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Base de données d'experts

Résultats de la recherche
1551 - 1560 résultats sur 2370
Universidade da Coruña
Catedrática de Universidad (Full Professor)
A Coruña

Laura Oso is Full Professor (Catedrática de Universidad) at the Faculty of Sociology, Universidade da Coruña. She is the coordinator of ESOMI (Societies in Movement Research Team). Her research has focused on the study of gender and migration, the integration of female immigrants into the labour market (domestic service, sexual work, ethnic entrepreneurship), transnational families, development and intergenerational relations.

She is Vice-president for International Affairs of the Spanish Federation of Sociology (FES) and Member of the Executive Committee at the International Sociological Association (ISA).

Other studies are also remarkable among her research lines, such as the Spanish emigration in France (female domestic workers and female caretakers, second generation) and the analysis of migrations from the perspective of intergenerational strategies and trajectories for social mobility. She equally works on the gender nexus linking gender, migration and development.
She partakes in competitive International Research Networks. She is an associated member since 2007 of the IMISCOE- International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion network, being also a member since 2013 of its Board of Directors. She es also a member of the Board of the RN27 - Regional Network Southern European Societies at the European Sociological Association. She has also been a member of COST Action (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Postpol (IS1209) “Comparing European Prostitution Policies: Understanding Scales and Cultures of Governance”(2013-2017). She has taken part of European projects (H2020-Welcoming Spaces- 870952, H2020- Cross Migration- 770121, Equal Convive Mais”-European Social Fund, SERD-2002-00119-European Commission, Research Directorate General, H2020-Proposal number : 691004-2015-2019) and INCASI ( International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities) H2020-Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE). Project Number: 691004.

  • Universidade da Coruña
    Catedrática de Universidad (Full Professor)
    A Coruña

Laura Oso is Full Professor (Catedrática de Universidad) at the Faculty of Sociology, Universidade da Coruña. She is the coordinator of ESOMI (Societies in Movement Research Team). Her research has focused on the study of gender and migration, the integration of female immigrants into the labour market (domestic service, sexual work, ethnic entrepreneurship), transnational families, development and intergenerational relations.

She is Vice-president for International Affairs of the Spanish Federation of Sociology (FES) and Member of the Executive Committee at the International Sociological Association (ISA).

Other studies are also remarkable among her research lines, such as the Spanish emigration in France (female domestic workers and female caretakers, second generation) and the analysis of migrations from the perspective of intergenerational strategies and trajectories for social mobility. She equally works on the gender nexus linking gender, migration and development.
She partakes in competitive International Research Networks. She is an associated member since 2007 of the IMISCOE- International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion network, being also a member since 2013 of its Board of Directors. She es also a member of the Board of the RN27 - Regional Network Southern European Societies at the European Sociological Association. She has also been a member of COST Action (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Postpol (IS1209) “Comparing European Prostitution Policies: Understanding Scales and Cultures of Governance”(2013-2017). She has taken part of European projects (H2020-Welcoming Spaces- 870952, H2020- Cross Migration- 770121, Equal Convive Mais”-European Social Fund, SERD-2002-00119-European Commission, Research Directorate General, H2020-Proposal number : 691004-2015-2019) and INCASI ( International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities) H2020-Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE). Project Number: 691004.

University of Helsinki
Doctoral candidate

Berfin Nur Osso is a doctoral candidate at the University of Helsinki, the Faculty of Law, and Project Researcher at the Academy of Finland as part of the University of Eastern Finland, Law School. Osso's doctoral research project investigates the interplay between externalization and the rights claims of migrants in irregular circumstances, particularly in the Greek-Turkish context, focusing on the intersections of international refugee law, legal and political theory, and the EU asylum law and policy. She received a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) degree and a minor degree in International Relations from Koç University (Istanbul, Turkey) in 2017, and a Master of Social Sciences (MSocSc) degree in International Relations and Political Science from Tampere University (Finland) in 2019. Osso is also enthusiastic as a political cartoonist about reflecting the contemporary phenomena within the realm of law and society, such as human rights issues, inequalities, and injustices, in her editorial cartoons.

