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By Migrants, For Migrants: Advocating for migrants’ meaningful participation in IMRF and the GCM processes


By Migrants, For Migrants: Advocating for migrants’ meaningful participation in IMRF and the GCM processes

The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) contains a promise of participatory processes expressed in its emphasis on a people-centred, human rights based and whole-of-society approach to migration policy4 . Migrants are among the key stakeholders, and their meaningful participation in shaping the policies is crucial in shaping the policy to advance human rights of migrants and achieving migration justice. However, systemic barriers to meaningful participation of migrants and refugees remain strong. This is reflected in the lack of migrants’ voices and representation throughout the GCM implementation and review processes. Migrants’ participation is often limited to ad hoc consultation which failed to effectively inform or influence policy discussions and decision making.

Despite all of the challenges hindering migrants participation, migrants, advocates, groups, and organisations are constantly putting in great effort to overcome the gaps and hurdles, creating various engagement opportunities to amplify migrants’ voices in the process.

This IMRF side event aims to provide an opportunity for collective reflection on the ways that the systems exclude migrants. By recognising the constraints and limitations, various actors (migrants, civil society, government, UN experts) bring their insights and promising practices in meaningful participation, which provide concrete recommendations for the IMRF and the forthcoming GCM processes in creating an enabling environment for migrants’ participation.

“Nothing about migrants without migrants.”5 - To make the GCM processes meaningful, migrants' participation should be substantial rather than symbolic, and immediate efforts should be made to deliver the most participatory process possible. This side event will also be a showcase to demonstrate the grassroots migrants’ effort in their engagement with the GCM processes at all levels.

Registration link:…

Date: , -
Main organizer/s
Asia Pacific Forum on Women
Law and Development
Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants
International Migrants Alliance
The Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants
Quaker United Nations Office
Geographic Scope
Workstream Output
Regional Review Process
GCM Objectives

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.