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Supporting Refugees, Migrants and Host Communities through the Regional Migration Fund (RMF) in the Horn of Africa

Supporting Refugees, Migrants and Host Communities through the Regional Migration Fund (RMF) in the Horn of Africa

The Regional Migration Fund (RMF) was set up within the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in 2019 with the objective to improve living conditions, create economic opportunities and strengthen social cohesion of refugees, migrants and host communities in the Horn of Africa region. The RMF currently provides for two investment windows: (1) to mobilise the economic potential of border areas along major migration routes, (2) to improve the livelihoods and strengthen social cohesion of refugees and host communities in protracted displacement situations.

Project locations are selected along transparent and comprehensive eligibility criteria. For the first phase of implementation, the RMF Steering Committee confirmed project locations in the border areas of Metemma (Ethiopia) / Galabat (Sudan) and Moyale (Ethiopia) / Moyale (Kenya) as well as the region Ali Sabieh (Djibouti). Investment priorities in those areas are identified and defined through the “area based-development planning” approach, with participation of stakeholders at local, regional and national level.

Possible investments under the RMF are for example the rehabilitation of local markets and TVET centres, the construction of community centres or fast-track infrastructure projects such as rehabilitation of roads and small-scale water supply systems. The investment projects can be complemented by education and training measures e.g. to improve access to the job market or develop business ideas.

The RMF is funded by the German Development Bank KfW on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). BMZ is also Member of the RMF Steering Committee together with the IGAD Secretariat and IGAD Member States. Moving forward, the RMF - established as the nucleus of the IGAD Migration Fund - has the potential to channel further support from other donors to the benefit of refugees, migrants and host communities in the Horn of Africa region. 

Project Date
Type of Project
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Other Language
Geographic Scope
Sub Regions
Eastern Africa
Workstream Output
Regional Review Process
GCM Objectives
Cross Cutting Theme
Whole-of-government approach
Whole-of-society approach
Economics facilitating migration
Integration policies
Public infrastructure, services and provisions
basic services
economic development

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.