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Experts Database

Learn about recent practices from governments, civil society, international organizations, and other stakeholders to gain insight into their experiences implementing the Global Compact’s objectives and guiding principles – get ready to be inspired!

Elaborada en colaboración con el Centro de Investigación sobre Migración de IMISCOE, esta base de datos permite acceder a un conjunto de expertos en migración de todo el mundo. Los académicos e investigadores inscritos en IMISCOE contribuyen con sus publicaciones y conocimientos especializados a fomentar la innovación en materia de migración, aportando sus bagajes sobre una serie de temas relacionados con el Pacto Mundial para la Migración. En sus perfiles se ofrecen enlaces a sus investigaciones. Realice búsquedas por especialidad y ubicación en la base de datos que figura a continuación para encontrar a un experto y consultar sus últimos trabajos. Inicie sesión para contactar con un experto de manera directa.

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Lista de revisión entre homólogos

Todo material que se envía al Centro de la Red sobre Migración se somete primero a una revisión por expertos del sector tanto de las Naciones Unidas como de otros ámbitos. Los interesados en integrar la lista pueden solicitar su inclusión en cualquier momento. Conozca más sobre los criterios de revisión aquí.

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Base de datos de expertos

Search Results
Displaying 321 - 330 of 573
University of Chittagong
Assistant Professor of International Relations

Born and raised in the Chittagong city of Bangladesh. Studied International Relations at both Bachelor and Master's levels. Currently studying European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations and living at Oldenburg of Germany.

  • University of Chittagong
    Assistant Professor of International Relations

Born and raised in the Chittagong city of Bangladesh. Studied International Relations at both Bachelor and Master's levels. Currently studying European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations and living at Oldenburg of Germany.

Warsaw School of Economics (SGH)

Her main research interests are interdisciplinary and lie at the intersection of tourism, migration and mobility: medical tourism/travel, diasporic/diaspora tourism, VFR tourism, migration-led tourism, transnationalism, and everydayness in tourism.

  • Warsaw School of Economics (SGH)

Her main research interests are interdisciplinary and lie at the intersection of tourism, migration and mobility: medical tourism/travel, diasporic/diaspora tourism, VFR tourism, migration-led tourism, transnationalism, and everydayness in tourism.

Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM)
Scientific Collaborator

Nives Mazur-Kumrić is an Associate Professor of International Law, who has chaired various subjects in the domain of International and European Law at the University of Osijek, Croatia since 2000. She holds a PhD degree in International Law (University of Osijek, Croatia) and a Marie Curie postdoc degree in International/Nationality Law (University of Liège, Belgium). Her research interests lie in the area of human rights law, minority rights, citizenship, ethnicity, migrations, state succession, EU law, environmental law, etc. She is the author of the first university textbook on minority rights in Croatian – “European System of Minority Rights Protection” (Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2017). Her studies in International and European Law include EUI, Florence; CEU, Budapest; Irish Centre for Human Rights, Galway; Academy of International Law, The Hague; Department of Law, Politics and International Studies, Parma; and many others.

Currently, she holds the position of Minister Plenipotentiary at the Permanent Representation of Croatia to the EU in Brussels, with most of her work focused on the even social, economic and territorial development of the EU. She is also a scientific associate at two faculties of the University of Liège, Belgium - the Faculty of Law, Political Sciences and Criminology, and the Faculty of Social Sciences. As a legal expert, she regularly takes part in legal studies and assessments of the European Commission in the area of human rights, migrations, citizenship and other topical issues of International/European Law.

  • Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM)
    Scientific Collaborator

Nives Mazur-Kumrić is an Associate Professor of International Law, who has chaired various subjects in the domain of International and European Law at the University of Osijek, Croatia since 2000. She holds a PhD degree in International Law (University of Osijek, Croatia) and a Marie Curie postdoc degree in International/Nationality Law (University of Liège, Belgium). Her research interests lie in the area of human rights law, minority rights, citizenship, ethnicity, migrations, state succession, EU law, environmental law, etc. She is the author of the first university textbook on minority rights in Croatian – “European System of Minority Rights Protection” (Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2017). Her studies in International and European Law include EUI, Florence; CEU, Budapest; Irish Centre for Human Rights, Galway; Academy of International Law, The Hague; Department of Law, Politics and International Studies, Parma; and many others.

