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MC2CMDays: Local authorities improve local governance


MC2CMDays: Local authorities improve local governance

The event will consist of one High-Level Dialogue and four Thematic Sessions, aimed at discussing the role local authorities will play in the Renewed EU Partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood, the new Agenda for the Mediterranean and the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, and presenting critical contemporary areas of urban migration policy in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Every Thematic Session will showcase relevant best practices, discuss proposals for better migration governance at local level and address future concerns for urban migration policy, such as:

  • Inclusive citizenship and cities in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
  • Private sector engagement and labour integration of migrants in Euro-Mediterranean cities.
  • Promoting balanced migration narratives at local level.
  • Gender, migration and sustainable inclusion in cities.

Being a hybrid event, a limited number of participants will be able to attend in person. Therefore, prompt registration is encouraged. Networking opportunities will be provided before and after each session, in respect of ongoing COVID-19 related regulations.

Date: , -
Event Category
Main organizer/s
Mediterranean City-to-City Migration - MC2CM - Project
Target Audience
Civil Society
Geographic Scope
Sub Regions
Northern Africa
Workstream Output
Regional Review Process

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.