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Base de données d'experts

Résultats de la recherche
1691 - 1700 résultats sur 2374
University of Indonesia

Yoga Prasetyo straddles the divide between academia and activism. His research interests revolve around labor migration, postcolonialism, and the relationships between integration and transnationalism. In 2021, Yoga won a research grant to study internal migration in Indonesia as part of Jan Sahas' Regional Study on Internal Migration in Asia. Yoga has also contributed a chapter to the Routledge Handbook of Asian Transnationalism.

  • University of Indonesia

Yoga Prasetyo straddles the divide between academia and activism. His research interests revolve around labor migration, postcolonialism, and the relationships between integration and transnationalism. In 2021, Yoga won a research grant to study internal migration in Indonesia as part of Jan Sahas' Regional Study on Internal Migration in Asia. Yoga has also contributed a chapter to the Routledge Handbook of Asian Transnationalism.

DeZIM Institute

Carlotta Preiss is a researcher at the DeZIM Institute on Integration and Migration Research in Berlin. She is particularly interested in the use of digital technologies in migration and migration processes taking place within sub-Saharan Africa.

  • DeZIM Institute

Carlotta Preiss is a researcher at the DeZIM Institute on Integration and Migration Research in Berlin. She is particularly interested in the use of digital technologies in migration and migration processes taking place within sub-Saharan Africa.

Tel Hai College

I'm a faculty member at Tel-Hai Academic College and a scholar in the field of gender
studies. I study forms of citizenship, the public sphere and politics of belonging in the context of kinship, migration, diasporic cultures and urban environments. I am a co-founder of the
Haifa Feminist Institute - Archive, Library and Research Center at Isha L’Isha – a
feminist grassroots. My current research explores statusless women in Israel.

  • Tel Hai College
  • Tel-Hai College
    Kiryat Shmona

I'm a faculty member at Tel-Hai Academic College and a scholar in the field of gender
studies. I study forms of citizenship, the public sphere and politics of belonging in the context of kinship, migration, diasporic cultures and urban environments. I am a co-founder of the
Haifa Feminist Institute - Archive, Library and Research Center at Isha L’Isha – a
feminist grassroots. My current research explores statusless women in Israel.

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Chair Sociology / Organization, Migration, Participation

1. Biographical summary
Born 1953 in Füchtorf/Northrhine-Westfalia; secondary school (Abitur) at Staatliches Gymnasium Waren-dorf 1972; vocational training and work as tool machinery technician until 1980.
Studies and degree in Social Science at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (1980-1985); Ph.D. (1989) and habilita-tion (1995) at University Erlangen-Nürnberg; Research Fellow 1985-1990; postdoc- and habilita-tion-fellowship and Visiting Professor 1990-1994 in Mexico; Pierre-Naville-Chair of Sociology Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana/Mexico 1994-1996; Senior Researcher, Research Profes-sorship and Interim Professorships 1996-2001; since 2001: Chair of Sociology – Organisation, Mi-gration, Participation at Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Fields of expertise: Sociology of Work, Social Science of Organizations, Sociology of Migration and Refuge, Transnationalism and Globalisation Research, Life-Course Research and Biographical Analysis, In-ternational Comparison, Transnational Studies; Research and teaching in Germany, Spain, Mexi-co, Brazil and the USA
Research grants and awards: successful application and procurement of more than 20 research pro-jects/grants with competitive review and selection processes with a total of more than 4 million Euros; René-König-Award of the German Association of Sociology for the best textbook in Sociol-ogy 2014; Award of the Mexican Association of the Study of Work for Academic Trajectory 2017.
Publications: 21 monographies (8 co-authored); more than 100 articles in scientific journals, therefrom more than 70 double blind peer reviewed; 28 edited books, therefrom 11 in English and 5 in Spanish; more than 110 chapters in books; review activities for more than 50 international scien-tific journals and foundations; activities in scientific and editorial boards of 6 international scien-tific journals.
Board member (2005-2011) and Speaker (2009-2011) of the Section Migration and Ethnic Minorities in the German Associations for Sociology; Member of the Directorate of the Institute for Interna-tional Law of Peace and Armed Conflict/Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Dean of the Department of Social Science (2006-2008); member of the Senate of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (2004-2006); Commissioner of the Rectorate of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum for the Office of Cooperation RUB-IGM since 2001; Commissioner of the Rectorate of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum for the se-lection process for professorships (2008-2011); Speaker of the Organisation Committee of the 36th Congress of the German Sociological Association (2011-2012); Co-Editor of Soziologische Re-vue since 2009; member (2011-2015) and Deputy-Director (2012-2015) of the Expert Council of German Foundations for Migration and Integration. Chair Guillermo-y-Alejandro-de-Humboldt at El Colegio de México/Mexico City 2015-2017; Member of the Executive Committee and Chair of its Publication Committee of the European Sociological Association since 2019..

2. Synthesis of Education, Research, and Teaching
2.1. Education
Period Activity/status Institution
1980/04-1985/10 Studies in Social Science Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft/
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
1995/12 Diplom-Soz.wiss. (graduated in Social Science) Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft/
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
1989/12 Promotion (PhD), Dr.phil. Philosophische Fakultät/Universität Erlangen
1995/06 Habilitation, Dr.phil.habil. Philosophische Fakultät/Universität Erlangen
2.2. Research and work relations
1985/11-1987/03 Research Fellow Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
1987/04-1990/04 Research Fellow Institut für Soziologie/Universität Erlangen
1990/05-1992/04 Postdoc-Fellowship German Research Foundation (DFG), Visiting Professor El Colegio de México/Mexico-City
1992/05-1992/09 Professorship El Colegio de Puebla/Mexico
1992/10-1994/10 Habilitation-Fellowship German Re-search Foundation (DFG), Professor El Colegio de Puebla/Mexico
1994/11-1996/10 Chair ‘Pierre Naville’ Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana/Mexico
1996/11-1997/09 Visiting Professor/Research Fellow Institut Arbeit und Technik/Gelsenkirchen
1997/10-1998/09 Professor/Chair Sociology (stand-in) Institut für Soziologie/Univ. des Saarlandes
1998/10-1999/03 Professor/Chair Sociology (stand-in) Institut für Soziologie/Universität Göttingen
1999/04-2001/02 Senior Researcher Institut für Soziologie/Universität Erlangen
Since 2001/03 Professor/Chair Sociology /
Organisation, Migration, Participation Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft/
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
2.3. Additional stays of research/teaching
1989/10 Short term lecturership Universidad Autónoma Metropoli¬tana/Mex.
1991/07-08 Visiting Fellow Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung/Berlin
1993/05 Short term lecturership Universidade Federale de Minas Geráis/Bras.
2000/03 Visiting Faculty University of Pennsylvania, Department of Soci-ology/Population Studies Center
2006/06-07 Visiting Fellow and course teacher School of International and Public Affairs, Colum-bia University, New York
2006/08-09 Visiting Fellow School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, Ithaca
2015 - 2017 Chair Wilhelm-und-Alexander-von-Humboldt El Colegio de México, Mexico City

