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Online Launch: 3 Research Briefs on Children and Migration


Online Launch: 3 Research Briefs on Children and Migration

The UNICEF MENA Regional Office in partnership with UNICEF-Innocenti Office of Research and in cooperation with the UN Regional Network on Migration, is pleased to invite you to register for the online launch of three timely research briefs - Implementing the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration:  Evidence from Children and Young People’s Migration Experience in the Horn and North of Africa:

    Brief 1:  Strengthening Child Protection Systems and Ending Immigration Detention
    Brief 2:  Access to Services
    Brief 3:  Vulnerability, Discrimination and Xenophobia

on 17 February 2022 from 15:00 to 16:15 Amman/Cairo Time.  Please Register at this LINK.

Launching during Migration Week 2022 in the lead up to the inaugural International Migration Review Forum (IMRF), the online launch will highlight the key safety, protection and rights issues facing children on the move in the Horn and North of Africa as identified by children and youth. Research findings are aligned with the GCM objectives and linked with recommendations towards improved policy, resourcing and services for children on the move. The launch will also hear from key speakers in the region and globally.
The launch of the briefs provides a timely resource that can inform actions of governments and all stakeholders in the lead up to the IMRF and beyond.   

Date: , -
Type of Event
Event Category
Main organizer/s
UNICEF-Innocenti Office of Research
UNICEF MENA Regional Office
Target Audience
Geographic Scope
Sub Regions
Northern Africa
West Asia
Workstream Output
Regional Review Process
Country / Regional Networks
Regional Network
GCM Objectives
13 - Alternatives to detention
15 - Access to basic services
17 - Eliminate discrimination
Cross Cutting Theme
International cooperation
Human rights

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.