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ILO-WB Methodology and Manual for the Collection of Statistics for SDG Indicator 10.7.1 on Reducing Recruitment Costs

ILO-WB Methodology and Manual for the Collection of Statistics for SDG Indicator 10.7.1 on Reducing Recruitment Costs

The International Labour Organization and the World Bank, as co-custodians of SDG Indicator 10.7.1, have produced guidelines and an operational manual to support National statistical offices to collect and analyses statistics needed for the SDG Indicator 10.7.1. These Guidelines have been prepared in consultation with several national statistical offices and UN agencies and have been so far used in national statistical surveys in a number of member states.

Date de publication
Type de ressource
Public cible
Intergovernmental Organization
Échelle géographique
Produit d’un groupe de travail
Processus d’examen régional
Objectifs Pacte mondial pour la migration
Thèmes transversaux
Indicateurs ODD
Indicator 10.7.1
Migrant recruitment costs

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.