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En partenariat avec le Migration Research Hub (pôle de recherche sur la migration) du réseau IMISCOE, cette base de données donne accès à un large éventail de spécialistes de la migration du monde entier. Les universitaires et les chercheurs membres du réseau IMISCOE contribuent, par leurs publications et leur expertise, à faire avancer l’innovation dans le champ des études sur les migrations, et apportent des connaissances sur diverses questions en lien avec le Pacte mondial sur les migrations. Des liens vers leurs travaux sont indiqués dans leurs profils. Explorez la base de données par spécialité et par lieu pour trouver un expert et consulter ses travaux les plus récents. Connectez-vous pour contacter directement un expert.

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Base de données d'experts

Résultats de la recherche
2101 - 2110 résultats sur 2375
Institute for European Studies
PhD Candidate

PhD Candidate in European Studies. Working on the European Union Migration Policy and it's challenges in Southern European Countries. Tamar has published an article in European Scientific Journal will the following title: " Preserving Indigenous Culture or Spreading Multiculturalism Across Europe" .
Tamar holds a MA degree in European Studies and BA degree in International Relations.
Tamar was a beneficiary of Erasmus + grant twice, Jean Monnet MEDiterranean border crises and European External Action EUMedEA Crash Course and visited Catania University, she had a field visit in Sicily, where she has conducted interviews with focus groups - asylum seekers.
Tamar is actively participating in international workshops and conferences and is actively involved in Jean Monnet Projects.
Tamar has 9 years of working experience in the field of education. In 2012-2017 years she has worked at the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia at International Relations and Programs Department and during 2017-2019 years she has worked in LEPL of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia , International Education Center at the Academic Programs and International projects Division. Coordinating 9 scholarship programs.
Tamar is an experienced judge in debates, she is an international adjudicator at international debate tournaments.
Tamar is a member of IMISCOE PhD Network, currently is a member of Workshop Group. Previously she has been a member of Teaching Group.

Tamar speaks English, German and Russian languages.

  • Institute for European Studies
    PhD Candidate

PhD Candidate in European Studies. Working on the European Union Migration Policy and it's challenges in Southern European Countries. Tamar has published an article in European Scientific Journal will the following title: " Preserving Indigenous Culture or Spreading Multiculturalism Across Europe" .
Tamar holds a MA degree in European Studies and BA degree in International Relations.
Tamar was a beneficiary of Erasmus + grant twice, Jean Monnet MEDiterranean border crises and European External Action EUMedEA Crash Course and visited Catania University, she had a field visit in Sicily, where she has conducted interviews with focus groups - asylum seekers.
Tamar is actively participating in international workshops and conferences and is actively involved in Jean Monnet Projects.
Tamar has 9 years of working experience in the field of education. In 2012-2017 years she has worked at the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia at International Relations and Programs Department and during 2017-2019 years she has worked in LEPL of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia , International Education Center at the Academic Programs and International projects Division. Coordinating 9 scholarship programs.
Tamar is an experienced judge in debates, she is an international adjudicator at international debate tournaments.
Tamar is a member of IMISCOE PhD Network, currently is a member of Workshop Group. Previously she has been a member of Teaching Group.

Tamar speaks English, German and Russian languages.

NOVA, Oslo Metropolitan University
Senior Researcher

I am a Cultural Historian (PhD on Young Swedish Labour Migrants in Oslo, 2015), at NOVA working on migration and youth unemployment. I have published on and am interested in (among other things) Food studies, Critical Whiteness Theory, intra-European migration, Social Media Studies and childlore.

  • NOVA, Oslo Metropolitan University
    Senior Researcher

I am a Cultural Historian (PhD on Young Swedish Labour Migrants in Oslo, 2015), at NOVA working on migration and youth unemployment. I have published on and am interested in (among other things) Food studies, Critical Whiteness Theory, intra-European migration, Social Media Studies and childlore.

PhD researcher

I graduated in Political Sciences from the University of Pisa and then in International Relations from the University of Florence.
I am currently studying International Law at the University of Amsterdam.
I am interested in critical approaches to migration and asylum law, socio-legal and qualitative research, feminist and queer studies.
I am currently working on SOGIESC asylum seekers in the context of European asylum law.

  • EUI
    PhD researcher

I graduated in Political Sciences from the University of Pisa and then in International Relations from the University of Florence.
I am currently studying International Law at the University of Amsterdam.
I am interested in critical approaches to migration and asylum law, socio-legal and qualitative research, feminist and queer studies.
I am currently working on SOGIESC asylum seekers in the context of European asylum law.

University of Birmingham
PhD Candidate

I'm a doctoral candidate in African Studies and Anthropology. I have research interests in migration and development, particularly the potential contribution of diasporas towards reconstruction and development in their home countries. I'm currently interning as an Editor for The Migration News: People on the Move (Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism). I have recently contributed a book chapter migration and development in a Routledge-book published in 2021.

