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Promoting partnerships, governing migration: experiences from the IGAD region on GCM implementation in a changing climate

Promoting partnerships, governing migration: experiences from the IGAD region on GCM implementation in a changing climate

The IGAD region is one of the most vulnerable to climate variability and change in Africa. In 2020, almost 3 million people in the region have been compelled to move in the context of a changing climate. To address this challenge, a regional programme ‘Addressing Drivers and Facilitating Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration in the Contexts of Disasters and Climate Change in the IGAD Region’ has been launched by several UN agencies and IGAD in May 2021, funded by the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund. The joint programme contributes to facilitating pathways for regular migration in the IGAD region and minimizing displacement risk in the context of disaster and climate change. The four pillars of action address data and knowledge; national and regional policy frameworks; disaster displacement and preparedness; and regular migration pathways. Building on the early lessons and results from the joint programme, key questions that this event seeks to address include:

• What are some key achievements in the IGAD region in advancing GCM commitments on climate change and human mobility since 2018?

• Which innovative approaches exist to enhance data and knowledge on human mobility and climate change to be used for early warning and policy decision-making?

• What are good practices of evidence-based, whole of government approaches in migration governance?

• How can migration serve as an adaptation strategy to climate change and what role plays skills development?

• Which lessons can we draw from other regions or can be replicated?

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Date: , -
Event Category
Main organizer/s
Intergovernmental Authority on Development - IGAD
Geographic Scope
Workstream Output
Regional Review Process
GCM Objectives
GCM Objectives - General (23 Objectives)

*Todas las referencias a Kosovo deben entenderse en el contexto de la Resolución 1244 [1999] del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.