Currently, she holds the position of Minister Plenipotentiary at the Permanent Representation of Croatia to the EU in Brussels, with most of her work focused on the even social, economic and territorial development of the EU. She is also a scientific associate at two faculties of the University of Liège, Belgium - the Faculty of Law, Political Sciences and Criminology, and the Faculty of Social Sciences. As a legal expert, she regularly takes part in legal studies and assessments of the European Commission in the area of human rights, migrations, citizenship and other topical issues of International/European Law.

University of Gdańsk
Associate Professor

Anna Mazurkiewicz, Associate Professor (dr habil., prof. UG), is a historian, a graduate of UG (1999, Ph.D. 2006), chair of the Department of Contemporary History at the Faculty of History. She currently leads the work of the International Border Studies Center at the UG – an interdisciplinary unit established to foster synergies within, and broaden international cooperation outside of the UG networks. She also serves as a Deputy Dean for Research and International Cooperation for the 2020-2024 term.

She has published four books: on the American responses to elections of 1947 and 1989 in Poland, and on the role of the political exiles from East Central Europe in American Cold War politics. Her book: Uchodźcy z Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w amerykańskiej polityce zimnowojennej, 1948-1954 (Warszawa-Gdańsk, IPN-Uniwersytet Gdański, 2016) won the Willi Paul Adams Award, for the best book on American history published in a language other than English, Organization of American Historians, April 2019. She is also the editor of four volumes resulting from international cooperation/projects, including three in English (published in Germany and UK).

Currently she serves as the editor of the book series: “Migrations in History. Past experience, global patterns, memory” DeGruyter (Germany) and the Book Review Editor for Poland „Polish American Studies” (University of Illinois, USA):

Mazurkiewicz the past President of the Polish American Historical Association (2017-2018) and a Board member since 2015. She is also a member of the Inter-faculty Committee of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU) for the Study of the Polish Diaspora as well as Committee on Migration Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN).

Recipient of numerous research grants and awards by Polish and American institutions, Mazurkiewicz was also a Visiting Scholar at the University of Notre Dame, Central European University (Budapest), Kosciuszko Foundation Scholar at the University of Minnesota, State University of New York at Buffalo, Valdosta State University (Georgia, USA) and Fulbright Senior Award, Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, Stanford University, USA.

She teaches contemporary history with a special focus on the Cold War, U.S. history and U.S.-Polish relations, U.S. foreign policy, as well as offers courses in migration and diaspora studies.

  • University of Gdańsk
    Associate Professor

Anna Mazurkiewicz, Associate Professor (dr habil., prof. UG), is a historian, a graduate of UG (1999, Ph.D. 2006), chair of the Department of Contemporary History at the Faculty of History. She currently leads the work of the International Border Studies Center at the UG – an interdisciplinary unit established to foster synergies within, and broaden international cooperation outside of the UG networks. She also serves as a Deputy Dean for Research and International Cooperation for the 2020-2024 term.

She has published four books: on the American responses to elections of 1947 and 1989 in Poland, and on the role of the political exiles from East Central Europe in American Cold War politics. Her book: Uchodźcy z Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w amerykańskiej polityce zimnowojennej, 1948-1954 (Warszawa-Gdańsk, IPN-Uniwersytet Gdański, 2016) won the Willi Paul Adams Award, for the best book on American history published in a language other than English, Organization of American Historians, April 2019. She is also the editor of four volumes resulting from international cooperation/projects, including three in English (published in Germany and UK).

Currently she serves as the editor of the book series: “Migrations in History. Past experience, global patterns, memory” DeGruyter (Germany) and the Book Review Editor for Poland „Polish American Studies” (University of Illinois, USA):

Mazurkiewicz the past President of the Polish American Historical Association (2017-2018) and a Board member since 2015. She is also a member of the Inter-faculty Committee of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU) for the Study of the Polish Diaspora as well as Committee on Migration Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN).

