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Options Paper 1: Options for governments on care arrangements and alternatives to detention for children and families

Options Paper 1: Options for governments on care arrangements and alternatives to detention for children and families

Reception and placement options in the immigration context for children and families should be non-custodial and with appropriate case management support. They should respect the principle of minimum intervention and fulfil the best interests of the child, along with his/her rights to liberty and family life. Children need to be treated first and foremost as children, regardless of their immigration status. An ethic of care and not enforcement should prevail in all interventions concerning them.

Date de publication
Public cible
Échelle géographique
Produit d’un groupe de travail
Processus d’examen régional
Objectifs Pacte mondial pour la migration
Thèmes transversaux
Child and young migrants
Detention (migration)

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.