3. Recent Publications (only last 8 years)
Books (monographies and edited volumes)

Feischmidt, Margit/Pries, Ludger/Cantat, Celine (eds.), 2019: Refugee Protection and Civil Society in Eu-rope. Houndmills: Palgrave
Berger, Stefan/Pries, Ludger/Wannöffel, Manfred (eds.), 2019: The Palgrave Handbook of Workers’ Partic-ipation at Plant Level. New York: Palgrave
Pries, Ludger/Yankelevitch, Pablo, 2019: European and Latin American So-cial Scientists as Refugees, Emi-grés and Return‐migrants. Transnational lives and travelling theories at El Colegio de México and the New School for Social Re-search. New York: Palgrave
Pries, Ludger, 2018: Refugees, Civil Society and the State. European Experiences and Global Challenges. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (extended English version of Pries 2016)
Pries, Ludger, 2017: La transnacionalización del mundo social. Espacios sociales más allá de las sociedades nacionales. México: El Colegio de México (Transnationalization of the Social World. Social Spaces beyond National Societies; adapted Spanish version first published in German in 2008)
Pries, Ludger, 2017: Soziologie. Schlüsselbegriffe, Herangehensweisen und Perspektiven. Weinheim: Beltz-Juventa (Sociology. Key Concepts, Approaches, Perspectives; 3rd revised edition, René-König-Award for Best Textbook of the German Association for Sociology, DGS)
Pries, Ludger, 2016: Migration und Ankommen. Die Chancen der Flüchtlingsbewegung. Frankfurt/New York: Campus
Gansbergen, Anna/Pries, Ludger/Witkowski, Juliana (Eds.), 2016: Versunken im Mittelmeer? Flüchtlings-organisationen im Mittelmeerraum und das Europäische Asylsystem (Drawned in the Mediter-ranean Sea? Refugee related organizations in the Mediterranean, and the European Asylum Sys-tem). Bielefeld: transcript
Pries, Ludger, 2016: Erwerbsregulierung in einer globalisierten Welt. Theoretische Konzepte und empiri-sche Tendenzen der Regulierung von Arbeit und Beschäftigung in der Transnationalisierung. (2nd, updated and extended edition). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag
Hauser-Ditz, Axel/Hertwig, Markus/Pries, Ludger/Rampeltshammer, Luitpold, 2016: A Solution for Trans-national Labour Regulation? Company Internationalization and European Works Councils in the Automotive Sector. New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang
Pries, Ludger, 2015: Transnationalisierung. Theorie und Empirie neuer Vergesellschaftung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag (Tansnationalization. Theory and methods of new sozial entanglements; 3rd edition)
Adick, Christel/Gandlgruber, Bruno/Maletzky, Martina/Pries, Ludger (eds.), 2015: Cross-Border Staff Mo-bility. A Comparative Study of Profit and Non-Profit Organisations. Basingstoke/New York: Pal-grave Macmillan
Pries, Ludger (ed.), 2013: Shifting boundaries of belonging. New migration dynamics in Europe and China. Houndmills: Palgrave
Pries, Ludger, 2013: Soziologie Internationaler Migration. Einführung in Klassische Theorien und neue Ansätze. Bielefeld: Transcript (Sociology of international migration. Introduction into classic the-ories and new approaches; 4th edition)
Pries, Ludger/Sezgin, Zeynep (eds.), 2012: Cross-Border Migrant Organisations in Comparative Perspec-tive. Houndmills: Palgrave

