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En partenariat avec le Migration Research Hub (pôle de recherche sur la migration) du réseau IMISCOE, cette base de données donne accès à un large éventail de spécialistes de la migration du monde entier. Les universitaires et les chercheurs membres du réseau IMISCOE contribuent, par leurs publications et leur expertise, à faire avancer l’innovation dans le champ des études sur les migrations, et apportent des connaissances sur diverses questions en lien avec le Pacte mondial sur les migrations. Des liens vers leurs travaux sont indiqués dans leurs profils. Explorez la base de données par spécialité et par lieu pour trouver un expert et consulter ses travaux les plus récents. Connectez-vous pour contacter directement un expert.

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Base de données d'experts

Résultats de la recherche
221 - 230 résultats sur 2382
De Burcht, Scientific Research Institute for the Dutch Labour Movement

Lisa is a researcher at De Burcht, the Scientific Research Institute for the Dutch Labour Movement. She is interested in the interaction between employment relations and migration, with a special focus on trade union strategies towards migrant labour, posted workers and other a-typical workers.

  • De Burcht, Scientific Research Institute for the Dutch Labour Movement

Lisa is a researcher at De Burcht, the Scientific Research Institute for the Dutch Labour Movement. She is interested in the interaction between employment relations and migration, with a special focus on trade union strategies towards migrant labour, posted workers and other a-typical workers.

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

The main focus of my research is on the intersection of science, society and technology, the social and societal impacts of technology, as well as the individual to societal, ethical to epistemological implications of technology.

  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

The main focus of my research is on the intersection of science, society and technology, the social and societal impacts of technology, as well as the individual to societal, ethical to epistemological implications of technology.

VID Specialized University
PhD Fellow

2020 - PhD Research Fellow in Theology and Religious Studies (VID Specialized University)
2017 - 19 Master's in Human Geography (University of Oslo)

Currently conducting my doctoral project, with the provisional title of: "Negotiating belonging in contested spaces: Queer and religious migrants in Oslo and London".
Graduated from the University of Oslo with a thesis exploring the connection between political participation and sense of belonging among migrants in the city of Brescia (Italy).

Research themes: Migration; Sociology of religion; Queer studies; Citizenship; Political participation; Qualitative methods

  • VID Specialized University
    PhD Fellow
  • Peace Research Institute Oslo
    Research assistant

2020 - PhD Research Fellow in Theology and Religious Studies (VID Specialized University)
2017 - 19 Master's in Human Geography (University of Oslo)

Currently conducting my doctoral project, with the provisional title of: "Negotiating belonging in contested spaces: Queer and religious migrants in Oslo and London".
Graduated from the University of Oslo with a thesis exploring the connection between political participation and sense of belonging among migrants in the city of Brescia (Italy).

Research themes: Migration; Sociology of religion; Queer studies; Citizenship; Political participation; Qualitative methods

Pieter Bevelander is professor of International Migration and Ethnic Relations at the Department of Global political studies and Director of MIM, Malmö Institute of Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare, Malmö University, Sweden. His main research field is international migration and different aspects of immigrant integration as well the reactions and attitudes of natives towards immigrants and minorities. He has a PhD in economic-history and wrote his thesis (2000) on the employment integration of immigrants in Sweden in the period 1970–1995. A number of his publications include the labour market situation of immigrants in a regional setting and the effects of labour market policy measures directed towards immigrants and refugees in Sweden. Moreover, his research contains the socioeconomic and political impacts of citizenship ascension of immigrants and minorities in host societies and the attitudes of the native population on immigrants and other minority groups. His latest research include voting behavior of immigrants and their children as well as the socio-economic impact of the large refugee intake in Sweden during the last decades.
He has co-edited a number of publications of which the latest are Museums in Times of Migration and Mobility: Rethinking Museums Perspectives, Collections, Collaborations and Representations (2017) with Christina Johansson, and with Ruth Wodak, Europe at the Crossroads, Confronting Populist, Nationalist, and Global Challenges (2019). Moreover, he has reviewed for and published widely in international journals and is currently Associated Editor of International Migration Review (IMR) and Comparative Migration Studies as well as in the editorial board of Journal of International Migration and Ethnic Studies. He is a member of the Swedish government commission on Migration DELMI (, a member of the Executive Board of the IMISCOE network, a board member of the Metropolis network and Head of the international advisory Board of the Swiss NCCR “On the Move”. He has produced reports on migration and integration for several international organizations like the FRA, OECD, IOM, EU and MPI.

