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En partenariat avec le Migration Research Hub (pôle de recherche sur la migration) du réseau IMISCOE, cette base de données donne accès à un large éventail de spécialistes de la migration du monde entier. Les universitaires et les chercheurs membres du réseau IMISCOE contribuent, par leurs publications et leur expertise, à faire avancer l’innovation dans le champ des études sur les migrations, et apportent des connaissances sur diverses questions en lien avec le Pacte mondial sur les migrations. Des liens vers leurs travaux sont indiqués dans leurs profils. Explorez la base de données par spécialité et par lieu pour trouver un expert et consulter ses travaux les plus récents. Connectez-vous pour contacter directement un expert.

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Base de données d'experts

Résultats de la recherche
1761 - 1770 résultats sur 2374
Institute for Migration Research

PhD (Cum Laude) in Migration Studies. Patrizia is an expert in contemporary international migration, with special interest in the migration of unaccompanied minors. She is part of the Institute for Migration Research, University of Granada. Her PhD thesis was: "Unaccompanied Migrant Minors in Spain and Italy: the application of the Best Interest of the Child". Supervisors: F. Javier Garcia Castaño and Francisco J. Durán Ruiz.
She held a Master at the Research Institute for Migration Studies, Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid.

  • Institute for Migration Research

PhD (Cum Laude) in Migration Studies. Patrizia is an expert in contemporary international migration, with special interest in the migration of unaccompanied minors. She is part of the Institute for Migration Research, University of Granada. Her PhD thesis was: "Unaccompanied Migrant Minors in Spain and Italy: the application of the Best Interest of the Child". Supervisors: F. Javier Garcia Castaño and Francisco J. Durán Ruiz.
She held a Master at the Research Institute for Migration Studies, Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid.

ISMU Foundation

Veronica Riniolo is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Milan. Since 2008 she collaborates with ISMU Foundation taking part to national and international research projects on migration and integration topics. She is a member of the Scientific Board of the Methodology Section at AIS (Italian Association of Sociology) (2019-2021).
Her research interests include:
1) activism and political participation of migrants and youths with a migrant background;
2) socio-economical inclusion of Roma people.

  • ISMU Foundation

Veronica Riniolo is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Milan. Since 2008 she collaborates with ISMU Foundation taking part to national and international research projects on migration and integration topics. She is a member of the Scientific Board of the Methodology Section at AIS (Italian Association of Sociology) (2019-2021).
Her research interests include:
1) activism and political participation of migrants and youths with a migrant background;
2) socio-economical inclusion of Roma people.

Institute for Advanced Social Studies, Spanish Research Council
Deputy Director

Sebastian Rinken (PhD, EUI) is researcher and deputy director at the Institute for Advanced Social Studies (IESA), a unit of Spain's Research Council (CSIC) located in Córdoba. Having worked extensively on a variety of integration processes, his current research focuses mostly on attitudes toward immigration and immigrants and related measurement issues.

  • Institute for Advanced Social Studies, Spanish Research Council
    Deputy Director

Sebastian Rinken (PhD, EUI) is researcher and deputy director at the Institute for Advanced Social Studies (IESA), a unit of Spain's Research Council (CSIC) located in Córdoba. Having worked extensively on a variety of integration processes, his current research focuses mostly on attitudes toward immigration and immigrants and related measurement issues.

Co-Lead Migration Department

Ramona Rischke is an empirical migration and integration researcher. After studying international economics, she obtained her doctorate in development economics at the University of Göttingen. She has been conductig research on multi-dimensional poverty and inequality in low- and middle income countries, and on social cohesion and (i)mobility dynamics in the context of conflict and forced migration studies.

  • DeZIM-Institut
    Co-Lead Migration Department

Ramona Rischke is an empirical migration and integration researcher. After studying international economics, she obtained her doctorate in development economics at the University of Göttingen. She has been conductig research on multi-dimensional poverty and inequality in low- and middle income countries, and on social cohesion and (i)mobility dynamics in the context of conflict and forced migration studies.