Recipient of numerous research grants and awards by Polish and American institutions, Mazurkiewicz was also a Visiting Scholar at the University of Notre Dame, Central European University (Budapest), Kosciuszko Foundation Scholar at the University of Minnesota, State University of New York at Buffalo, Valdosta State University (Georgia, USA) and Fulbright Senior Award, Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, Stanford University, USA.

She teaches contemporary history with a special focus on the Cold War, U.S. history and U.S.-Polish relations, U.S. foreign policy, as well as offers courses in migration and diaspora studies.

Maastricht University

Valentina Mazzucato is Professor of Globalisation and Development at Maastricht University. She has been awarded 5 large-scale, international and interdisciplinary research grants to conduct multi-sited research in migrants’ African countries of origin and in communities where they live in European cities. She is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) one of the highest honours conferred to scientists in The Netherlands. She heads interdisciplinary and multicultural teams that conduct multi-sited research.She has published widely on transnational migrant networks, transnational family life and the effects of mobility on the life worlds of youth with a migration background. She was recently awarded an ERC Consolidator grant.

  • Maastricht University

Valentina Mazzucato is Professor of Globalisation and Development at Maastricht University. She has been awarded 5 large-scale, international and interdisciplinary research grants to conduct multi-sited research in migrants’ African countries of origin and in communities where they live in European cities. She is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) one of the highest honours conferred to scientists in The Netherlands. She heads interdisciplinary and multicultural teams that conduct multi-sited research.She has published widely on transnational migrant networks, transnational family life and the effects of mobility on the life worlds of youth with a migration background. She was recently awarded an ERC Consolidator grant.

  • University of Melbourne Law School
    PhD Student
  • MENA Statelessness Network (Hawiati)
  • Critical Statelessness Studies Project
Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC), IOM
Senior Analyst

Dr. Susanne Melde is a Senior Analyst at the Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Berlin, Germany. Her main areas of work are migration governance and knowledge management of understanding migration data.

Ms. Melde has 12 years of experience in working on migration research and policy at IOM. From 2014 to 2017 she has managed a major EU-funded research project on migration as an adaptation strategy to environmental and climate change in 6 pilot countries. Currently she coordinates the Global Migration Data Portal and analysis on migration governance in a number of countries.

She has a BA in International Relations from the Technical University of Dresden, Germany; an MA in Human Rights and a PhD in Migration Studies from Sussex University in the UK.

  • Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC), IOM
    Senior Analyst

Dr. Susanne Melde is a Senior Analyst at the Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Berlin, Germany. Her main areas of work are migration governance and knowledge management of understanding migration data.

Ms. Melde has 12 years of experience in working on migration research and policy at IOM. From 2014 to 2017 she has managed a major EU-funded research project on migration as an adaptation strategy to environmental and climate change in 6 pilot countries. Currently she coordinates the Global Migration Data Portal and analysis on migration governance in a number of countries.

She has a BA in International Relations from the Technical University of Dresden, Germany; an MA in Human Rights and a PhD in Migration Studies from Sussex University in the UK.

