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Experts Database

Learn about recent practices from governments, civil society, international organizations, and other stakeholders to gain insight into their experiences implementing the Global Compact’s objectives and guiding principles – get ready to be inspired!

Elaborada en colaboración con el Centro de Investigación sobre Migración de IMISCOE, esta base de datos permite acceder a un conjunto de expertos en migración de todo el mundo. Los académicos e investigadores inscritos en IMISCOE contribuyen con sus publicaciones y conocimientos especializados a fomentar la innovación en materia de migración, aportando sus bagajes sobre una serie de temas relacionados con el Pacto Mundial para la Migración. En sus perfiles se ofrecen enlaces a sus investigaciones. Realice búsquedas por especialidad y ubicación en la base de datos que figura a continuación para encontrar a un experto y consultar sus últimos trabajos. Inicie sesión para contactar con un experto de manera directa.

Descargo de responsabilidad: El contacto con los expertos se facilita a través del Centro de Investigación sobre Migración; la inclusión en esta base de datos no implica ningún tipo de aval por la Red de las Naciones Unidas sobre la Migración o sus miembros.

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Lista de revisión entre homólogos

Todo material que se envía al Centro de la Red sobre Migración se somete primero a una revisión por expertos del sector tanto de las Naciones Unidas como de otros ámbitos. Los interesados en integrar la lista pueden solicitar su inclusión en cualquier momento. Conozca más sobre los criterios de revisión aquí.

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Base de datos de expertos

Search Results
Displaying 421 - 430 of 2384
Nord University
Associate Professor

I am a sociologist and associate professor at Nord University, in Norway, with expertise in migrant residential segregation and labor market outcomes. My research focuses on the factors shaping residential mobility, access to housing, and employment of migrants in their host societies. I mostly apply quantitative research methods to register and census data in my research.

  • Nord University
    Associate Professor

I am a sociologist and associate professor at Nord University, in Norway, with expertise in migrant residential segregation and labor market outcomes. My research focuses on the factors shaping residential mobility, access to housing, and employment of migrants in their host societies. I mostly apply quantitative research methods to register and census data in my research.

Ph.D Researcher in Sociology at Georg-August University of Gottingen (Germany) and at Leiden University's African Studies Centre (the Netherlands). Currently a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Insitute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity. Interests in transnational migration in South Africa, Pentecostal Christianity, African urbanism, social relations and encounters, ambivalence

Ph.D Researcher in Sociology at Georg-August University of Gottingen (Germany) and at Leiden University's African Studies Centre (the Netherlands). Currently a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Insitute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity. Interests in transnational migration in South Africa, Pentecostal Christianity, African urbanism, social relations and encounters, ambivalence

Middlesex University
Associate Professor of Sociology

Anastasia Christou is Associate Professor of Sociology, member of the Social Policy Research Centre and founding member of the FemGenSex research network at Middlesex University. Anastasia has engaged in multi-sited, multi-method and comparative ethnographic research in the United States, the UK, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Cyprus, France, Iceland and Switzerland.

  • Middlesex University
    Associate Professor of Sociology

Anastasia Christou is Associate Professor of Sociology, member of the Social Policy Research Centre and founding member of the FemGenSex research network at Middlesex University. Anastasia has engaged in multi-sited, multi-method and comparative ethnographic research in the United States, the UK, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Cyprus, France, Iceland and Switzerland.

Lund University
Post-doctoral researcher

Prior to her PhD studies, Fanny Christou graduated in Political Science, specialised in European Studies, with a 5-year diploma from Sciences Po, France. During the last year of her Political Science degree at Sciences Po, she also got a Master degree in Political Science with a major in Geopolitics and International Relations, from the University of Toulouse and Sciences Po Toulouse, in partnership with the Staffordshire British University, UK. After this, she obtained an additional Master degree in European and International Studies with a specialisation on International Cultural Strategies, (University of Albi, 2013-2014).

She got her doctoral degree (PhD in Geography), with a thesis entitled “The political mobilisation’s territorialisation of Palestinian diaspora in Sweden”, in December 2017 in France (co-supervision between the University of Poitiers, Migrinter, the American University of Beirut and Sciences Po Paris) financially supported by different prestigious institutions (Foundation Poitiers University, Foundation of France, the Institute of Advanced Studies in National Defence and CMES).

She has been awarded a one-year post-doctoral fellowship funded by the French Red Cross Foundation in October 2018 with a research project entitled: “Socio-cultural practices of the Palestinians in Germany in the field of social and solidarity economy: towards a new model of integration?”.

Fanny Christou is currently based at the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS), as a post-doctoral researcher for the “Resilience in Urban Sudan” project granted by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), and co-funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS).

  • Lund University
    Post-doctoral researcher

Prior to her PhD studies, Fanny Christou graduated in Political Science, specialised in European Studies, with a 5-year diploma from Sciences Po, France. During the last year of her Political Science degree at Sciences Po, she also got a Master degree in Political Science with a major in Geopolitics and International Relations, from the University of Toulouse and Sciences Po Toulouse, in partnership with the Staffordshire British University, UK. After this, she obtained an additional Master degree in European and International Studies with a specialisation on International Cultural Strategies, (University of Albi, 2013-2014).

She got her doctoral degree (PhD in Geography), with a thesis entitled “The political mobilisation’s territorialisation of Palestinian diaspora in Sweden”, in December 2017 in France (co-supervision between the University of Poitiers, Migrinter, the American University of Beirut and Sciences Po Paris) financially supported by different prestigious institutions (Foundation Poitiers University, Foundation of France, the Institute of Advanced Studies in National Defence and CMES).

She has been awarded a one-year post-doctoral fellowship funded by the French Red Cross Foundation in October 2018 with a research project entitled: “Socio-cultural practices of the Palestinians in Germany in the field of social and solidarity economy: towards a new model of integration?”.

Fanny Christou is currently based at the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS), as a post-doctoral researcher for the “Resilience in Urban Sudan” project granted by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), and co-funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS).


I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Political Sciences and International Relations at Istanbul University. I am currently a guest researcher in the Centre for Global Migration Studies at Göttingen University. My Ph.D. research based on "return migration, collective memory, and transnational social spaces". I have studied return migration, collective memory, and translocality. Previously, I graduated from the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Istanbul University. At the same time, I graduated Department of International Relations at Anadolu University. After undergraduate study, I got a Master’s degree from the Department of International Relations in the Institute of Social Science of the Eskisehir Osmangazi University. I completed my Master’s degree with the thesis entitled “Political Discourse on Syrian Refugees: Case of Turkey”.

  • Istanbul

I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Political Sciences and International Relations at Istanbul University. I am currently a guest researcher in the Centre for Global Migration Studies at Göttingen University. My Ph.D. research based on "return migration, collective memory, and transnational social spaces". I have studied return migration, collective memory, and translocality. Previously, I graduated from the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Istanbul University. At the same time, I graduated Department of International Relations at Anadolu University. After undergraduate study, I got a Master’s degree from the Department of International Relations in the Institute of Social Science of the Eskisehir Osmangazi University. I completed my Master’s degree with the thesis entitled “Political Discourse on Syrian Refugees: Case of Turkey”.

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

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*Todas las referencias a Kosovo deben entenderse en el contexto de la Resolución 1244 [1999] del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.