Double blind peer reviewed articles

Masadeh, Mais/Pries, Ludger, 2021: Similar History, Different Strategies of ‘Arrival’: Female Yazidi Survi-vors of the Islamic State in Germany. In: Journal of Refugee Studies, Vol. 33 (4):
Pries, Ludger. 2021: Migration. In: Hollstein, Betina/Greshoff, Rain-er/Schimank, Uwe/Weiß, Anja (Eds.), Soziologie - Sociology in the German-Speaking World. Special Issue Soziologische Revue 2020. Berlin/Boston: de Gruy-ter, pp. 245-259.
Pries, Ludger, 2021: From economic remittances to societal transmittances Experiences from the Europe-an Union. (Paper presented at conference "Remit-tances & the Imagination of Connectedness", 29 of February 2020 at Princeton University, under review)
Pries, Ludger, 2020: Sewing transnational textures of labour regulation: to-wards an integrative per-spective. In: International Journal of Anthropology and Ethnology, 4(5),
Pries, Ludger, 2019: „We will manage it“ – Did Chancellor Merkel’s dictum increase or even cause the refugee movement in 2015? In: International Migration, Vol. 57, doi: 10.1111/imig.12684
Pries, Ludger, 2019: The momentum of transnational social spaces in Mexi-co-US-migration. In: Com-parative Migration Studies, Vol. 7, p. 7-34
Pries, Ludger, 2019: Between clarity and disorientation: remarks on the un-ease of Wolfgang Streeck with the 21st century migration. In: Culture, Practice & Europeanization, Vol. 4 (1), p. 155-158Pries, Ludger, 2018: Entre la bienvenida y el rechazo: la ‘crisis de refugiados’ Europa (Be-tween welcoming and rejection: the ‘crisis of refuge’ in Europe). In: Polis (UAM-Iztapalapa), Vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 71-96
Pries, Ludger, 2017: Scientists as forced migrants and refugees – what to learn from the 1930s and the 2010s? In: Social Research: An International Quar-terly, Vol. 84 (4)
Pries, Ludger/Maletzky, Martina, 2017: The Transnationalization of Labor Mobility: Development Trends and Selected Challenges Involved in Its Regulation. In: Review of European Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 115-129 (
Pries, Ludger, 2016: Regulación laboral entre ‘neoliberalismo’ y ‘etatismo’ - Una propuesta institucional y el ejemplo de la Unión Europea (Labor regulation between ‘neoliberalism’ and ‘statism’ – an ins-titutional proposal and the example of the European Union). In: Sociología del Trabajo, Nueva Època, No. 88, S. 62-86
Pries, Ludger/Bekassow, Natalia, 2015: Discriminação e Racismo na União Europeia: diagnóstico de uma ameaça negligenciada e da investigação científica correspondente (Discrimination and racism in the European Union: diagnostics of a neglected challenge and related scientific findings). In: So-ciologias (UFRGS-Porto Alegre), Vol. 17, no. 40, p. 176-211
Pries, Ludger/Shinozaki, Kyoko, 2015: Neue Migrationsdynamiken und Folgerungen für gewerkschaftliche Politiken (New migration dynamics and conclusions for trade union politics). In: WSI Mitteilung-en, 5/2015, S. 374-382
Dehnen, Veronika/Pries, Ludger, 2014: International Framework Agree-ments as a thread in the texture of transnational labour regulation. In: Euro-pean Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 20(4), pp. 335-350
Baum-Ceisig, Alexandra/Feyh, Nicolai/Pries, Ludger, 2014: Betriebliche Mitbestimmung aus Sicht der Beschäftigten. Ergebnisse einer Mitarbeiterbefragung bei Volkswagen (Participation at plant level from workers‘ perspective. Results of a survey at Volkswagen). In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Jg. 67, Nr. 4, S. 296-305
Pauls, Robert/Pries Ludger, 2013: Changing Labour Relations in China’s Automotive Industry. In: Interna-tional Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, Vol. 12, No.4, pp. 376-394
Hauser-Ditz, Axel/Hertwig, Markus/Pries, Ludger, 2013: Collective em-ployee representation in German companies. Coverage and contextual condi-tions. In: Employee Relations, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 509-526
Pries, Ludger/Seeliger, Martin, 2013: Work and Employment Relations in a Globalized World: The Emerg-ing Texture of Transnational Labour Regulation. In: Global Labour Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 26-47
Pries, Ludger, 2013: Ambiguities of global and transnational collective identities. In: global networks, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 22-40
Pries, Ludger/Seeliger, Martin, 2012: International, flexibel und mit Tendenz zum Greening? Krisenbewäl-tigungsstrategien und Erwerbsregulierung 2008/2009 am Beispiel von Volkswagen und BMW. In: Arbeits- und Industrieso-ziologische Studien (AIS-Studien), Jg. 5, Nr. 2, S. 80-97
Hauser-Ditz, Axel/ Hertwig, Markus/ Pries, Ludger, 2012: Verbetrieblichung und betrieblicher Konflikt. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozial-psychologie, Jg. 64, Nr.2, S. 329-359

4. Research grants
(only major research projects with external, mainly competitive funding with external scientific review process and developed and directed by Ludger Pries are listed below)
2021-2024 Zuwanderung aus Südosteuropa – Teilhabe und Zusammenhalt auf kommunaler Ebene (Mi-gration from South-East Europe – Participation and Cohesion at municipal level (Funding Merca-tor Foundation)
2020-2022 Migrantenorganisationen und die Ko-Produktion sozialer Sicherung – Eine Mehr-Ebenen Ana-lyse migrantischer Praktiken in wohlfahrstaatlichen Arrangements (Migrant Organizations and Co-production of Social Welfare – A Multi-level Analysis of Migrants‘ Practices in Welfare Ar-rangements) (Mercur Research Center, cooperation between RUB Bochum, TU Dortmund and Universität Duisburg-Essen)
2018-2021 Organized violence, new migration patterns, and development: A comparative study in Europe and the Americas (Funding German Research Foundation DFG)
2015-2017 Chair Wilhelm-und-Alexander-von-Humboldt at El Colegio de México/Mexico City
2013- 2015 Migration und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe: Wechselwirkungen zwischen Bildung, Arbeitsmarkt, Religion und Selbstorganisation (Funding Mercator-Stiftung) (Migration and participation in society: interrelations between education, labour market, religion and self-organisation)
2013-2015 MApping REfugees' arrivals at the Mediterranean borders (MAREM) (Funding inStud-ies/Federal Ministry of Education and Investigation)
2011-2013: Virtualisation of cross border labour mobility? Changing patterns of cross border personnel mobility as coordination mechanism in profit- and non-profit-organisations in Mexico and Ger-many (Funding German Research Foundation DFG)
2011-2011: Situation von Wohnungslosen mit Migrationshintergrund in NRW (Funding Ministry for La-bour, Integration and Social Affairs NRW) (Situation of homeless persons with migration back-ground in North-Rhine-Westfalia)
2010-2011: Die Rolle von Europäischen Betriebsräten bei der Verabschiedung und Umsetzung unterneh-mensinterner Mindeststandards (Funding Hans-Böckler-Stiftung) (Role of European Works Coun-cils in negotiating and implementing of company internal minimum standards)
2010-2012: Euro-Betriebsräte als Akteure im Strukturwandel der Automobilzulieferindustrie (Funding Hans-Böckler-Stiftung) (European Works Councils as actors in the structural change of the auto-mobile supplier industry)
2009-2011: Ethnizität internationaler Migranten und ihr Einfluss auf die Arbeitsmärkte der Zielstaaten – Eine vergleichende Studie zwischen China, Frankreich, den Niederlanden, Deutschland und dem Vereinigten Königreich (Funding Federal Ministry of Education and Technology) (Ethnicity of in-ternational migrants and its impact on labour markets of host countries – A comparison between China, France, the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom)
2007-2010: Der Europäische Betriebsrat als transnationale Organisation? Typik, Stabilität, Verhand-lungsoutput und Kontextbedingungen der Euro-Betriebsräte am Beispiel der europäischen Auto-mobilindustrie“ (Funding German Research Foundation DFG) (The European Works Council as transnational organisation? Typology, stability, negotiation output and context factors of Euro-pean Works Councils in the European automobile industry)
2009-2009: Europäische Betriebsräte in der deutschen, englischen und französischen Forschung – eine Literaturstudie (Funding Hans-Böckler-Stiftung) (European Works Councils in the German, British and French research – a secondary study)
2007-2010: Verbreitung und Kontextbedingungen Transnationaler Migrantenorganisationen in Europa (Funding Volkswagen-Stiftung) (Spread and context conditions of transnational migrant organi-sations)
2007-2009: Betriebliche Interessenregulierung in Deutschland – Survey und Strukturanalyse BISS-II – Son-derauswertung (Funding Hans-Böckler-Stiftung) (Interest regulation at factory level in Germany – Survey and structural analysis)
2007-2009: Arbeits- und Partizipationsorientierungen von hochqualifizierten Angestellten und Führungs-kräften – Breitenerhebung im Bereich der Führungskräfte Chemie (Funding VAA) (Work and par-ticipation expectations of high qualified employees and managers – a representative study in the chemical industry)
2004-2006: Betriebliche Interessenregulierung in Deutschland – Survey und Strukturanalyse (BISS I) (Fun-ding Hans-Böckler-Stiftung) (Interest regulation at factory level in Germany – Survey and structu-ral analysis)
2003-2005: Zwischen Selbstvertretung und Mitbestimmung - Partizipationskulturen in Unternehmen des Neuen Marktes (Funding Hans-Böckler-Stiftung) (Between self-representation and co-determination – Participation cultures in companies of the New Market)
2002-2005: Grenzen der Entgrenzung von Arbeit. Teilvorhaben: Wandel der Formen von Erwerbsreguli-erung (Funding Federal Ministry of Education and Technology) (Limits of dissolving boundaries of work. Working package: Changing forms of labour regulation)
2002-2004: Konzeptionelle Grundlagen und empirische Evidenzen der Emergenz transnationaler Sozial-räume (Funding Volkswagen-Stiftung) (Conceptual considerations and empirical evidence of emerging transnational social spaces)
2002-2004: E-Buisness in der Automobilzulieferindustrie (Förderung Federal Ministry of Education and Technology) (E-business in the automobile industry)
1997-2001: Globalisierung der deutschen Automobilindustrie in USA, Mexiko und Brasilien (Funding German Research Foundation DFG) (Globalisation of the German carmakers in the USA, Mexico and Brazil)
1996-1998: Teilprojekt zur Automobilzulieferindustrie in den USA, Mexiko und Brasilien (Funding EU/IAT) (Sub-project Automobile industry in the USA, Mexico and Brazil)
1995-1998: Arbeitsmigration zwischen der Mixteca Poblana und New York: Die Herausbildung eines transnationalen sozialen Raums (Funding CONACYT/Mexiko) (Labour migration between the Mix-teca Poblana and New York: The emergence of a transnational social space)
1994-1996: Systeme Industrieller Beziehungen im wirtschaftlich-politischen Transformationsprozess Lateinamerikas: Brasilien, Kolumbien und Mexiko (Funding Volkswagen-Stiftung, joint direction with R. Dombois) (Systems of industrial relations in the political-economic transformation pro-cess in Latin America: Brazil, Colombia and Mexico)
1993-1994: Produktionsmodernisierung und Beschäftigungswandel bei Technikern und Professionellen in Puebla/Mexiko (Funding Universidad Iberoamericana-Golfo/Centro, Mexico) (Modernization of production and employment changes of technicians and professionals in Puebla/Mexico)
1990-1994: Erwerbsverläufe und Arbeitsorientierungen abhängig und selbständig Beschäftigter in Pue-bla/Mexiko (Funding German Research Foundation DFG) (Labour trajectories and work orienta-tions of salaraied and self-employed persons in Puebla/Mexico)
1987-1990: Modernisierung der Produktionstechnik und soziale Differenzierung (Funding Ministry for Labour Arbeit NRW, joint direction with R. Schmidt and R. Trinczek) (Modernization of production technology and social differentiation)