  • University of Helsinki
    Doctoral candidate
  • University of Eastern Finland (Academy of Finland)
    Project Researcher

Berfin Nur Osso is a doctoral candidate at the University of Helsinki, the Faculty of Law, and Project Researcher at the Academy of Finland as part of the University of Eastern Finland, Law School. Osso's doctoral research project investigates the interplay between externalization and the rights claims of migrants in irregular circumstances, particularly in the Greek-Turkish context, focusing on the intersections of international refugee law, legal and political theory, and the EU asylum law and policy. She received a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) degree and a minor degree in International Relations from Koç University (Istanbul, Turkey) in 2017, and a Master of Social Sciences (MSocSc) degree in International Relations and Political Science from Tampere University (Finland) in 2019. Osso is also enthusiastic as a political cartoonist about reflecting the contemporary phenomena within the realm of law and society, such as human rights issues, inequalities, and injustices, in her editorial cartoons.

Sussex Centre for Migration Studies

Nik Ostrand is a postdoc at the ARENA Centre for European Studies on the Deporting Foreigners: Contested Norms in International Practice (NORMS) project. She is also a research fellow at the Sussex Centre for Migration Research and an editorial assistant for the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Her current research is on Frontex and how norms on deportation are negotiated and contested at the street-level. She previously focused on the UK’s extraterritorial migration governance, especially overseas immigration liaison personnel. Nik received a PhD in Migration Studies from the University of Sussex, UK and an MA in Human Rights from Mahidol University, Thailand. Previously, she was a project coordinator for the Strengthening Human Rights for Rohingya Project. She was also a consultant at the Centre for Migration Studies of New York, where she wrote about the US and Europe’s response to the Syrian refugee crisis, stateless Rohingya in Thailand and Australia’s extraterritorial controls.

Nik's research interests include: immigration and asylum policy, extraterritorial migration governance, overseas immigration liaison networks, the UK Home Office, inequalities in access to mobility, immigration-related detention, Frontex, deportation and street-level learning

  • Sussex Centre for Migration Studies
  • Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
    Editorial Assistant
  • Center for Migration Studies of New York
    New York
  • Mahidol University
    Research coordinator for Strengthening Human Rights Protection for the Rohingya Project
  • ARENA Centre for European Studies

Nik Ostrand is a postdoc at the ARENA Centre for European Studies on the Deporting Foreigners: Contested Norms in International Practice (NORMS) project. She is also a research fellow at the Sussex Centre for Migration Research and an editorial assistant for the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Her current research is on Frontex and how norms on deportation are negotiated and contested at the street-level. She previously focused on the UK’s extraterritorial migration governance, especially overseas immigration liaison personnel. Nik received a PhD in Migration Studies from the University of Sussex, UK and an MA in Human Rights from Mahidol University, Thailand. Previously, she was a project coordinator for the Strengthening Human Rights for Rohingya Project. She was also a consultant at the Centre for Migration Studies of New York, where she wrote about the US and Europe’s response to the Syrian refugee crisis, stateless Rohingya in Thailand and Australia’s extraterritorial controls.

Nik's research interests include: immigration and asylum policy, extraterritorial migration governance, overseas immigration liaison networks, the UK Home Office, inequalities in access to mobility, immigration-related detention, Frontex, deportation and street-level learning

Center for Migration Studies (CERMES)

Ildiko Otova holds a PhD in Political sciences from New Bulgarian University, a laureate of the Mozer Scholarship for excellence in the study of Political science and civil courage. She works as researcher in various national and international projects on migration and refugee issues, integration, urban policies and citizenship, populism and extremism. Ildiko Otova teaches European Migration Policy at Sofia University, Euroepean Studies Department. She has many publications in English, French and Bulgarian.

