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En partenariat avec le Migration Research Hub (pôle de recherche sur la migration) du réseau IMISCOE, cette base de données donne accès à un large éventail de spécialistes de la migration du monde entier. Les universitaires et les chercheurs membres du réseau IMISCOE contribuent, par leurs publications et leur expertise, à faire avancer l’innovation dans le champ des études sur les migrations, et apportent des connaissances sur diverses questions en lien avec le Pacte mondial sur les migrations. Des liens vers leurs travaux sont indiqués dans leurs profils. Explorez la base de données par spécialité et par lieu pour trouver un expert et consulter ses travaux les plus récents. Connectez-vous pour contacter directement un expert.

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Base de données d'experts

Résultats de la recherche
1231 - 1240 résultats sur 2370
Maastricht Graduate School of Governance | UNU-MERIT
Research Fellow

Craig Loschmann is a research fellow at the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance and UNU-MERIT. His research over the years has focused primarily on the causes and consequences of forced migration in the contexts of Afghanistan and the African Great Lakes region. His current interests are in the influence of refugee populations on host communities, and the impact of return in post-conflict settings. Craig has consulted on numerous migration-related projects for organizations like UNHCR, IOM, ILO and OECD, among others, and has conducted fieldwork in Burundi and Rwanda. He holds Masters degrees in Economics and International Political Economy and Development (IPED) from Fordham University, and a PhD from the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance and UNU-MERIT.

  • Maastricht Graduate School of Governance | UNU-MERIT
    Research Fellow

Craig Loschmann is a research fellow at the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance and UNU-MERIT. His research over the years has focused primarily on the causes and consequences of forced migration in the contexts of Afghanistan and the African Great Lakes region. His current interests are in the influence of refugee populations on host communities, and the impact of return in post-conflict settings. Craig has consulted on numerous migration-related projects for organizations like UNHCR, IOM, ILO and OECD, among others, and has conducted fieldwork in Burundi and Rwanda. He holds Masters degrees in Economics and International Political Economy and Development (IPED) from Fordham University, and a PhD from the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance and UNU-MERIT.

