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I Know Gender Module 16: Gender Equality and Migration

I Know Gender Module 16: Gender Equality and Migration

Gender Equality and Migration is a brand-new online training module, developed by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and UN Women. This module helps learners understand how gender shapes every stage of the migrant journey, and why gender equality matters in migration.

 Gender Equality and Migration becomes the 16th module of the UN Women's landmark I Know Gender e-learning course. It is a unique chance to step into the shoes of migrants and see things from their perspective. Through this module, participants will learn about international migration trends from a gender perspective, how to conduct a gender analysis and how to start mainstreaming gender equality into their everyday work at every stage of the migration cycle.

Date de publication
Type de ressource
Training / Workshop Material
Public cible
Civil Society
Intergovernmental Organization
Private Sector
Source / éditeur
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
UN Women
Échelle géographique
Produit d’un groupe de travail
Processus d’examen régional
Objectifs Pacte mondial pour la migration
Thèmes transversaux
Sustainable development
Human rights
SDG.4 - Quality Education
SDG.5 - Gender Equality
SDG.8 - Decent Work And Economic Growth
SDG.10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG.16 - Peace, Justice And Strong Institutions
SDG.17 - Partnerships For The Goals
Indicateurs ODD
Indicator 10.7.2
Indicator 10.c.1
Indicator 16.2.2
Indicator 17.18.1
Indicator 17.18.2
Indicator 17.18.3
Indicator 4.b.1
Indicator 5.5.2
Indicator 8.5.1
Indicator 8.5.2
Indicator 8.7.1
Indicator 8.8.1
Indicator 8.8.2
Cibles ODD
Target 10.7
Target 10.c
Target 16.2
Target 17.18
Target 4.b
Target 8.5
Target 8.7
Disability-responsive policies
Human rights
Internal migration
Labour migration
LGBTQ migration
Migrant rights
Return migration
Trafficking in persons

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.