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Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America and the Caribbean


Explore the Regional Reviews of the Latin America and the Caribbean Region

The Regional Review in the Latin America and the Caribbean America Region in March will provide Member States and stakeholders an opportunity to assess their progress in implementing the objectives and guiding principles of the Global Compact for Migration, with a particular focus on regional collaboration and dialogue.

Five Regional Reviews are held every four years. As part of the 2024 series, a Regional Review was held in the UN Economic Commission for Europe in March 2024.

Further Reviews are scheduled in the Arab region on 3 -4 July, Africa (October), and Asia and the Pacific in early 2025.

To receive information by email about the Regional Review and updates, please complete this form: Form to receive information.

Para recibir información por correo electrónico sobre la Revisión Regional y actualizaciones por favor completar este formulario: Formulario para recibir información.


Upcoming Events / Próximos Eventos




25 to 26 September 2024

II Forum of Champion Countries in the Americas (San Salvador, El Salvador)

29 October 2024

1st Briefing for Member States (virtual)

13 November 2024

Pre-consultations for multi-stakeholders (virtual)

10 & 11 February 2025

Consultation with multi-stakeholders (sessions 1-4, virtual)

19 February 2025 (TBC)

2nd Briefing for Member States (virtual)

18 March 2025

Multi-stakeholder hearing (Santiago, Chile)

19 – 20 March 2025

Second Regional Review Meeting (Santiago, Chile)

Registration Timeline for the Second Regional Review Meeting (Santiago, Chile)



18 January 

Opening of register for all participants 

29 January 

Deadline to register for stakeholders requesting funding. Steps: 

  1. Fill in the registration 
  1. Fill in funding application form and send it to
    • Registration decisions will be made on a rolling basis. If you require early confirmation for travel arrangements, please register early. For those not requesting funding, you are encourage to register early if you would like early confirmation for other purposes

7 February 

Sending of confirmations to stakeholders receiving funding 

9 March 

Deadline to register for stakeholders not requesting funding 

14 March 

Deadline for Member States to register


Important note: Participants must manage their visas independently.



18 de enero 

Apertura del registro para todos los participantes 

29 de enero 

Fecha límite para que los stakeholders que solicitan financiamiento se registren.  


  1. Completar el registro 
  1. Completar el formulario de solicitud de fondos y enviarlo a  
    • Las decisiones de inscripción se tomarán de forma sucesiva. Si requiere confirmación anticipada para organizar su viaje, le rogamos que se inscriba con antelación. A quienes no soliciten financiación se les anima a inscribirse pronto si desean una confirmación temprana para otros fines.

7 de febrero 

Envío de confirmaciones a los stakeholders que reciben financiamiento 

9 de marzo 

Fecha límite para que los stakeholders que no solicitan financiamiento se registren 

14 de marzo 

Fecha límite para que los Estados Miembros se registren 


Nota importante: Los participantes deben gestionar sus visas de manera independiente.  

Intergovernmental Conference

Cross-regional and intra-regional discussion that cover Member States of more than one UN Regional Commission, will be posted on all relevant regional pages.

This page contains information for the Member States of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN ECLAC) which include: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Germany, Grenada  , Guatemala, Guyana,  Haiti, Honduras, Italy, Jamaica,  Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay Peru, Portugal, Republic of Korea,  Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Spain, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Türkiye,  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).

Multi-stakeholder consultations

Stakeholder Consultations

Day 1 / Día 1 – Sessions 1 & 2

Day 2 / Día 2 – Sessions 3 & 4