  • University of Birmingham
    PhD Candidate

I'm a doctoral candidate in African Studies and Anthropology. I have research interests in migration and development, particularly the potential contribution of diasporas towards reconstruction and development in their home countries. I'm currently interning as an Editor for The Migration News: People on the Move (Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism). I have recently contributed a book chapter migration and development in a Routledge-book published in 2021.

International Police Organization IPO
Executive President - CEO

Criminologist and Crime Analyst specialized in the field of Investigative Criminology, Forensic Sciences, Intelligence, Criminal Profiling, and technical inspection of the crime scene. Investigative Criminology and Crime Analysis, Intelligence Service, Cyber Security and Cyber Intelligence, and Digital investigations.
Public and Private Security & Investigation Services.
National Security Service and management of migration flows.
Global governance, International Relationship, Diplomacy, Consulting, and advocacy,
Technical Consultant of Part TCP-CTP, Expert Consultant on Road Accidents.
Project Coordination in these sectors, Training, and Professional Formation.

  • International Police Organization IPO
    Executive President - CEO

Criminologist and Crime Analyst specialized in the field of Investigative Criminology, Forensic Sciences, Intelligence, Criminal Profiling, and technical inspection of the crime scene. Investigative Criminology and Crime Analysis, Intelligence Service, Cyber Security and Cyber Intelligence, and Digital investigations.
Public and Private Security & Investigation Services.
National Security Service and management of migration flows.
Global governance, International Relationship, Diplomacy, Consulting, and advocacy,
Technical Consultant of Part TCP-CTP, Expert Consultant on Road Accidents.
Project Coordination in these sectors, Training, and Professional Formation.

ISMAI- Instituto Universitário da Maia
Assistant Professor

Joana Topa is a Psychologist with a PhD degree in Social Psychology from the University of Minho, Portugal. She is currently an Auxiliar Professor at the University of Maia and an integrated researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (CIEG) that belongs to the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Portugal. She is also a collaborator researcher at the Psychology Centre of the University of Porto, integrated into the research field "Culture, Normativity and Diversity". Specialist in Social, Educational and Community Psychology by the Portuguese Psychologists Association and specialist in Gender Equality, Gender Violence and Migration, she is part of the list of specialists of the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG). She is a certified trainer for the Scientific Pedagogical Council for Continuing Education. Author of a book, several book chapters, and articles in national and international scientific journals, her main areas of research are focused on gender, migrations, health, gender violence, intersectionality and social inequalities. More recently she has also been focused on topics such as etnicities, racism and citizenship. Simultaneously, she participated in diverse international and national conferences and integrated diverse scientific committees and events organization. She has actively participated in several funded research projects, both academic and social (FCT; EEA GRANTS/FSE/CIG; Rights, Equality & Citizenship Programme of the European Union, European Cooperation in Science and Technology). In this moment she participates in the transdisciplinary network "Women on the Move" (CA19112), financed within the framework of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). Along these years she also took part in different networks, namely IMISCOE, GENDER & COVID-19 and Immigration, Crime and Citizenship of the European Society of Criminology. Feminist activist, she cooperates with several portuguese NGOs for gender equality and human rights.

  • ISMAI- Instituto Universitário da Maia
    Assistant Professor
  • Interdisciplinary Center of Gender Studies

Joana Topa is a Psychologist with a PhD degree in Social Psychology from the University of Minho, Portugal. She is currently an Auxiliar Professor at the University of Maia and an integrated researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (CIEG) that belongs to the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Portugal. She is also a collaborator researcher at the Psychology Centre of the University of Porto, integrated into the research field "Culture, Normativity and Diversity". Specialist in Social, Educational and Community Psychology by the Portuguese Psychologists Association and specialist in Gender Equality, Gender Violence and Migration, she is part of the list of specialists of the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG). She is a certified trainer for the Scientific Pedagogical Council for Continuing Education. Author of a book, several book chapters, and articles in national and international scientific journals, her main areas of research are focused on gender, migrations, health, gender violence, intersectionality and social inequalities. More recently she has also been focused on topics such as etnicities, racism and citizenship. Simultaneously, she participated in diverse international and national conferences and integrated diverse scientific committees and events organization. She has actively participated in several funded research projects, both academic and social (FCT; EEA GRANTS/FSE/CIG; Rights, Equality & Citizenship Programme of the European Union, European Cooperation in Science and Technology). In this moment she participates in the transdisciplinary network "Women on the Move" (CA19112), financed within the framework of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). Along these years she also took part in different networks, namely IMISCOE, GENDER & COVID-19 and Immigration, Crime and Citizenship of the European Society of Criminology. Feminist activist, she cooperates with several portuguese NGOs for gender equality and human rights.

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

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We welcome your feedback and suggestions, please contact us

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.