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Experts Database

Learn about recent practices from governments, civil society, international organizations, and other stakeholders to gain insight into their experiences implementing the Global Compact’s objectives and guiding principles – get ready to be inspired!

Elaborada en colaboración con el Centro de Investigación sobre Migración de IMISCOE, esta base de datos permite acceder a un conjunto de expertos en migración de todo el mundo. Los académicos e investigadores inscritos en IMISCOE contribuyen con sus publicaciones y conocimientos especializados a fomentar la innovación en materia de migración, aportando sus bagajes sobre una serie de temas relacionados con el Pacto Mundial para la Migración. En sus perfiles se ofrecen enlaces a sus investigaciones. Realice búsquedas por especialidad y ubicación en la base de datos que figura a continuación para encontrar a un experto y consultar sus últimos trabajos. Inicie sesión para contactar con un experto de manera directa.

Descargo de responsabilidad: El contacto con los expertos se facilita a través del Centro de Investigación sobre Migración; la inclusión en esta base de datos no implica ningún tipo de aval por la Red de las Naciones Unidas sobre la Migración o sus miembros.

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Lista de revisión entre homólogos

Todo material que se envía al Centro de la Red sobre Migración se somete primero a una revisión por expertos del sector tanto de las Naciones Unidas como de otros ámbitos. Los interesados en integrar la lista pueden solicitar su inclusión en cualquier momento. Conozca más sobre los criterios de revisión aquí.

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Base de datos de expertos

Search Results
Displaying 511 - 520 of 2384
University of Florence

Researcher in Experimental Pedagogy and Research Methods in Education. Laboratory of Educational Research for Social Innovation and Cooperation (LABER). Department of Education, Languages, Interculture, Literature and Psychology. University of Florence (Italy). I deal with human mobility and migration potential, migration studies and drivers of migration, intercultural education, social and adult education, human development and capability approach, social economy, international and development cooperation policies with research activities in Italy and abroad.

  • University of Florence

Researcher in Experimental Pedagogy and Research Methods in Education. Laboratory of Educational Research for Social Innovation and Cooperation (LABER). Department of Education, Languages, Interculture, Literature and Psychology. University of Florence (Italy). I deal with human mobility and migration potential, migration studies and drivers of migration, intercultural education, social and adult education, human development and capability approach, social economy, international and development cooperation policies with research activities in Italy and abroad.

University of Copenhagen
Assistant Professor

Sociologist and epidemiologist with a research focus on refugee children's transition to adulthood in Denmark and other countries, organised around the themes of education, employment and health. Most of my work is quantitative and comparative, exploring how refugee children's life courses differ across countries to contribute to our understanding of how the post-settlement context shapes refugee children's life chances.

  • University of Copenhagen
    Assistant Professor
  • Karolinska Institutet
    Research affiliate

Sociologist and epidemiologist with a research focus on refugee children's transition to adulthood in Denmark and other countries, organised around the themes of education, employment and health. Most of my work is quantitative and comparative, exploring how refugee children's life courses differ across countries to contribute to our understanding of how the post-settlement context shapes refugee children's life chances.

NOVA University of Lisbon, School of Law
Researcher and PhD Candidate

Emellin is a Licensed Lawyer, a Researcher at the Research & Development Centre on Law and Society (CEDIS, NOVA School of Law) and a PhD Candidate at NOVA School of Law, whose research aims to analyse how security concerns shape Migration Law in the European Union.

In addition, Emellin is a member of the "International Migration and International Law Committee" of the International Law Association, representing the Portuguese Society of International Law, and she is part of the MoveS network, as a national expert (Portugal) in intra-EU mobility. Since February 2022, she has been on the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA, formerly EASO) List of Experts.

Emellin is the Co-founder and Legal Consultant of the NOVA Asylum Policy Lab (NOVA FCSH) and the Co-founder of the NOVA Refugee Clinic - Legal Clinic, as well as a member of the Observatory of Personal Data Protection (NOVA School of Law), where she is in charge of the "Digital Borders" Research Line activities.

Her research interests focus on migration, asylum, databases for third-country nationals, security and border control. She has participated in several research projects on voluntary and forced migration. She has published mainly on the relationship between migration and security, whether in physical spaces (borders, hotspots and detention centres) or in digital environments (information systems and databases).