5. Memberships
Founding member of editorial board Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios del Trabajo 1993 to 1996
Member of research network Groupe d´Etudes et de Recherche Permanent sur l´Industrie et les Salar-iés de l´Automobile GERPISA, Paris since 1996
Member of Latin American Studies Association LASA since 1994
Member of Research Committee 30 of International Sociological Association (ISA) since 1995
Member of Editorial Board of Región y Sociedad (Mexico) since 1998.
Member of Editorial Board of Sociología del Trabajo (Spain) since 1999.
Member of Editorial Board of Peripherie (Germany) since 1999
Member of Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) (member of its Council since 2012)
Member of German Industrial Relations Association (GIRA)
Associate Editor of the journal Global Networks

6. Referee Activities for Scientific Foundations and Institutions
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Deutsche Stiftung für internationale Entwicklung/InWent
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
European Science Foundation
Evangelisches Studienwerk e.V. Haus Villigst
La Trobe – University/Australien
Leverhulme Trust
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies
Swiss National Science Foundation
Wissenschaftliche Kommission Niedersachsen
Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Zukunftsforschung – Universität Bielefeld
Wissenschaftliche Kommission Niedersachsen
Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Zukunftsforschung/University of Bielefeld

7. Referee Activities for Scientific Journals
American Journal of Sociology/Chicago
Berliner Journal für Soziologie/Berlin
Critical Sociology/Sage
critical perspectives on international business/Emerald
Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales/Madrid
Economic and Industrial Democracy/Sage
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space/Durham-UK, Pion
Estudios Sociológicos/El Colegio de México
Ethnic and Racial Studies/Taylor&Francis
European Societies/ Taylor&Francis
European Urban and Regional Studies/Sage
Foro Internacional/El Colegio de México
Geographische Revue/Flensburg
Geographische Rundschau/Westermann
global networks/Wiley-Blackwell (Regional Editor)
Industrielle Beziehungen/München
International Journal of Automotive Technology & Management/Inderscience
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research/Wiley-Blackwell
International Migration/Wiley-Blackwell
International Migration Review/ Wiley-Blackwell
International Sociology/Sage
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies/Taylor&Francis
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie/Köln
Lateinamerika – Analysen und Berichte/Hamburg-Münster
Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft/Hamburg
Moving the Social/Klartext
New Technology, Work and Employment/Wiley-Blackwell
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
Oxford Development Studies/Taylor&Francis
Peripherie/Münster (Beirat bis 2011)
Raumforschung und Raumordnung/Springer (Beirat 2009-2013)
Región y Sociedad/Hermosillo (Mitglied Wissenschaftlicher Beirat)
Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios del Trabajo/Rio de Janeiro (Mitbegründer)
Revista Contaduría y Administración/UNAM-Mexico
Social Forces/Oxford Journals
Social Indicators Research/Springer
Sociologia del Trabajo/Madrid (Mitglied Redaktionsrat)
Soziale Welt/München
Soziologische Revue/Bremen (Mitherausgeber)
Transnational Social Support/Taylor&Francis
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft/Berlin
Zeitschrift für Migration und soziale Arbeit/Frankfurt
Zeitschrift für Soziologie/Bielefeld
Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft/Springer

  • Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    Chair Sociology / Organization, Migration, Participation