  • Center for Migration Studies (CERMES)

Ildiko Otova holds a PhD in Political sciences from New Bulgarian University, a laureate of the Mozer Scholarship for excellence in the study of Political science and civil courage. She works as researcher in various national and international projects on migration and refugee issues, integration, urban policies and citizenship, populism and extremism. Ildiko Otova teaches European Migration Policy at Sofia University, Euroepean Studies Department. She has many publications in English, French and Bulgarian.

TH Koeln

Matthias Otten is a professor for political science and intercultural development at TH Koeln - Technology Arts Sciences in Germany (Faculty of Social Sciences). His teaching and research interests include intercultural communication, disability studies and inclusion, internationalisation of higher education, and migration research. A second focus of his work is international and comparative social work research. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Karlsruhe and a Master in Social Sciences from the University of Göttingen. Since 2012 he is vice-dean for internationalisation at the faculty level.

  • TH Koeln

Matthias Otten is a professor for political science and intercultural development at TH Koeln - Technology Arts Sciences in Germany (Faculty of Social Sciences). His teaching and research interests include intercultural communication, disability studies and inclusion, internationalisation of higher education, and migration research. A second focus of his work is international and comparative social work research. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Karlsruhe and a Master in Social Sciences from the University of Göttingen. Since 2012 he is vice-dean for internationalisation at the faculty level.

Aga Khan University - Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations
Professor // Head of Research

Jonas Otterbeck, professor of Islamic studies, has written extensively on Islam and Muslims in Europe, Islamophobia and Islam and music. He is educated at Lund University, Sweden.

  • Aga Khan University - Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations
    Professor // Head of Research

Jonas Otterbeck, professor of Islamic studies, has written extensively on Islam and Muslims in Europe, Islamophobia and Islam and music. He is educated at Lund University, Sweden.

The University of Genoa
PhD. Candidate

Ismail Oubad is a Doctoral Researcher within the ERC AdG SOLROUTES Project (Solidarities and Migrants' Routes Across Europe at Large), hosted by the University of Genoa. He is also a Visiting Researcher at the Center for Ethnic and Migration Studies of the University of Liège. Currently his research interest and PhD thesis focus on the solidarity actions and support networks to dwelling and migrants’ border transgression within and across the Belgian borders, adopting ethnographic methods. Previously, Ismail has conducted research on, inter alia, the quest for legalization of Sub-Saharan protection seekers within the asylum determination procedures in Italy.

  • The University of Genoa
    PhD. Candidate

Ismail Oubad is a Doctoral Researcher within the ERC AdG SOLROUTES Project (Solidarities and Migrants' Routes Across Europe at Large), hosted by the University of Genoa. He is also a Visiting Researcher at the Center for Ethnic and Migration Studies of the University of Liège. Currently his research interest and PhD thesis focus on the solidarity actions and support networks to dwelling and migrants’ border transgression within and across the Belgian borders, adopting ethnographic methods. Previously, Ismail has conducted research on, inter alia, the quest for legalization of Sub-Saharan protection seekers within the asylum determination procedures in Italy.

Université Ibn Zohr
Assistant Professor

Mohammed Ouhemmou, an assistant professor Ibn Zohr University in Agadir, Morocco. My
fields of interest include public policy analysis, migration and internationalization policies. My
research investigates the link between foreign policy and the politics of mobility. In my Ph.D. thesis I examined the nexus between scholarships granted to sub- Saharan students in Morocco and the country’s desire to expand its influence, soft power, and build friendly links with African states. I am currently researching operations of migrant displacement and dispersal in Northern Morocco.

  • Université Ibn Zohr
    Assistant Professor

Mohammed Ouhemmou, an assistant professor Ibn Zohr University in Agadir, Morocco. My
fields of interest include public policy analysis, migration and internationalization policies. My
research investigates the link between foreign policy and the politics of mobility. In my Ph.D. thesis I examined the nexus between scholarships granted to sub- Saharan students in Morocco and the country’s desire to expand its influence, soft power, and build friendly links with African states. I am currently researching operations of migrant displacement and dispersal in Northern Morocco.

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

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*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.