  • NOVA University of Lisbon, School of Law
    Researcher and PhD Candidate
  • Fio Legal
    Lawyer | Of Counsel

Emellin is a Licensed Lawyer, a Researcher at the Research & Development Centre on Law and Society (CEDIS, NOVA School of Law) and a PhD Candidate at NOVA School of Law, whose research aims to analyse how security concerns shape Migration Law in the European Union.

In addition, Emellin is a member of the "International Migration and International Law Committee" of the International Law Association, representing the Portuguese Society of International Law, and she is part of the MoveS network, as a national expert (Portugal) in intra-EU mobility. Since February 2022, she has been on the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA, formerly EASO) List of Experts.

Emellin is the Co-founder and Legal Consultant of the NOVA Asylum Policy Lab (NOVA FCSH) and the Co-founder of the NOVA Refugee Clinic - Legal Clinic, as well as a member of the Observatory of Personal Data Protection (NOVA School of Law), where she is in charge of the "Digital Borders" Research Line activities.

Her research interests focus on migration, asylum, databases for third-country nationals, security and border control. She has participated in several research projects on voluntary and forced migration. She has published mainly on the relationship between migration and security, whether in physical spaces (borders, hotspots and detention centres) or in digital environments (information systems and databases).

“Sapienza” University of Rome
Director of the European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication (

Annamaria Silvana de Rosa, Ph.D.,
° Full Professor of Social Representations and Communication with laboratory of New Media and Web-Marketing at the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology - “Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy.
° Founder (since 1993) ,Co-ordinator (since its implementation in 1996) and Director of the Eu-approved European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication (since the designation in 2010 as Honorary Director of Serge Moscovici, 1st former Director) (;
° Founder and Director of the EU-approved SoReCom THEmatic NETwork of excellence (, she has been the Director of the European/International Joint Ph.D. on SR&C Research Centre and Multimedia Lab (since 1996 until 31-12-2020).
• Scientific Leader of 73 hyper-competitive projects at international and national level won and lead since 1992:

Among other awards:
o in 2010 awarded a Doctorate Honoris Causa by the University A.I. Cuza of Iasi, Romania
o in 2011 awarded a Fulbright Schuman Grant by the Commission for Educational Exchange between the United States of America, Belgium and Luxembourg
o in 2018 awarded the title Emeritus Professor (Profesora Emérita) of the Universitdad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina
o in 2019 awarded the role as “adjunct professor” of the University of Ottawa (Canada) until 2025.

• Invited visiting professor by many Universities in Europe, USA, Canada, Latino America, Africa, Indonesia and China and as an international expert to evaluate research programmes by many funding Institutions in several countries worldwide.
• Member of many International Scientific Associations and invited member of the editorial board of numerous journals in social sciences.

° Author of more than 750 scientific contributions, including invited Key lectures in international conferences and publications in the supra-disciplinary field of Social Sciences inspired by her “modeling” paradigmatic approach to Social Representations and Communication, based on integrative multi-theoretical and pluri-methodological research designs in a variety of thematic areas European historical capitals and tourism; web-marketing and new media; national, supra-national, place identity; migration; advertising; social memory, emotions; family relationships; stock market; madness; psychoanalysis in the era of Facebook, social movements and social media. One of her book in the field is entitled Social Representations in the Social Arena (Routledge, 2013).
Other publications concern distinct forms of internationalization of doctoral education and innovative ICT applied to Higher Education and Digital Libraries. related to her expertise/experience achieved as founder and director of the European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication and as creator and developer of the SoReCom”A.S. de Rosa” @-library: the most worldwide comprehensive digital library and multi-purpose innovative web-platform, integrating scientific documentation, networking and research training aimed at the meta-theoretical analysis of the whole scientific production in the supra-disciplinary field of Social Representations and Communication.