1. Biographical summary
Born 1953 in Füchtorf/Northrhine-Westfalia; secondary school (Abitur) at Staatliches Gymnasium Waren-dorf 1972; vocational training and work as tool machinery technician until 1980.
Studies and degree in Social Science at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (1980-1985); Ph.D. (1989) and habilita-tion (1995) at University Erlangen-Nürnberg; Research Fellow 1985-1990; postdoc- and habilita-tion-fellowship and Visiting Professor 1990-1994 in Mexico; Pierre-Naville-Chair of Sociology Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana/Mexico 1994-1996; Senior Researcher, Research Profes-sorship and Interim Professorships 1996-2001; since 2001: Chair of Sociology – Organisation, Mi-gration, Participation at Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Fields of expertise: Sociology of Work, Social Science of Organizations, Sociology of Migration and Refuge, Transnationalism and Globalisation Research, Life-Course Research and Biographical Analysis, In-ternational Comparison, Transnational Studies; Research and teaching in Germany, Spain, Mexi-co, Brazil and the USA
Research grants and awards: successful application and procurement of more than 20 research pro-jects/grants with competitive review and selection processes with a total of more than 4 million Euros; René-König-Award of the German Association of Sociology for the best textbook in Sociol-ogy 2014; Award of the Mexican Association of the Study of Work for Academic Trajectory 2017.
Publications: 21 monographies (8 co-authored); more than 100 articles in scientific journals, therefrom more than 70 double blind peer reviewed; 28 edited books, therefrom 11 in English and 5 in Spanish; more than 110 chapters in books; review activities for more than 50 international scien-tific journals and foundations; activities in scientific and editorial boards of 6 international scien-tific journals.
Board member (2005-2011) and Speaker (2009-2011) of the Section Migration and Ethnic Minorities in the German Associations for Sociology; Member of the Directorate of the Institute for Interna-tional Law of Peace and Armed Conflict/Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Dean of the Department of Social Science (2006-2008); member of the Senate of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (2004-2006); Commissioner of the Rectorate of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum for the Office of Cooperation RUB-IGM since 2001; Commissioner of the Rectorate of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum for the se-lection process for professorships (2008-2011); Speaker of the Organisation Committee of the 36th Congress of the German Sociological Association (2011-2012); Co-Editor of Soziologische Re-vue since 2009; member (2011-2015) and Deputy-Director (2012-2015) of the Expert Council of German Foundations for Migration and Integration. Chair Guillermo-y-Alejandro-de-Humboldt at El Colegio de México/Mexico City 2015-2017; Member of the Executive Committee and Chair of its Publication Committee of the European Sociological Association since 2019..

2. Synthesis of Education, Research, and Teaching
2.1. Education
Period Activity/status Institution
1980/04-1985/10 Studies in Social Science Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft/
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
1995/12 Diplom-Soz.wiss. (graduated in Social Science) Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft/
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
1989/12 Promotion (PhD), Dr.phil. Philosophische Fakultät/Universität Erlangen
1995/06 Habilitation, Dr.phil.habil. Philosophische Fakultät/Universität Erlangen
2.2. Research and work relations
1985/11-1987/03 Research Fellow Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
1987/04-1990/04 Research Fellow Institut für Soziologie/Universität Erlangen
1990/05-1992/04 Postdoc-Fellowship German Research Foundation (DFG), Visiting Professor El Colegio de México/Mexico-City
1992/05-1992/09 Professorship El Colegio de Puebla/Mexico
1992/10-1994/10 Habilitation-Fellowship German Re-search Foundation (DFG), Professor El Colegio de Puebla/Mexico
1994/11-1996/10 Chair ‘Pierre Naville’ Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana/Mexico
1996/11-1997/09 Visiting Professor/Research Fellow Institut Arbeit und Technik/Gelsenkirchen
1997/10-1998/09 Professor/Chair Sociology (stand-in) Institut für Soziologie/Univ. des Saarlandes
1998/10-1999/03 Professor/Chair Sociology (stand-in) Institut für Soziologie/Universität Göttingen
1999/04-2001/02 Senior Researcher Institut für Soziologie/Universität Erlangen
Since 2001/03 Professor/Chair Sociology /
Organisation, Migration, Participation Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft/
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
2.3. Additional stays of research/teaching
1989/10 Short term lecturership Universidad Autónoma Metropoli¬tana/Mex.
1991/07-08 Visiting Fellow Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung/Berlin
1993/05 Short term lecturership Universidade Federale de Minas Geráis/Bras.
2000/03 Visiting Faculty University of Pennsylvania, Department of Soci-ology/Population Studies Center
2006/06-07 Visiting Fellow and course teacher School of International and Public Affairs, Colum-bia University, New York
2006/08-09 Visiting Fellow School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, Ithaca
2015 - 2017 Chair Wilhelm-und-Alexander-von-Humboldt El Colegio de México, Mexico City

