Africa Migration Data Network (AMDN)
Established in 2021, the Africa Migration Data Network (AMDN) aims to promote a continental exchange of good practices on migration data issues, facilitate coordination and collaboration among members of the network in the implementation of migration data-related initiatives, and improve their effectiveness through dissemination and outreach.
The network particularly seeks to: (i) provide an opportunity to better identify and respond to capacity-building needs; (ii) promote the sharing of data across Africa and (iii) contribute to efforts to harmonize migration concepts, definitions and data methods, contributing to the comparability of data across countries and to improving the evidence base on migration in the continent.
As key activities, the network aims to produce a bi-annual flagship report providing an overview of migration data in Africa, based on national migration statistics. The AMDN will also gather in an annual meeting at the StatAfric premises in Tunis (this will be a virtual meeting in the first instance). A series of thematic webinars will also be organized on different migration-relevant subjects, such as data on remittances in Africa, the impact of COVID-19 on data-related activities, and other topics.