED), Paris. The aim of the project which is to study (1) the impact of non-standard working hours on fertility, conjugality and gender inequalities, (2) and the role of employers in the choices made by employees (postponing births, going part-time, etc.). The WORKLIFE project mobilises three complementary sources of data: French and European panel data (Gender and Generation Survey; Working Conditions Survey-RPS) and 4 case studies (company HR files; employee interviews) in different sectors of activity. Under the supervision of Anne Lambert, principal investigator of the project, I am specifically looking at the impact of working hours on the family and professional careers of employees of different grades and levels of qualification.

Prior to joining INED, I have worked as an Assistant Professor at T. A. Pai Management Institute (TAPMI) for 1.5 years. My research interest is primarily in inequalities and labour migration specially in women.

University of Potsdam

Jasper Tjaden is Professor for Applied Social Research & Public Policy at the University of Potsdam.

Jasper Dag Tjaden holds a PhD in Quantitative Social Sciences from the University of Bamberg, Germany and a MA from the London School of Economics and Political Science. During his doctoral studies, he spent one year as a Fulbright scholar at the City University of New York, US, and the Minnesota Population Centre, US.

Jasper has been working in the field of migration over the last 10 years including at the International Organization for Migration, UK Home Office in London, the Migration Policy Group in Brussels, the Spanish Refugee Support Commission (CEAR) in Seville, and the Worldbank in Washington, D.C.

  • University of Potsdam

Jasper Tjaden is Professor for Applied Social Research & Public Policy at the University of Potsdam.

Jasper Dag Tjaden holds a PhD in Quantitative Social Sciences from the University of Bamberg, Germany and a MA from the London School of Economics and Political Science. During his doctoral studies, he spent one year as a Fulbright scholar at the City University of New York, US, and the Minnesota Population Centre, US.

Jasper has been working in the field of migration over the last 10 years including at the International Organization for Migration, UK Home Office in London, the Migration Policy Group in Brussels, the Spanish Refugee Support Commission (CEAR) in Seville, and the Worldbank in Washington, D.C.

Institute for Social Research
PhD Candidate

Mathias Hatleskog Tjønn holds an MPhil in Modern International and Transnational History from the University in Oslo (2019) and is now a PhD Fellow affiliated with the NORMS-project at the Institute for Social Research in Oslo, Norway. He has previously worked as a research assistant at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and is interested in migrant return policies, migration, colonial history and European contemporary history.

  • Institute for Social Research
    PhD Candidate

Mathias Hatleskog Tjønn holds an MPhil in Modern International and Transnational History from the University in Oslo (2019) and is now a PhD Fellow affiliated with the NORMS-project at the Institute for Social Research in Oslo, Norway. He has previously worked as a research assistant at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and is interested in migrant return policies, migration, colonial history and European contemporary history.

Centre for Independent Social Research
Senior Researcher
Saint Petersburg

Adjunct Professor Olga Tkach is a senior researcher at the Centre for Independent Social Research (CISR), St. Petersburg, Russia. She defended her PhD in Sociology in 2008, and in 2018, she was awarded the title of docent by the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Finland, with a specialization in migration and welfare research. Olga studies and publishes on migration and mobility, au pair placement, home, domestic and care work, housing and neighbouring relations, and various aspects of the everyday. As the main grantee, she has been currently involved in two international Kone Foundation funded projects on neighbourness “The Big Layered Cake: towards the conceptualization of neighborness” (2019-2022) and On the Road with the Big Layered Cake: A Thoughtful Journey Through the Russian-Finnish Neighborhood (2019-2020). She also currently studies the issues of property relations and intra-city mobility within the project “Urban Margins, Global Transitions: Everyday Security and Mobility in Four Russian Cities” funded by the Research Council of Norway, NORRUSS programme, project No.287967 (2019-2022).

  • Centre for Independent Social Research
    Senior Researcher
    Saint Petersburg

Adjunct Professor Olga Tkach is a senior researcher at the Centre for Independent Social Research (CISR), St. Petersburg, Russia. She defended her PhD in Sociology in 2008, and in 2018, she was awarded the title of docent by the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Finland, with a specialization in migration and welfare research. Olga studies and publishes on migration and mobility, au pair placement, home, domestic and care work, housing and neighbouring relations, and various aspects of the everyday. As the main grantee, she has been currently involved in two international Kone Foundation funded projects on neighbourness “The Big Layered Cake: towards the conceptualization of neighborness” (2019-2022) and On the Road with the Big Layered Cake: A Thoughtful Journey Through the Russian-Finnish Neighborhood (2019-2020). She also currently studies the issues of property relations and intra-city mobility within the project “Urban Margins, Global Transitions: Everyday Security and Mobility in Four Russian Cities” funded by the Research Council of Norway, NORRUSS programme, project No.287967 (2019-2022).

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

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*Todas las referencias a Kosovo deben entenderse en el contexto de la Resolución 1244 [1999] del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.