3. Recent Publications (only last 8 years)
Books (monographies and edited volumes)

Feischmidt, Margit/Pries, Ludger/Cantat, Celine (eds.), 2019: Refugee Protection and Civil Society in Eu-rope. Houndmills: Palgrave
Berger, Stefan/Pries, Ludger/Wannöffel, Manfred (eds.), 2019: The Palgrave Handbook of Workers’ Partic-ipation at Plant Level. New York: Palgrave
Pries, Ludger/Yankelevitch, Pablo, 2019: European and Latin American So-cial Scientists as Refugees, Emi-grés and Return‐migrants. Transnational lives and travelling theories at El Colegio de México and the New School for Social Re-search. New York: Palgrave
Pries, Ludger, 2018: Refugees, Civil Society and the State. European Experiences and Global Challenges. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (extended English version of Pries 2016)
Pries, Ludger, 2017: La transnacionalización del mundo social. Espacios sociales más allá de las sociedades nacionales. México: El Colegio de México (Transnationalization of the Social World. Social Spaces beyond National Societies; adapted Spanish version first published in German in 2008)
Pries, Ludger, 2017: Soziologie. Schlüsselbegriffe, Herangehensweisen und Perspektiven. Weinheim: Beltz-Juventa (Sociology. Key Concepts, Approaches, Perspectives; 3rd revised edition, René-König-Award for Best Textbook of the German Association for Sociology, DGS)
Pries, Ludger, 2016: Migration und Ankommen. Die Chancen der Flüchtlingsbewegung. Frankfurt/New York: Campus
Gansbergen, Anna/Pries, Ludger/Witkowski, Juliana (Eds.), 2016: Versunken im Mittelmeer? Flüchtlings-organisationen im Mittelmeerraum und das Europäische Asylsystem (Drawned in the Mediter-ranean Sea? Refugee related organizations in the Mediterranean, and the European Asylum Sys-tem). Bielefeld: transcript
Pries, Ludger, 2016: Erwerbsregulierung in einer globalisierten Welt. Theoretische Konzepte und empiri-sche Tendenzen der Regulierung von Arbeit und Beschäftigung in der Transnationalisierung. (2nd, updated and extended edition). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag
Hauser-Ditz, Axel/Hertwig, Markus/Pries, Ludger/Rampeltshammer, Luitpold, 2016: A Solution for Trans-national Labour Regulation? Company Internationalization and European Works Councils in the Automotive Sector. New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang
Pries, Ludger, 2015: Transnationalisierung. Theorie und Empirie neuer Vergesellschaftung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag (Tansnationalization. Theory and methods of new sozial entanglements; 3rd edition)
Adick, Christel/Gandlgruber, Bruno/Maletzky, Martina/Pries, Ludger (eds.), 2015: Cross-Border Staff Mo-bility. A Comparative Study of Profit and Non-Profit Organisations. Basingstoke/New York: Pal-grave Macmillan
Pries, Ludger (ed.), 2013: Shifting boundaries of belonging. New migration dynamics in Europe and China. Houndmills: Palgrave
Pries, Ludger, 2013: Soziologie Internationaler Migration. Einführung in Klassische Theorien und neue Ansätze. Bielefeld: Transcript (Sociology of international migration. Introduction into classic the-ories and new approaches; 4th edition)
Pries, Ludger/Sezgin, Zeynep (eds.), 2012: Cross-Border Migrant Organisations in Comparative Perspec-tive. Houndmills: Palgrave

Double blind peer reviewed articles

Masadeh, Mais/Pries, Ludger, 2021: Similar History, Different Strategies of ‘Arrival’: Female Yazidi Survi-vors of the Islamic State in Germany. In: Journal of Refugee Studies, Vol. 33 (4):
Pries, Ludger. 2021: Migration. In: Hollstein, Betina/Greshoff, Rain-er/Schimank, Uwe/Weiß, Anja (Eds.), Soziologie - Sociology in the German-Speaking World. Special Issue Soziologische Revue 2020. Berlin/Boston: de Gruy-ter, pp. 245-259.
Pries, Ludger, 2021: From economic remittances to societal transmittances Experiences from the Europe-an Union. (Paper presented at conference "Remit-tances & the Imagination of Connectedness", 29 of February 2020 at Princeton University, under review)
Pries, Ludger, 2020: Sewing transnational textures of labour regulation: to-wards an integrative per-spective. In: International Journal of Anthropology and Ethnology, 4(5),
Pries, Ludger, 2019: „We will manage it“ – Did Chancellor Merkel’s dictum increase or even cause the refugee movement in 2015? In: International Migration, Vol. 57, doi: 10.1111/imig.12684
Pries, Ludger, 2019: The momentum of transnational social spaces in Mexi-co-US-migration. In: Com-parative Migration Studies, Vol. 7, p. 7-34
Pries, Ludger, 2019: Between clarity and disorientation: remarks on the un-ease of Wolfgang Streeck with the 21st century migration. In: Culture, Practice & Europeanization, Vol. 4 (1), p. 155-158Pries, Ludger, 2018: Entre la bienvenida y el rechazo: la ‘crisis de refugiados’ Europa (Be-tween welcoming and rejection: the ‘crisis of refuge’ in Europe). In: Polis (UAM-Iztapalapa), Vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 71-96
Pries, Ludger, 2017: Scientists as forced migrants and refugees – what to learn from the 1930s and the 2010s? In: Social Research: An International Quar-terly, Vol. 84 (4)
Pries, Ludger/Maletzky, Martina, 2017: The Transnationalization of Labor Mobility: Development Trends and Selected Challenges Involved in Its Regulation. In: Review of European Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 115-129 (
Pries, Ludger, 2016: Regulación laboral entre ‘neoliberalismo’ y ‘etatismo’ - Una propuesta institucional y el ejemplo de la Unión Europea (Labor regulation between ‘neoliberalism’ and ‘statism’ – an ins-titutional proposal and the example of the European Union). In: Sociología del Trabajo, Nueva Època, No. 88, S. 62-86
Pries, Ludger/Bekassow, Natalia, 2015: Discriminação e Racismo na União Europeia: diagnóstico de uma ameaça negligenciada e da investigação científica correspondente (Discrimination and racism in the European Union: diagnostics of a neglected challenge and related scientific findings). In: So-ciologias (UFRGS-Porto Alegre), Vol. 17, no. 40, p. 176-211
Pries, Ludger/Shinozaki, Kyoko, 2015: Neue Migrationsdynamiken und Folgerungen für gewerkschaftliche Politiken (New migration dynamics and conclusions for trade union politics). In: WSI Mitteilung-en, 5/2015, S. 374-382
Dehnen, Veronika/Pries, Ludger, 2014: International Framework Agree-ments as a thread in the texture of transnational labour regulation. In: Euro-pean Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 20(4), pp. 335-350
Baum-Ceisig, Alexandra/Feyh, Nicolai/Pries, Ludger, 2014: Betriebliche Mitbestimmung aus Sicht der Beschäftigten. Ergebnisse einer Mitarbeiterbefragung bei Volkswagen (Participation at plant level from workers‘ perspective. Results of a survey at Volkswagen). In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Jg. 67, Nr. 4, S. 296-305
Pauls, Robert/Pries Ludger, 2013: Changing Labour Relations in China’s Automotive Industry. In: Interna-tional Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, Vol. 12, No.4, pp. 376-394
Hauser-Ditz, Axel/Hertwig, Markus/Pries, Ludger, 2013: Collective em-ployee representation in German companies. Coverage and contextual condi-tions. In: Employee Relations, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 509-526
Pries, Ludger/Seeliger, Martin, 2013: Work and Employment Relations in a Globalized World: The Emerg-ing Texture of Transnational Labour Regulation. In: Global Labour Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 26-47
Pries, Ludger, 2013: Ambiguities of global and transnational collective identities. In: global networks, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 22-40
Pries, Ludger/Seeliger, Martin, 2012: International, flexibel und mit Tendenz zum Greening? Krisenbewäl-tigungsstrategien und Erwerbsregulierung 2008/2009 am Beispiel von Volkswagen und BMW. In: Arbeits- und Industrieso-ziologische Studien (AIS-Studien), Jg. 5, Nr. 2, S. 80-97
Hauser-Ditz, Axel/ Hertwig, Markus/ Pries, Ludger, 2012: Verbetrieblichung und betrieblicher Konflikt. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozial-psychologie, Jg. 64, Nr.2, S. 329-359