° In the field of migration studies prof. de Rosa is the project leader of a wide research program - launched in 2017 - on migratory experiences and discourse, articulated in:
a. “field” studies aimed at investigating multiple experiential dimensions of migrants/refugees and second generation of immigrants, caseworkers and members of the host communities;
b. “multi-media” studies aimed at investigating the polarization in the media of social representations and attitudes according to the different ideological positions and identity affiliations, which guide the processes of social inclusion/exclusion towards migrants. In particular the media studies are aimed at reconstructing the “multi-voices” and “multi-agents” discourses about the contemporary migratory phenomenon:
b.1) the scientific discourse (by experts) analysing the international scientific literature, inspired by the social representations theory and other theories in social sciences;
b.2) the political-institutional discourse driven by or leading the institutional policies at national and supranational level (by policy makers, political leaders, institutions, NGO, etc.);
b.3) the discourse by “journalists” in the Italian and international online press of different political orientation and broadcast;
b.4) the communication “for” and “among” the citizens in various scenarios of the social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube).

In July 2020 the Canadian SSHRC has approved the joint project led by Lilian Negura (u-Ottawa, Canada) and Annamaria Silvana de Rosa (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) entitled ""Social representations of immigrants from multi-voice and multi-agent institutional-policies-driven discourses and their echoes in the media: a comparative analysis between Canada and Italy.”: an extension of part of the wider research program launched in Italy in 2017 involving Master students who attended the course "Social Representations and Communication with laboratory of New Media and Web-Marketing" for three academic years (2017-18; 2018-19; 2019-20) at Sapienza University.

Contact e-mail:

  • “Sapienza” University of Rome
    Director of the European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication (

Annamaria Silvana de Rosa, Ph.D.,
° Full Professor of Social Representations and Communication with laboratory of New Media and Web-Marketing at the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology - “Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy.
° Founder (since 1993) ,Co-ordinator (since its implementation in 1996) and Director of the Eu-approved European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication (since the designation in 2010 as Honorary Director of Serge Moscovici, 1st former Director) (;
° Founder and Director of the EU-approved SoReCom THEmatic NETwork of excellence (, she has been the Director of the European/International Joint Ph.D. on SR&C Research Centre and Multimedia Lab (since 1996 until 31-12-2020).
• Scientific Leader of 73 hyper-competitive projects at international and national level won and lead since 1992:

Among other awards:
o in 2010 awarded a Doctorate Honoris Causa by the University A.I. Cuza of Iasi, Romania
o in 2011 awarded a Fulbright Schuman Grant by the Commission for Educational Exchange between the United States of America, Belgium and Luxembourg
o in 2018 awarded the title Emeritus Professor (Profesora Emérita) of the Universitdad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina
o in 2019 awarded the role as “adjunct professor” of the University of Ottawa (Canada) until 2025.

• Invited visiting professor by many Universities in Europe, USA, Canada, Latino America, Africa, Indonesia and China and as an international expert to evaluate research programmes by many funding Institutions in several countries worldwide.
• Member of many International Scientific Associations and invited member of the editorial board of numerous journals in social sciences.

° Author of more than 750 scientific contributions, including invited Key lectures in international conferences and publications in the supra-disciplinary field of Social Sciences inspired by her “modeling” paradigmatic approach to Social Representations and Communication, based on integrative multi-theoretical and pluri-methodological research designs in a variety of thematic areas European historical capitals and tourism; web-marketing and new media; national, supra-national, place identity; migration; advertising; social memory, emotions; family relationships; stock market; madness; psychoanalysis in the era of Facebook, social movements and social media. One of her book in the field is entitled Social Representations in the Social Arena (Routledge, 2013).
Other publications concern distinct forms of internationalization of doctoral education and innovative ICT applied to Higher Education and Digital Libraries. related to her expertise/experience achieved as founder and director of the European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication and as creator and developer of the SoReCom”A.S. de Rosa” @-library: the most worldwide comprehensive digital library and multi-purpose innovative web-platform, integrating scientific documentation, networking and research training aimed at the meta-theoretical analysis of the whole scientific production in the supra-disciplinary field of Social Representations and Communication.

° In the field of migration studies prof. de Rosa is the project leader of a wide research program - launched in 2017 - on migratory experiences and discourse, articulated in:
a. “field” studies aimed at investigating multiple experiential dimensions of migrants/refugees and second generation of immigrants, caseworkers and members of the host communities;
b. “multi-media” studies aimed at investigating the polarization in the media of social representations and attitudes according to the different ideological positions and identity affiliations, which guide the processes of social inclusion/exclusion towards migrants. In particular the media studies are aimed at reconstructing the “multi-voices” and “multi-agents” discourses about the contemporary migratory phenomenon:
b.1) the scientific discourse (by experts) analysing the international scientific literature, inspired by the social representations theory and other theories in social sciences;
b.2) the political-institutional discourse driven by or leading the institutional policies at national and supranational level (by policy makers, political leaders, institutions, NGO, etc.);
b.3) the discourse by “journalists” in the Italian and international online press of different political orientation and broadcast;
b.4) the communication “for” and “among” the citizens in various scenarios of the social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube).

