Transit migration: impact and policy implications for development
Policy discussions on migration and development focus mostly on host and origin countries. Migrants, however, travel through corridors spanning several countries in their journey, and many migrants remain in the countries they cross for years or never make it to their planned destination at all. While the GCM refers to transit migration, its objectives seldom explicitly account for its implications for the development of communities. On one hand, transit migration can be risky because it may involve irregular and unsafe routes, as well as smuggling networks. As migrants do not plan to stay long in their temporary hosting locations, local governments often do not prioritize their wellness or protection. Communities dealing with transit migration are moreover often unable to accommodate the demands required to do so. On the other hand, transit migration generates positive spillovers on the local economy, creating opportunities for jobs and income-generation. The complex nature of transit migration, where security, protection and development dimensions meet, makes the best course for policy unclear for local communities, governments and international co-operation. This side event aims to discuss the impact and implications of transit migration on municipalities and communities in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs); and connect the growing policy relevance of transit migration in LMICs to the discussions on the implementation of the GCM. It will also contribute to an on-going study on transit migration managed by the OECD, UNDP and KNOMAD/World Bank, to be presented by the end of 2022.
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