Wooldy Edson Louidor, Haitian and Colombian researcher.
• PhD candidate in Philology: Leipzig Universität (Leipzig, Germany).
• Master of Latin American Philosophy: Universidad Santo Tomás (Bogotá, Colombia).
• Bachelor of Philosophy and Social Sciences: Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO) in Guadalajara, Mexico.
• Research Professor at Instituto de Estudios Sociales y Culturales PENSAR de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (until now)
• Professor of Migration at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana’s Faculty of Law.
• Professor at Universidad Santo Tomás’s (USTA) Faculty of Sociology.
• Regional Communications Officer at Jesuit Refugee Service for Latin America and Caribbean (JRS LAC)
• Regional Communications and Advocacy Officer for Haiti at Jesuit Refugee Service for Latin America and Caribbean (JRS LAC)
• Program Director at Société d’Animation et Communication Sociale (SAKS)
• Project Officer for the Project “Participation de la société civile et la Démocratisation en Haïti”, financed by European Union and Oxfam Great Britain
• National Communications and Advocacy Officer in Haiti, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)
• Social Sciences Award-Premio Jean Claude Bajeux «Haití: Derechos Humanos y Perspectivas Democráticas». Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO). Buenos Aires, December 2014
French, Spanish, And Haitian Creole: Perfect fluency in speaking, writing and reading.
Very good English.
Good Deutsch.
For many International Organizations about researches on Haitian migration in the Dominican Republic (UNICEF- Dominican Republic) and in Haiti [UNPD – Haiti, Médecins du Monde (MdM), Broderlijk Delen, Volens America…].
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (con Jaramillo, Jefferson). Defender la vida e imaginar el futuro: debates y experiencias desde la investigación social en Buenaventura (Colombia). ISBN 978-958-531-3. Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, año 2020.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (con Aliaga Sáez, Felipe). Defensa de los derechos humanos de los migrantes y refugiados: El rol de las organizaciones del tercer sector en Colombia y Ecuador . ISBN 978-958-782-219-9. Editorial Universidad Santo Tomás, año 2019.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (con Calderón, Oscar; Castellanos, Alejandra; Leal, Silvia y Sierra, Julieth). Por una frontera garante de los derechos humanos: Colombianos, venezolanos y niños en riesgo de apatridia en el norte de Santander (2015-2018). ISBN 978-958-781-331-9. Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, año 2019.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (con Iranzo, Ángela). Entre la guerra y la paz: los lugares de la diáspora colombiana. ISBN 978-958-774-691-4. Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y Editorial Universidad de los Andes, año 2018.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson. Introducción a los estudios migratorios: Migraciones y derechos humanos en la era de la globalización. ISBN 978-958-781-049-3. Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, año 2017.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson. Articulaciones del desarraigo en América Latina: El drama de los sin hogar y sin mundo. ISBN 978-958-781-008-0. Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, año 2016.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson. La hospitalidad entre la ética y el derecho: Una propuesta analógica desde América Latina. ISBN 978-384-736-534-1. Editorial Académica Española, año 2014.
(2017) “Desarraigo y cuestión multicultural en los flujos migratorios postcoloniales”. In Aliaga Sáez, Felipe (Ed.) Migraciones internacionales. Alteridad y procesos sociopolíticos (pp. 43-73). Ediciones USTA (Universidad Santo Tomás), Bogotá.
(2014) “Una propuesta analógica sobre la hospitalidad desde La paz perpetua de Kant y Totalidad e Infinito de Lévinas”. In Conde Gaxiola, Napoleón. (Comp.), Contornos de hermenéutica y analogía (pp.213-273). Editorial Torres Asociado (2013), México D.F.
(2013) “Uma historia paradoxal”. In Santiago, Adriana. (Org.) Haití por si- A reconquista da Independência robada (pp. 12-45). Expressao Gráfica e Editora, Fortaleza.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson. 2016. “Comprender el lugar desde los flujos migratorios globalizados”. Revista Colombia Internacional 88: pp. 135-158. Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.
i. In Spanish
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (2011). Los flujos haitianos hacia América Latina: situación actual y propuesta. Caracas, Venezuela: Análisis de coyuntura AMÉRICA LATINA Y CARIBE. Abril-junio 2011. Centro Gumillas.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (2012). La nueva política migratoria de Brasil. Caracas, Venezuela: Análisis de coyuntura AMÉRICA LATINA Y CARIBE. Enero-marzo 2012. Centro Gumillas.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (2012). Del flujo haitiano hacia nuevos paradigmas migratorios. Caracas, Venezuela: Caracas, Venezuela: Análisis de coyuntura AMÉRICA LATINA Y CARIBE. Abril-junio 2012. Centro Gumillas.…
ii. In French
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (2011) « L’Amérique du Sud: pôle d’attraction de la migration haïtienne » Revue Vivre ensemble, No. 66 Vol. 19, Automne 2011. Centre justice et foi (Québec, Canada)
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (2012) « Les migrants en provenance d’Haïti sont-ils des réfugiés ‘environnementaux’ ? » Revue Vivre ensemble, No. 66 Vol. 19, Été 2012. Centre justice et foi (Québec, Canada)
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (2013) « Recension de livre : Chronique de la dérive douce ». Revue Vivre ensemble, No. 69 Vol. 20, Printemps 2013. Centre justice et foi (Québec, Canada).
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (2014) « La nécessité de mondialiser l’hospitalité : une relecture du roman CONTINENT À LA DÉRIVE de Russel Banks ». Revue Vivre ensemble, No. 73 Vol. 21, Printemps 2014. Centre justice et foi (Québec, Canada)
iii. In English
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (May 2012) “Brazil: Haitian migrants in Amazonia, the end of a journey and the beginning of a new life”, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), Bogotá. Link:
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (August 2012) “Brazil: JRS helps trafficked migrants from Haiti”, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), Bogotá. Link:
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (November 2013) « Latin America: non-refoulement at the borders, an essential principle”, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), Bogotá. Link:

Wooldy Edson Louidor, Haitian and Colombian researcher.
• PhD candidate in Philology: Leipzig Universität (Leipzig, Germany).
• Master of Latin American Philosophy: Universidad Santo Tomás (Bogotá, Colombia).
• Bachelor of Philosophy and Social Sciences: Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO) in Guadalajara, Mexico.
• Research Professor at Instituto de Estudios Sociales y Culturales PENSAR de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (until now)
• Professor of Migration at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana’s Faculty of Law.
• Professor at Universidad Santo Tomás’s (USTA) Faculty of Sociology.
• Regional Communications Officer at Jesuit Refugee Service for Latin America and Caribbean (JRS LAC)
• Regional Communications and Advocacy Officer for Haiti at Jesuit Refugee Service for Latin America and Caribbean (JRS LAC)
• Program Director at Société d’Animation et Communication Sociale (SAKS)
• Project Officer for the Project “Participation de la société civile et la Démocratisation en Haïti”, financed by European Union and Oxfam Great Britain
• National Communications and Advocacy Officer in Haiti, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)
• Social Sciences Award-Premio Jean Claude Bajeux «Haití: Derechos Humanos y Perspectivas Democráticas». Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO). Buenos Aires, December 2014
French, Spanish, And Haitian Creole: Perfect fluency in speaking, writing and reading.
Very good English.
Good Deutsch.
For many International Organizations about researches on Haitian migration in the Dominican Republic (UNICEF- Dominican Republic) and in Haiti [UNPD – Haiti, Médecins du Monde (MdM), Broderlijk Delen, Volens America…].
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (con Jaramillo, Jefferson). Defender la vida e imaginar el futuro: debates y experiencias desde la investigación social en Buenaventura (Colombia). ISBN 978-958-531-3. Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, año 2020.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (con Aliaga Sáez, Felipe). Defensa de los derechos humanos de los migrantes y refugiados: El rol de las organizaciones del tercer sector en Colombia y Ecuador . ISBN 978-958-782-219-9. Editorial Universidad Santo Tomás, año 2019.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (con Calderón, Oscar; Castellanos, Alejandra; Leal, Silvia y Sierra, Julieth). Por una frontera garante de los derechos humanos: Colombianos, venezolanos y niños en riesgo de apatridia en el norte de Santander (2015-2018). ISBN 978-958-781-331-9. Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, año 2019.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (con Iranzo, Ángela). Entre la guerra y la paz: los lugares de la diáspora colombiana. ISBN 978-958-774-691-4. Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y Editorial Universidad de los Andes, año 2018.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson. Introducción a los estudios migratorios: Migraciones y derechos humanos en la era de la globalización. ISBN 978-958-781-049-3. Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, año 2017.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson. Articulaciones del desarraigo en América Latina: El drama de los sin hogar y sin mundo. ISBN 978-958-781-008-0. Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, año 2016.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson. La hospitalidad entre la ética y el derecho: Una propuesta analógica desde América Latina. ISBN 978-384-736-534-1. Editorial Académica Española, año 2014.
(2017) “Desarraigo y cuestión multicultural en los flujos migratorios postcoloniales”. In Aliaga Sáez, Felipe (Ed.) Migraciones internacionales. Alteridad y procesos sociopolíticos (pp. 43-73). Ediciones USTA (Universidad Santo Tomás), Bogotá.
(2014) “Una propuesta analógica sobre la hospitalidad desde La paz perpetua de Kant y Totalidad e Infinito de Lévinas”. In Conde Gaxiola, Napoleón. (Comp.), Contornos de hermenéutica y analogía (pp.213-273). Editorial Torres Asociado (2013), México D.F.
(2013) “Uma historia paradoxal”. In Santiago, Adriana. (Org.) Haití por si- A reconquista da Independência robada (pp. 12-45). Expressao Gráfica e Editora, Fortaleza.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson. 2016. “Comprender el lugar desde los flujos migratorios globalizados”. Revista Colombia Internacional 88: pp. 135-158. Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.
i. In Spanish
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (2011). Los flujos haitianos hacia América Latina: situación actual y propuesta. Caracas, Venezuela: Análisis de coyuntura AMÉRICA LATINA Y CARIBE. Abril-junio 2011. Centro Gumillas.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (2012). La nueva política migratoria de Brasil. Caracas, Venezuela: Análisis de coyuntura AMÉRICA LATINA Y CARIBE. Enero-marzo 2012. Centro Gumillas.
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (2012). Del flujo haitiano hacia nuevos paradigmas migratorios. Caracas, Venezuela: Caracas, Venezuela: Análisis de coyuntura AMÉRICA LATINA Y CARIBE. Abril-junio 2012. Centro Gumillas.…
ii. In French
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (2011) « L’Amérique du Sud: pôle d’attraction de la migration haïtienne » Revue Vivre ensemble, No. 66 Vol. 19, Automne 2011. Centre justice et foi (Québec, Canada)
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (2012) « Les migrants en provenance d’Haïti sont-ils des réfugiés ‘environnementaux’ ? » Revue Vivre ensemble, No. 66 Vol. 19, Été 2012. Centre justice et foi (Québec, Canada)
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (2013) « Recension de livre : Chronique de la dérive douce ». Revue Vivre ensemble, No. 69 Vol. 20, Printemps 2013. Centre justice et foi (Québec, Canada).
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (2014) « La nécessité de mondialiser l’hospitalité : une relecture du roman CONTINENT À LA DÉRIVE de Russel Banks ». Revue Vivre ensemble, No. 73 Vol. 21, Printemps 2014. Centre justice et foi (Québec, Canada)
iii. In English
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (May 2012) “Brazil: Haitian migrants in Amazonia, the end of a journey and the beginning of a new life”, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), Bogotá. Link:
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (August 2012) “Brazil: JRS helps trafficked migrants from Haiti”, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), Bogotá. Link:
Louidor, Wooldy Edson (November 2013) « Latin America: non-refoulement at the borders, an essential principle”, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), Bogotá. Link:

Senior Research Officer

Christy is a Senior Research Officer in the Equity and Social Policy team at London-based think tank ODI (formerly the Overseas Development Institute). She has previously worked on a range of social policy topics with the World Bank, the World Food Programme, UNHCR, and the Royal National Institute for Deaf People. She holds a master's in Public Policy from Harvard Kennedy School and a BA from the University of Cambridge. Her main research focus is on social protection, including social protection for displaced and migrant populations. She has also worked extensively on the links between international and national responses to displacement influxes, as well as on the political economy of migration policies.

  • ODI
    Senior Research Officer

Christy is a Senior Research Officer in the Equity and Social Policy team at London-based think tank ODI (formerly the Overseas Development Institute). She has previously worked on a range of social policy topics with the World Bank, the World Food Programme, UNHCR, and the Royal National Institute for Deaf People. She holds a master's in Public Policy from Harvard Kennedy School and a BA from the University of Cambridge. Her main research focus is on social protection, including social protection for displaced and migrant populations. She has also worked extensively on the links between international and national responses to displacement influxes, as well as on the political economy of migration policies.

Marcel Lubbers is professor of Interdisciplinary Social Science: Relations between groups and cultures.

With a background in political sociology, Marcel researches questions on cohesion, with a focus on the impact of immigration on nationalism, Euroscepticism and voting behaviour. From an immigrant perspective, Marcel studies how immigrants find their way in the new society in relation to the reception climate of the receiving society.

Marcel Lubbers leads the European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations (ERCOMER)

Marcel Lubbers is professor of Interdisciplinary Social Science: Relations between groups and cultures.

With a background in political sociology, Marcel researches questions on cohesion, with a focus on the impact of immigration on nationalism, Euroscepticism and voting behaviour. From an immigrant perspective, Marcel studies how immigrants find their way in the new society in relation to the reception climate of the receiving society.