Pieter Bevelander is professor of International Migration and Ethnic Relations at the Department of Global political studies and Director of MIM, Malmö Institute of Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare, Malmö University, Sweden. His main research field is international migration and different aspects of immigrant integration as well the reactions and attitudes of natives towards immigrants and minorities. He has a PhD in economic-history and wrote his thesis (2000) on the employment integration of immigrants in Sweden in the period 1970–1995. A number of his publications include the labour market situation of immigrants in a regional setting and the effects of labour market policy measures directed towards immigrants and refugees in Sweden. Moreover, his research contains the socioeconomic and political impacts of citizenship ascension of immigrants and minorities in host societies and the attitudes of the native population on immigrants and other minority groups. His latest research include voting behavior of immigrants and their children as well as the socio-economic impact of the large refugee intake in Sweden during the last decades.
He has co-edited a number of publications of which the latest are Museums in Times of Migration and Mobility: Rethinking Museums Perspectives, Collections, Collaborations and Representations (2017) with Christina Johansson, and with Ruth Wodak, Europe at the Crossroads, Confronting Populist, Nationalist, and Global Challenges (2019). Moreover, he has reviewed for and published widely in international journals and is currently Associated Editor of International Migration Review (IMR) and Comparative Migration Studies as well as in the editorial board of Journal of International Migration and Ethnic Studies. He is a member of the Swedish government commission on Migration DELMI (, a member of the Executive Board of the IMISCOE network, a board member of the Metropolis network and Head of the international advisory Board of the Swiss NCCR “On the Move”. He has produced reports on migration and integration for several international organizations like the FRA, OECD, IOM, EU and MPI.

Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Art, Slovenian Migration Institute
Research assistant

Barbara Beznec graduated in Political Science of International Relations at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, where she later earned her Ph.D. on the subject of European Citizenship. As a researcher and expert in migration, she has collaborated with various institutes and universities in Slovenia and abroad. Fields of work: European integrations, European border regime, Balkan migration route, migration policies and practices, inclusiveness, autonomy of migration.

  • Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Art, Slovenian Migration Institute
    Research assistant

Barbara Beznec graduated in Political Science of International Relations at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, where she later earned her Ph.D. on the subject of European Citizenship. As a researcher and expert in migration, she has collaborated with various institutes and universities in Slovenia and abroad. Fields of work: European integrations, European border regime, Balkan migration route, migration policies and practices, inclusiveness, autonomy of migration.

REPROGRAM Global , Global Health Neurology and NSW Brain Clot Bank

Dr Sonu Bhaskar, MD PhD PD (Stroke/Neurology) FANA, is an award-winning clinician-scientist, board director and academic neurologist with a specialisation in vascular neurology & neuroradiology; and a researcher with a strong focus on global health, translational neuroscience/neurology, and health systems/policy, with a proven track record in governance, policymaking, social innovation, and systems-level growth & strategy. Dr Bhaskar has several years of leadership and governance experience, in initiating and delivering systems change, in senior leadership and executive roles at academic, healthcare and research organisations, and not-for-profit boards and international consortia. Dr Bhaskar is the Founding Director of NSW Brain Clot Bank – a flagship world’s first initiative in stroke; Founding Director of Pandemic Health System REsilience PROGRAM (REPROGRAM) Global (an international consortium formed to champion the safety of healthcare workers, policy development and advocacy for global pandemic preparedness and action with a focus on advocacy and building capacity, for vulnerable populations, and/or in under-resourced settings), Director at the Rotary Club of Sydney, International Director at International Fellowship of Rotarian Doctors (RFID, UK) and Editorial Board Member of BMC Neurology. Dr Bhaskar leads an international, intersectoral and collaborative research program aimed at reducing health inequalities and social disparities. Having worked at the coal face of medicine, academia and community, his focus and interests have increasingly galvanised towards social and geographical inequalities in health. Dr Bhaskar is passionate about advocacy and leadership for social impact and innovation, rooted in diversity, community, innovation and belonging.

