FAO "Migration and Climate Change" E-learning Course
This two-lesson course focuses on the impact of climate change on rural livelihoods and how climate change and variability interact with other factors to drive migration. It considers the conditions necessary for migration to be an adaptation strategy to climate change that can ultimately strengthen resilience, so that migration is a choice not a necessity.
Individuals who would especially benefit from taking the course include:
- UN Country Teams and FAO Staff
- Planners, policy formulators and advisors on migration, agriculture and rural development
- Managers and technical staff in the ministries responsible for agriculture, rural development, migration, employment and others
- General public
You will learn about
- How climate change affects rural livelihoods, multiplies threats and drives migration.
- The importance of context in mobility responses to climate change and the challenges associated with predicting and communicating migration trends.
- The range of outcomes from climate related migration, from long term resilience, through to maladaptation
- The potential of remittances to meet basic needs, and enhance long-term resilience
- The social implications of migration on men, women and children
- The role of policy to create an enabling environment for migration as an adaptation
Course structure
The course consists of 2 lessons of approximately 45 to 60 minutes duration each:
- Lesson 1 – Climate change, rural livelihoods and population movement
- Lesson 2 – Migration and adaptation to climate change
This e-learning course was produced with financial support from IrishAid and FAO's Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM) Resource Partners.