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Moldova: Leveraging the Positive Impact of Migration on Moldova’s Development Through Improved Policy Evidence and Better Engaged Diaspora.

Moldova: Leveraging the Positive Impact of Migration on Moldova’s Development Through Improved Policy Evidence and Better Engaged Diaspora.

Migration waves, which started in the 1990s, have led to an outflow of Moldovan nationals, with a quarter of the population residing abroad (approximately 720,000 persons according to the National Bureau of Statistics). In the last four years, the share of migrants aged 18-29 years increased from 55% to 66%. However, lack of adequate information and analysis of the actual and potential factors driving migration limit the ability of the Government to devise appropriate migration policies, including groups left behind and highly skilled migrants. Moreover, there are limited opportunities for diaspora to engage through return or investment in home country. 
To address these challenges, the proposed programme aims to leverage the positive impact and minimize the negative effects of migration on Moldova’s socio-economic development. First, the programme will strengthen the capacities of relevant public authorities for ensuring effective migration policy design and management. It will draw recommendations for policy response following the profile analysis of various categories of migrants, diaspora communities and their engagement potential as well as of the impacts that migration and remittances have on the structure of the communities left behind, including children. 
Second, the programme will employ innovative mechanisms to strengthen diaspora engagement, including the establishment of participatory platforms for outreach, consultation and capitalization of diaspora’s skills, knowledge and expertise for development initiatives. In addition, it will attract diaspora investments to Moldova, and develop trade and business partnerships in sectors such as tourism.

Project Date
Type of Project
Lead implementing organization/s
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
World Health Organization (WHO)
Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund
Geographic Scope
Republic of Moldova
Sub Regions
Eastern Europe
Workstream Output
Regional Review Process
GCM Objectives
Cross Cutting Theme
Sustainable development
Whole-of-government approach
SDG.3 - Good Health And Well-Being
SDG.8 - Decent Work And Economic Growth
SDG.10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG.16 - Peace, Justice And Strong Institutions
SDG.17 - Partnerships For The Goals
SDG Targets
Target 10.7
Target 17.18
Target 17.3
Target 3.8
Target 8.10
Target 8.5

*Todas las referencias a Kosovo deben entenderse en el contexto de la Resolución 1244 [1999] del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.