Dr Bhaskar has been recognised in Australia and worldwide for his exceptional contributions to the vocation of neurology, research, global humanitarian initiatives, and public service, and the wider community, and for promoting the highest standards within the profession of medicine. According to Expertscape, Dr Bhaskar is ranked among the world’s top 0.4%, 0.36%, 0.5% and 0.78% of researchers/experts in the fields of Stroke, Cerebrovascular Diseases, Central Nervous System Diseases and Cardiovascular Diseases, respectively. Dr Bhaskar has been featured on Sydney Morning Herald, 9 News, Reuters Health/Medscape, Rotary Down Under and ABC News-MSN. He is the two-time winner of the prestigious 2019 European Academy of Neurology Investigator Award, 2021 Paul Harris Fellow recognition by Rotary International and 2020 Rotary Vocational Excellence Award.

  • REPROGRAM Global , Global Health Neurology and NSW Brain Clot Bank
  • NSW Brain Clot Bank
  • University of New South Wales
    Conjoint Faculty
  • South Western Sydney Local Health District
  • Liverpool Hospital
  • Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research
  • Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI), University of Newcastle
  • John Hunter Hospital
  • University of New South Wales (UNSW)
  • Western Sydney University
  • University of Sydney
  • St Radboud Universiteit Medical Center, Nijmegen

Dr Sonu Bhaskar, MD PhD PD (Stroke/Neurology) FANA, is an award-winning clinician-scientist, board director and academic neurologist with a specialisation in vascular neurology & neuroradiology; and a researcher with a strong focus on global health, translational neuroscience/neurology, and health systems/policy, with a proven track record in governance, policymaking, social innovation, and systems-level growth & strategy. Dr Bhaskar has several years of leadership and governance experience, in initiating and delivering systems change, in senior leadership and executive roles at academic, healthcare and research organisations, and not-for-profit boards and international consortia. Dr Bhaskar is the Founding Director of NSW Brain Clot Bank – a flagship world’s first initiative in stroke; Founding Director of Pandemic Health System REsilience PROGRAM (REPROGRAM) Global (an international consortium formed to champion the safety of healthcare workers, policy development and advocacy for global pandemic preparedness and action with a focus on advocacy and building capacity, for vulnerable populations, and/or in under-resourced settings), Director at the Rotary Club of Sydney, International Director at International Fellowship of Rotarian Doctors (RFID, UK) and Editorial Board Member of BMC Neurology. Dr Bhaskar leads an international, intersectoral and collaborative research program aimed at reducing health inequalities and social disparities. Having worked at the coal face of medicine, academia and community, his focus and interests have increasingly galvanised towards social and geographical inequalities in health. Dr Bhaskar is passionate about advocacy and leadership for social impact and innovation, rooted in diversity, community, innovation and belonging.

Dr Bhaskar has been recognised in Australia and worldwide for his exceptional contributions to the vocation of neurology, research, global humanitarian initiatives, and public service, and the wider community, and for promoting the highest standards within the profession of medicine. According to Expertscape, Dr Bhaskar is ranked among the world’s top 0.4%, 0.36%, 0.5% and 0.78% of researchers/experts in the fields of Stroke, Cerebrovascular Diseases, Central Nervous System Diseases and Cardiovascular Diseases, respectively. Dr Bhaskar has been featured on Sydney Morning Herald, 9 News, Reuters Health/Medscape, Rotary Down Under and ABC News-MSN. He is the two-time winner of the prestigious 2019 European Academy of Neurology Investigator Award, 2021 Paul Harris Fellow recognition by Rotary International and 2020 Rotary Vocational Excellence Award.

Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
PhD Student

Urbee's research interests lie at the intersection of social anthropology, urban studies, migration studies. She has worked on migrant women's sociality earlier and is currently exploring the everyday worlds of paid domestic workers in Kolkata, through phenomenological and existential lenses. Through her work, she aims to contribute to conversations around women's everyday lives in the postcolonial Global South.

  • Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
    PhD Student

Urbee's research interests lie at the intersection of social anthropology, urban studies, migration studies. She has worked on migrant women's sociality earlier and is currently exploring the everyday worlds of paid domestic workers in Kolkata, through phenomenological and existential lenses. Through her work, she aims to contribute to conversations around women's everyday lives in the postcolonial Global South.

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

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We welcome your feedback and suggestions, please contact us

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.