University of South-Eastern Norway
Dr. Associate Professor

Dr Gabriela Mezzanotti is Associate Professor in Social Sciences at the University of South-Eastern Norway and a Lawyer. She is the co-leader of USN’s research group “Human Rights and Diversities”. She holds a PhD in Social Sciences and a MA degree in International Law. She chaired the UNHCR Sergio Vieira de Mello Chair at Unisinos University (Brazil) for 8 years. Her research addresses critical discourse studies, critical decolonial and intersectional approaches to rights and policies related to power, human rights and migration. She is a human rights activist and has a wide range of policy and practice-based experiences within migration and minorities contexts with intergovernmental bodies and NGOs in Latin America. She is also the former coordinator of the International Relations BA Program and the Executive Graduate Program in International Relations and Diplomacy at Unisinos University in Brazil. She is a former representative member of COMIRAT (Rio Grande do Sul State Committee for Migrants, Refugees, Stateless Persons, and Human Trafficking Survivors) and COMIRAT/POA (The city of Porto Alegre Committee for Migrants, Refugees, Stateless Persons, and Human Trafficking Survivors). She is a former member of NEABI (Afro descendants and Indigenous studies centre at Unisinos University) and a former member of its United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent Internal Commission. Mezzanotti is a former Associate Editor for the Human Rights Education Review (HRER/USN). She was a visiting faculty at the Federal Judges Superior School, Brazil, and, more recently, at the Institute of Regional Studies, Visiting Professors Programme at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, and at the Visiting Professors Program at the PhD Program in Society, Culture, and Borders, State University of West Parana, Brazil. Her most recent publications address critical and decolonial views on the racialization of Human Rights, Indigenous Peoples on the move, the criminalization of humanitarian aid, migrant detention, refugee protection in Latin America and urban violence in Brazil.

  • University of South-Eastern Norway
    Dr. Associate Professor
  • Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
    Associate Professor
    Sao Leopoldo
  • Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
    Associate Professor
    Sao Leopoldo

Dr Gabriela Mezzanotti is Associate Professor in Social Sciences at the University of South-Eastern Norway and a Lawyer. She is the co-leader of USN’s research group “Human Rights and Diversities”. She holds a PhD in Social Sciences and a MA degree in International Law. She chaired the UNHCR Sergio Vieira de Mello Chair at Unisinos University (Brazil) for 8 years. Her research addresses critical discourse studies, critical decolonial and intersectional approaches to rights and policies related to power, human rights and migration. She is a human rights activist and has a wide range of policy and practice-based experiences within migration and minorities contexts with intergovernmental bodies and NGOs in Latin America. She is also the former coordinator of the International Relations BA Program and the Executive Graduate Program in International Relations and Diplomacy at Unisinos University in Brazil. She is a former representative member of COMIRAT (Rio Grande do Sul State Committee for Migrants, Refugees, Stateless Persons, and Human Trafficking Survivors) and COMIRAT/POA (The city of Porto Alegre Committee for Migrants, Refugees, Stateless Persons, and Human Trafficking Survivors). She is a former member of NEABI (Afro descendants and Indigenous studies centre at Unisinos University) and a former member of its United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent Internal Commission. Mezzanotti is a former Associate Editor for the Human Rights Education Review (HRER/USN). She was a visiting faculty at the Federal Judges Superior School, Brazil, and, more recently, at the Institute of Regional Studies, Visiting Professors Programme at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, and at the Visiting Professors Program at the PhD Program in Society, Culture, and Borders, State University of West Parana, Brazil. Her most recent publications address critical and decolonial views on the racialization of Human Rights, Indigenous Peoples on the move, the criminalization of humanitarian aid, migrant detention, refugee protection in Latin America and urban violence in Brazil.

Center for Social and Migration Studies

Domna Michail is a Professor of Anthropology of Education, Migration and Minorities, at the Department of Communication and Digital Media of the University of Western Macedonia-Greece (UOWM). She has completed her Bachelor Studies at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Diploma of Advanced Studies and Master of Arts in Social Anthropology at the University of Manchester and PhD in Social Anthropology at the London School of Economics (LSE) in Great Britain. Currently she is the Director of the Center of Migration and Social Studies of the School of Social and Humanities Studies of the UOWM.

  • Center for Social and Migration Studies

Domna Michail is a Professor of Anthropology of Education, Migration and Minorities, at the Department of Communication and Digital Media of the University of Western Macedonia-Greece (UOWM). She has completed her Bachelor Studies at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Diploma of Advanced Studies and Master of Arts in Social Anthropology at the University of Manchester and PhD in Social Anthropology at the London School of Economics (LSE) in Great Britain. Currently she is the Director of the Center of Migration and Social Studies of the School of Social and Humanities Studies of the UOWM.

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

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*Todas las referencias a Kosovo deben entenderse en el contexto de la Resolución 1244 [1999] del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.