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Civil Society and Stakeholders

Pursuant to General Assembly Resolution 73/195, paragraph 44:

“We will implement the Global Compact in cooperation and partnership with migrants, civil society, migrant and diaspora organizations, faith-based organizations, local authorities and communities, the private sector, trade unions, parliamentarians, National Human Rights Institutions, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, academia, the media and other relevant stakeholders”.

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Stakeholder Engagement in the Regional Reviews 2024

Formulaire de manifestation d'intérêt pour rejoindre un axe de travail du Réseau des Nations unies sur les migrations

Follow up and Review of the GCM

Multi Stakeholder Hearing

Info for registered stakeholders

Global Stakeholder Consultations – 31 Oct & 1 Nov, 2023

Consultations and Townhalls with Stakeholders

Regional Reviews 2020-2021

Stakeholder Engagement at Regional and Country Levels


Guest Blog Series


Quarterly Meetings with Stakeholders and Partners

4th Quarterly Meeting 2 November 2021

3rd Quarterly Meeting 22 September 2021

2nd Quarterly Meeting 26 May 2021

1st Quarterly Meeting 12 March 2021

Consultations and Listening Sessions


Guidance Material


The UN Network on Migration salutes all actors providing vital protection, monitoring, advocacy, information and support to and in collaboration with migrants during the COVID-19 pandemic. Civil society organizations, migrant and diaspora associations, workers and employers organizations, national human rights institutions, youth and women-led...



*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.