In July 2020 the Canadian SSHRC has approved the joint project led by Lilian Negura (u-Ottawa, Canada) and Annamaria Silvana de Rosa (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) entitled ""Social representations of immigrants from multi-voice and multi-agent institutional-policies-driven discourses and their echoes in the media: a comparative analysis between Canada and Italy.”: an extension of part of the wider research program launched in Italy in 2017 involving Master students who attended the course "Social Representations and Communication with laboratory of New Media and Web-Marketing" for three academic years (2017-18; 2018-19; 2019-20) at Sapienza University.

Contact e-mail:

University of Southampton
PhD Candidate

I am a doctoral researcher investigating the mobilisations of South Asian diaspora in the UK. My work aims to explain why and how migrants (and their descendents) unite through civil society, media, activtist and development organisations or collectives. In doing so, I also address the conditions where unification is fragmented or strained. And lastly, I look to the impacts of diaspora mobilisations, at both the transnational and local levels.

  • University of Southampton
    PhD Candidate
  • IMISCOE Standing Committee on Migrant Transnationalism (MITRA)
    Media Curator
  • India Centre for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development
    PhD researcher

I am a doctoral researcher investigating the mobilisations of South Asian diaspora in the UK. My work aims to explain why and how migrants (and their descendents) unite through civil society, media, activtist and development organisations or collectives. In doing so, I also address the conditions where unification is fragmented or strained. And lastly, I look to the impacts of diaspora mobilisations, at both the transnational and local levels.

Monica Braga is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Coimbra. She is also a Lawyer member of the Portuguese and Brazilian Bar Associations, holds a Master's Degree in International Relations, with emphasis in Public Policies Management, and is a specialist in Human Rights and in Armed Conflicts and Human Rights. Her research focus on the migration of unaccompanied children from Africa to Europe, the nexus development/migration, the role of socioeconomic inequalities as drivers for migration, trajectories, the role of the civil society as substitute of the State, and transition to adulthood.

Monica Braga is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Coimbra. She is also a Lawyer member of the Portuguese and Brazilian Bar Associations, holds a Master's Degree in International Relations, with emphasis in Public Policies Management, and is a specialist in Human Rights and in Armed Conflicts and Human Rights. Her research focus on the migration of unaccompanied children from Africa to Europe, the nexus development/migration, the role of socioeconomic inequalities as drivers for migration, trajectories, the role of the civil society as substitute of the State, and transition to adulthood.

Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute
director NIDI and professor of migration and life course
The Hague

I am director of the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute and honorary professor of Migration and the life course at the University of Groningen. I am leading also a research group within the theme group "migration and migrants" at NIDI. My research focuses on migration and integration issues, the transition to adulthood of immigrant youth, educational inequality, union and family formation, the second generation, intergenerational relationships in immigrant families, ethnic segregation and European mobility. I have headed a range of international collaborative projects in these domains and have been awarded an ERC Starting Grant (2010) and ERC Consolidator Grant (2018). I was editor in chief of the European Journal of Population (2014-18) and winner of the European Demography Award 2016. Currently I am president of the European Association for Population Studies.

  • Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute
    director NIDI and professor of migration and life course
    The Hague

I am director of the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute and honorary professor of Migration and the life course at the University of Groningen. I am leading also a research group within the theme group "migration and migrants" at NIDI. My research focuses on migration and integration issues, the transition to adulthood of immigrant youth, educational inequality, union and family formation, the second generation, intergenerational relationships in immigrant families, ethnic segregation and European mobility. I have headed a range of international collaborative projects in these domains and have been awarded an ERC Starting Grant (2010) and ERC Consolidator Grant (2018). I was editor in chief of the European Journal of Population (2014-18) and winner of the European Demography Award 2016. Currently I am president of the European Association for Population Studies.

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

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*Todas las referencias a Kosovo deben entenderse en el contexto de la Resolución 1244 [1999] del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.