4. Research grants
(only major research projects with external, mainly competitive funding with external scientific review process and developed and directed by Ludger Pries are listed below)
2021-2024 Zuwanderung aus Südosteuropa – Teilhabe und Zusammenhalt auf kommunaler Ebene (Mi-gration from South-East Europe – Participation and Cohesion at municipal level (Funding Merca-tor Foundation)
2020-2022 Migrantenorganisationen und die Ko-Produktion sozialer Sicherung – Eine Mehr-Ebenen Ana-lyse migrantischer Praktiken in wohlfahrstaatlichen Arrangements (Migrant Organizations and Co-production of Social Welfare – A Multi-level Analysis of Migrants‘ Practices in Welfare Ar-rangements) (Mercur Research Center, cooperation between RUB Bochum, TU Dortmund and Universität Duisburg-Essen)
2018-2021 Organized violence, new migration patterns, and development: A comparative study in Europe and the Americas (Funding German Research Foundation DFG)
2015-2017 Chair Wilhelm-und-Alexander-von-Humboldt at El Colegio de México/Mexico City
2013- 2015 Migration und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe: Wechselwirkungen zwischen Bildung, Arbeitsmarkt, Religion und Selbstorganisation (Funding Mercator-Stiftung) (Migration and participation in society: interrelations between education, labour market, religion and self-organisation)
2013-2015 MApping REfugees' arrivals at the Mediterranean borders (MAREM) (Funding inStud-ies/Federal Ministry of Education and Investigation)
2011-2013: Virtualisation of cross border labour mobility? Changing patterns of cross border personnel mobility as coordination mechanism in profit- and non-profit-organisations in Mexico and Ger-many (Funding German Research Foundation DFG)
2011-2011: Situation von Wohnungslosen mit Migrationshintergrund in NRW (Funding Ministry for La-bour, Integration and Social Affairs NRW) (Situation of homeless persons with migration back-ground in North-Rhine-Westfalia)
2010-2011: Die Rolle von Europäischen Betriebsräten bei der Verabschiedung und Umsetzung unterneh-mensinterner Mindeststandards (Funding Hans-Böckler-Stiftung) (Role of European Works Coun-cils in negotiating and implementing of company internal minimum standards)
2010-2012: Euro-Betriebsräte als Akteure im Strukturwandel der Automobilzulieferindustrie (Funding Hans-Böckler-Stiftung) (European Works Councils as actors in the structural change of the auto-mobile supplier industry)
2009-2011: Ethnizität internationaler Migranten und ihr Einfluss auf die Arbeitsmärkte der Zielstaaten – Eine vergleichende Studie zwischen China, Frankreich, den Niederlanden, Deutschland und dem Vereinigten Königreich (Funding Federal Ministry of Education and Technology) (Ethnicity of in-ternational migrants and its impact on labour markets of host countries – A comparison between China, France, the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom)
2007-2010: Der Europäische Betriebsrat als transnationale Organisation? Typik, Stabilität, Verhand-lungsoutput und Kontextbedingungen der Euro-Betriebsräte am Beispiel der europäischen Auto-mobilindustrie“ (Funding German Research Foundation DFG) (The European Works Council as transnational organisation? Typology, stability, negotiation output and context factors of Euro-pean Works Councils in the European automobile industry)
2009-2009: Europäische Betriebsräte in der deutschen, englischen und französischen Forschung – eine Literaturstudie (Funding Hans-Böckler-Stiftung) (European Works Councils in the German, British and French research – a secondary study)
2007-2010: Verbreitung und Kontextbedingungen Transnationaler Migrantenorganisationen in Europa (Funding Volkswagen-Stiftung) (Spread and context conditions of transnational migrant organi-sations)
2007-2009: Betriebliche Interessenregulierung in Deutschland – Survey und Strukturanalyse BISS-II – Son-derauswertung (Funding Hans-Böckler-Stiftung) (Interest regulation at factory level in Germany – Survey and structural analysis)
2007-2009: Arbeits- und Partizipationsorientierungen von hochqualifizierten Angestellten und Führungs-kräften – Breitenerhebung im Bereich der Führungskräfte Chemie (Funding VAA) (Work and par-ticipation expectations of high qualified employees and managers – a representative study in the chemical industry)
2004-2006: Betriebliche Interessenregulierung in Deutschland – Survey und Strukturanalyse (BISS I) (Fun-ding Hans-Böckler-Stiftung) (Interest regulation at factory level in Germany – Survey and structu-ral analysis)
2003-2005: Zwischen Selbstvertretung und Mitbestimmung - Partizipationskulturen in Unternehmen des Neuen Marktes (Funding Hans-Böckler-Stiftung) (Between self-representation and co-determination – Participation cultures in companies of the New Market)
2002-2005: Grenzen der Entgrenzung von Arbeit. Teilvorhaben: Wandel der Formen von Erwerbsreguli-erung (Funding Federal Ministry of Education and Technology) (Limits of dissolving boundaries of work. Working package: Changing forms of labour regulation)
2002-2004: Konzeptionelle Grundlagen und empirische Evidenzen der Emergenz transnationaler Sozial-räume (Funding Volkswagen-Stiftung) (Conceptual considerations and empirical evidence of emerging transnational social spaces)
2002-2004: E-Buisness in der Automobilzulieferindustrie (Förderung Federal Ministry of Education and Technology) (E-business in the automobile industry)
1997-2001: Globalisierung der deutschen Automobilindustrie in USA, Mexiko und Brasilien (Funding German Research Foundation DFG) (Globalisation of the German carmakers in the USA, Mexico and Brazil)
1996-1998: Teilprojekt zur Automobilzulieferindustrie in den USA, Mexiko und Brasilien (Funding EU/IAT) (Sub-project Automobile industry in the USA, Mexico and Brazil)
1995-1998: Arbeitsmigration zwischen der Mixteca Poblana und New York: Die Herausbildung eines transnationalen sozialen Raums (Funding CONACYT/Mexiko) (Labour migration between the Mix-teca Poblana and New York: The emergence of a transnational social space)
1994-1996: Systeme Industrieller Beziehungen im wirtschaftlich-politischen Transformationsprozess Lateinamerikas: Brasilien, Kolumbien und Mexiko (Funding Volkswagen-Stiftung, joint direction with R. Dombois) (Systems of industrial relations in the political-economic transformation pro-cess in Latin America: Brazil, Colombia and Mexico)
1993-1994: Produktionsmodernisierung und Beschäftigungswandel bei Technikern und Professionellen in Puebla/Mexiko (Funding Universidad Iberoamericana-Golfo/Centro, Mexico) (Modernization of production and employment changes of technicians and professionals in Puebla/Mexico)
1990-1994: Erwerbsverläufe und Arbeitsorientierungen abhängig und selbständig Beschäftigter in Pue-bla/Mexiko (Funding German Research Foundation DFG) (Labour trajectories and work orienta-tions of salaraied and self-employed persons in Puebla/Mexico)
1987-1990: Modernisierung der Produktionstechnik und soziale Differenzierung (Funding Ministry for Labour Arbeit NRW, joint direction with R. Schmidt and R. Trinczek) (Modernization of production technology and social differentiation)