University of Sheffield
Senior Lecturer

My research focuses on migration histories and the experiential qualities of place, developing a landscape specific contribution within a broad field of literature encompassing belonging and isolation, conviviality and racism, transnational connections and the shaping of cultures of use of public open space. I firmly believe in producing research in collaboration with others and I am committed to working with the professional and voluntary sector in all my research projects.
Through a number of research projects, these themes have been developed within two more specific strands: 1) Inclusive Public Open Spaces and 2) Diverse nature connections.

  • University of Sheffield
    Senior Lecturer

My research focuses on migration histories and the experiential qualities of place, developing a landscape specific contribution within a broad field of literature encompassing belonging and isolation, conviviality and racism, transnational connections and the shaping of cultures of use of public open space. I firmly believe in producing research in collaboration with others and I am committed to working with the professional and voluntary sector in all my research projects.
Through a number of research projects, these themes have been developed within two more specific strands: 1) Inclusive Public Open Spaces and 2) Diverse nature connections.

University of Leicester

Milena is a Lecturer in Criminology and Sociology, at the University of Leicester (U.K.). Her research focuses on racialising and sex-gendering bordering practices between the Global North and the Global South and migrants' practices to resist those.
She conducted qualitative research in the field of criminalised migration with Nigerian women convicted of trafficking, Nigerian women identified as victims, and Italian and Nigerian stakeholders. She has collaborated with legal stakeholders to make more inclusive policies to support victims of trafficking in Italy, and disseminated her research with international organisations (e.g. U.N.).

More recently, she has developed an interest in issues of research ethics and positionality when working with migrants. So, she would love to have a chat and learn more about it!

  • University of Leicester

Milena is a Lecturer in Criminology and Sociology, at the University of Leicester (U.K.). Her research focuses on racialising and sex-gendering bordering practices between the Global North and the Global South and migrants' practices to resist those.
She conducted qualitative research in the field of criminalised migration with Nigerian women convicted of trafficking, Nigerian women identified as victims, and Italian and Nigerian stakeholders. She has collaborated with legal stakeholders to make more inclusive policies to support victims of trafficking in Italy, and disseminated her research with international organisations (e.g. U.N.).

More recently, she has developed an interest in issues of research ethics and positionality when working with migrants. So, she would love to have a chat and learn more about it!

Rebecca Enobong Roberts is a PhD candidate at the Habitat Unit, Technische Universität Berlin, she teaches community engagement at the Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin. This project is co-supervised by the Urban Planning Department at the University of Lagos, Nigeria. Her PhD explores the intersectionality between internal displacement, the forced migration in the broader context of sustainable and inclusive urbanisation. I have 11 years of experience in implementing and managing development projects across 23 states and multiple cities in Nigeria, Dakar, Senegal, Pretoria and Johannesburg, South Africa, Accra, and Kumasi, Ghana. With sectoral experience spans community organization, support and engagements, public health, public education, and human rights; including LGBTI rights, informalities (rights to the city, livelihood, and housing), sustainable urbanization, displacement, urban refugees, forced migration, youth development, public policy analysis, advocacy, project monitoring, and evaluation.

Rebecca Enobong Roberts is a PhD candidate at the Habitat Unit, Technische Universität Berlin, she teaches community engagement at the Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin. This project is co-supervised by the Urban Planning Department at the University of Lagos, Nigeria. Her PhD explores the intersectionality between internal displacement, the forced migration in the broader context of sustainable and inclusive urbanisation. I have 11 years of experience in implementing and managing development projects across 23 states and multiple cities in Nigeria, Dakar, Senegal, Pretoria and Johannesburg, South Africa, Accra, and Kumasi, Ghana. With sectoral experience spans community organization, support and engagements, public health, public education, and human rights; including LGBTI rights, informalities (rights to the city, livelihood, and housing), sustainable urbanization, displacement, urban refugees, forced migration, youth development, public policy analysis, advocacy, project monitoring, and evaluation.

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

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*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.