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Migrants and their Vulnerability to Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery and Forced Labour

Migrants and their Vulnerability to Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery and Forced Labour

The report explores various sites of vulnerability where migrants are particularly susceptible to human trafficking, forced labour and modern slavery. These include private dwellings, border crossings, irregular migration routes and conflict zones. The report illustrates that migrants are most vulnerable to exploitation in situations where the authority of the State and society are unable to protect them. It also analyses the characteristics of victims that are thought to contribute to their vulnerability. In addition, the study explains some characteristics of offenders, including worldviews that allow them to rationalize the exploitation of others. Lastly, the study looks at examples of enabling environments or contexts, such as restrictive immigration policies, that engender or exacerbate vulnerability.

Date de publication
Type de ressource
Public cible
General Public
Source / éditeur
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Minderoo Foundation
Échelle géographique
Produit d’un groupe de travail
Processus d’examen régional
Objectifs Pacte mondial pour la migration
Thèmes transversaux
Human rights
Trafficking in persons

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.