5. Memberships
Founding member of editorial board Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios del Trabajo 1993 to 1996
Member of research network Groupe d´Etudes et de Recherche Permanent sur l´Industrie et les Salar-iés de l´Automobile GERPISA, Paris since 1996
Member of Latin American Studies Association LASA since 1994
Member of Research Committee 30 of International Sociological Association (ISA) since 1995
Member of Editorial Board of Región y Sociedad (Mexico) since 1998.
Member of Editorial Board of Sociología del Trabajo (Spain) since 1999.
Member of Editorial Board of Peripherie (Germany) since 1999
Member of Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) (member of its Council since 2012)
Member of German Industrial Relations Association (GIRA)
Associate Editor of the journal Global Networks

6. Referee Activities for Scientific Foundations and Institutions
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Deutsche Stiftung für internationale Entwicklung/InWent
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
European Science Foundation
Evangelisches Studienwerk e.V. Haus Villigst
La Trobe – University/Australien
Leverhulme Trust
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies
Swiss National Science Foundation
Wissenschaftliche Kommission Niedersachsen
Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Zukunftsforschung – Universität Bielefeld
Wissenschaftliche Kommission Niedersachsen
Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Zukunftsforschung/University of Bielefeld

7. Referee Activities for Scientific Journals
American Journal of Sociology/Chicago
Berliner Journal für Soziologie/Berlin
Critical Sociology/Sage
critical perspectives on international business/Emerald
Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales/Madrid
Economic and Industrial Democracy/Sage
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space/Durham-UK, Pion
Estudios Sociológicos/El Colegio de México
Ethnic and Racial Studies/Taylor&Francis
European Societies/ Taylor&Francis
European Urban and Regional Studies/Sage
Foro Internacional/El Colegio de México
Geographische Revue/Flensburg
Geographische Rundschau/Westermann
global networks/Wiley-Blackwell (Regional Editor)
Industrielle Beziehungen/München
International Journal of Automotive Technology & Management/Inderscience
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research/Wiley-Blackwell
International Migration/Wiley-Blackwell
International Migration Review/ Wiley-Blackwell
International Sociology/Sage
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies/Taylor&Francis
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie/Köln
Lateinamerika – Analysen und Berichte/Hamburg-Münster
Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft/Hamburg
Moving the Social/Klartext
New Technology, Work and Employment/Wiley-Blackwell
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
Oxford Development Studies/Taylor&Francis
Peripherie/Münster (Beirat bis 2011)
Raumforschung und Raumordnung/Springer (Beirat 2009-2013)
Región y Sociedad/Hermosillo (Mitglied Wissenschaftlicher Beirat)
Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios del Trabajo/Rio de Janeiro (Mitbegründer)
Revista Contaduría y Administración/UNAM-Mexico
Social Forces/Oxford Journals
Social Indicators Research/Springer
Sociologia del Trabajo/Madrid (Mitglied Redaktionsrat)
Soziale Welt/München
Soziologische Revue/Bremen (Mitherausgeber)
Transnational Social Support/Taylor&Francis
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft/Berlin
Zeitschrift für Migration und soziale Arbeit/Frankfurt
Zeitschrift für Soziologie/Bielefeld
Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft/Springer

University of Girona
Associate Professor

Òscar Prieto-Flores is an associate professor at the University of Girona. Ph.D. in Sociology and was Visiting Scholar in 2006 of the Center for Migration and Development at Princeton University; the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity at Stanford University (2012) and the Center for Evidence-Based Mentoring at the University of Massachusetts (2017). His research explores the settlement of immigrant and refugee populations in Spain. In this regards, he is Principal Investigator of the project APPLYING MENTORING: Social and Technological Innovations for the social inclusion of immigrant and refugee populations. (86.970 €)

  • University of Girona
    Associate Professor

Òscar Prieto-Flores is an associate professor at the University of Girona. Ph.D. in Sociology and was Visiting Scholar in 2006 of the Center for Migration and Development at Princeton University; the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity at Stanford University (2012) and the Center for Evidence-Based Mentoring at the University of Massachusetts (2017). His research explores the settlement of immigrant and refugee populations in Spain. In this regards, he is Principal Investigator of the project APPLYING MENTORING: Social and Technological Innovations for the social inclusion of immigrant and refugee populations. (86.970 €)

University of Sheffield

Gwilym is currently Professor of Urban Economics and Social Statistics at the University of Sheffield, based jointly in the Sheffield Methods Institute and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning. He is currently Director and PI of the ESRC/Nordforsk ‘Life at the Frontier’ project exploring the integration of migrations in the UK, Sweden and Norway. Gwilym is also the Sheffield Director of the ESRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Data Analytics and Society, and a co-investigator on the recently launched ESRC Centre for Care. His current research interests are primarilty focussed on the economic and social justice implications of spatial inequality, and the related issues of segregation, migration, and housing.

  • University of Sheffield

Gwilym is currently Professor of Urban Economics and Social Statistics at the University of Sheffield, based jointly in the Sheffield Methods Institute and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning. He is currently Director and PI of the ESRC/Nordforsk ‘Life at the Frontier’ project exploring the integration of migrations in the UK, Sweden and Norway. Gwilym is also the Sheffield Director of the ESRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Data Analytics and Society, and a co-investigator on the recently launched ESRC Centre for Care. His current research interests are primarilty focussed on the economic and social justice implications of spatial inequality, and the related issues of segregation, migration, and housing.

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

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Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

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*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.