Marcel Lubbers leads the European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations (ERCOMER)

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Associate Professor

Miranda Lubbers is Professor at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Spain. She directs the COALESCE Lab, which is part of a consolidated group recognized by the Catalan Government. Her research addresses migration and transnationalism, poverty and livelihood strategies, and social cohesion. In these areas, she analyzes in particular the role that formal and informal social relationships and settings have in the production, mitigation or exacerbation of exclusion. For this aim, she applies personal network analysis that allows her to obtain a detailed, micro-level understanding of processes of integration, cohesion and exclusion.

  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    Associate Professor

Miranda Lubbers is Professor at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Spain. She directs the COALESCE Lab, which is part of a consolidated group recognized by the Catalan Government. Her research addresses migration and transnationalism, poverty and livelihood strategies, and social cohesion. In these areas, she analyzes in particular the role that formal and informal social relationships and settings have in the production, mitigation or exacerbation of exclusion. For this aim, she applies personal network analysis that allows her to obtain a detailed, micro-level understanding of processes of integration, cohesion and exclusion.

  • Universidad de Jaén
    Investigador posdoctoral "Margarita Salas"
  • Universidad Pablo de Olavide
    Profesor interino
  • Universidad Pablo de Olavide
    Titulado superior de apoyo a la investigación
  • Taraceas SCA
    Técnico de investigación
  • Nexo SCA
  • Universidad de Almería
    Profesor sustituto interino
  • Universidad de Huelva
    Profesor sustituto interino
  • Centro Internacional de Educación Superior (CEGRI)
  • Scienter España SL
  • University of Jaén
    Profesor sustituto interino
Queen's University Belfast
Research Assistant (Forced Migration)

I am a third year PhD student of anthropology at Queen’s University Belfast (UK) currently writing my dissertation, following a year of field work in Belfast. My dissertation examines the movements and visibility of Muslim women in politically and culturally segregated communities of post-conflict Northern Ireland. I engage with issues of migration, gender, visibility, spaces, relationality, and the body. This research has practical and policy implications. I am Reviews Editor for the Irish Journal of Anthropology. Previously, at Portland State University (USA), I completed a master’s thesis on post-conflict transformation practices in Libya. I then spent five years working globally with disaster-affected communities, post-conflict contexts and displaced persons to gain a practical understanding of social justice issues. I also served as an adjunct professor of anthropology at George Washington University (USA) lecturing on gender, development and humanitarianism in medical anthropology.

  • Queen's University Belfast
    Research Assistant (Forced Migration)
  • George Washington University
    Monitoring & Evaluation Advisor
    Washington D.C.
  • Portland State University
    Research Technical Advisor (Development & Disaster Recovery)
  • George Washington University
    Adjunct Professor
    Washington D.C.

I am a third year PhD student of anthropology at Queen’s University Belfast (UK) currently writing my dissertation, following a year of field work in Belfast. My dissertation examines the movements and visibility of Muslim women in politically and culturally segregated communities of post-conflict Northern Ireland. I engage with issues of migration, gender, visibility, spaces, relationality, and the body. This research has practical and policy implications. I am Reviews Editor for the Irish Journal of Anthropology. Previously, at Portland State University (USA), I completed a master’s thesis on post-conflict transformation practices in Libya. I then spent five years working globally with disaster-affected communities, post-conflict contexts and displaced persons to gain a practical understanding of social justice issues. I also served as an adjunct professor of anthropology at George Washington University (USA) lecturing on gender, development and humanitarianism in medical anthropology.

University of Information Techhnology and Management
Assistant Professor

I'm a sociologist interested in highly-skilled migration and higher education studies. I have experience in a wide range of qualitative methods (IDIs, FGIs, ethnography, etc.).

  • University of Information Techhnology and Management
    Assistant Professor

I'm a sociologist interested in highly-skilled migration and higher education studies. I have experience in a wide range of qualitative methods (IDIs, FGIs, ethnography, etc.).

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

Apply Now

Contact us

We welcome your feedback and suggestions, please contact us

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.