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Climate Migration in Urban Areas: Challenges, Representations and Inclusion

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Climate Migration in Urban Areas: Challenges, Representations and Inclusion

Primary GCM Objectives

Secondary GCM Objectives


Principes directeurs du Pacte mondial*

*All practices are to uphold the ten guiding principles of the GCM. This practice particularly exemplifies these listed principles.

Objectifs de développement durable (ODD)


2022 - 2023

Type de pratique


Geographic Scope




Paris, France


The project "Climate Migration in Urban Areas: Challenges, Representations, and Inclusion" (NC.0078) funded by the City of Paris aims to assist cities in understanding the impact of climate change on migration and urbanization trends. It focuses on integrating climate migration considerations into urban planning and policies. The project includes activities such as data collection, a prospective analysis of migration trends, an online public consultation, interviews with experts, and the development of an action agenda for the City of Paris. The objective of the project is to contribute to identify ways to assist cities in their efforts to better understand how climate and environmental change will affect migration and urbanization trends in the coming decades, and to include these considerations in urban planning and key sectoral policies. In line with growing initiatives at the international level. The project contributes to accelerate local, national, regional and global responses to climate change and migration in cities and support local governments in their efforts to design inclusive climate and integration policies. The project is built on three pillars: I) Data collection and improvement of knowledge on climate migration and cities, II) Strengthening dialogue and partnerships with leading cities on migration and climate change issues, III) Implementation of a pilot project with the City of Paris to develop an action program on climate change and migration. Main beneficiaries: - Technical experts from the city of Paris - Unaccompanied minors - Elderly people - Women migrants and displaced people - Youth - Socio-economically disadvantaged people - Parisian residents and neighbouring departments (93, 94, 95) - Private and public entities working in the field of integration and climate adaptation - Other big cities which would like to replicate the project The project delivered five target deliverables, including the action agenda for the City of Paris. The online public consultation gathered 750 responses, providing valuable data for future planning. Participating cities exchanged best practices and feedback during a workshop on climate migration in urban contexts. Specific analyses were conducted on gender, children, and elderly people, highlighting vulnerabilities and potential integration opportunities.


Principale(s) organisation(s) de mise en œuvre

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Partenaires impliqués

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Organisations partenaires/donatrices

The Hugo Observatory of the University of Liege and the City of Paris

Bénéfice et impact

Improved Understanding of Climate Migration: The project contributed to a better understanding of how climate and environmental changes impact migration trends in urban areas. By conducting a prospective analysis of migration trends, the City of Paris gained insights into potential future challenges and opportunities related to climate-induced migration.

Inclusive Urban Planning: The project's action agenda provided concrete recommendations to the City of Paris for inclusive urban planning and policies. It emphasized the importance of integrating considerations related to migration into climate policies, ensuring that vulnerable groups like women, children, and the elderly are adequately considered in adaptation measures.

Exchange of Best Practices: Through workshops and collaborations with other cities and city networks, the project facilitated the exchange of best practices and innovative initiatives in responding to climate migration challenges.

Enhanced Data and Knowledge: By conducting interviews, online public consultations, and data collection efforts, the project enriched the knowledge base on climate migration at the city level.

Accelerating Local and Global Responses: The project aligned with international initiatives to accelerate responses to climate change and migration in cities. By showcasing the outcomes and action agenda, the project encouraged other cities and stakeholders to take similar actions and integrate migration considerations in their policies.

Long-term Impact and Replicability: The project's forward-looking approach, involvement of academic experts, and development of an online public consultation demonstrated its potential for long-term impact. The success of this pilot project with Paris may serve as a blueprint for other cities to follow, adapting the approach to their local contexts.

Increased Awareness and Advocacy: The workshop organized during the Global Forum on Migration and Development enabled the City of Paris and partner cities to raise awareness and advocate for the inclusion of migration considerations in climate policies at international forums.

Principales leçons

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The project highlighted the importance of collaboration between various stakeholders, including academic experts, city officials, NGOs, and local communities. Interdisciplinary expertise fostered a comprehensive understanding of climate migration issues and facilitated the development of well-rounded solutions.

Inclusivity in Data Collection: The online public consultation and interviews with key resource persons demonstrated the significance of including diverse voices and perspectives in data collection.

Forward-looking Scenarios: Incorporating prospective analysis and future scenarios enabled the City of Paris to anticipate and plan for potential challenges arising from climate-induced migration. This forward-looking approach is crucial for building resilient and adaptive urban policies.

Advocacy and Global Engagement: Participation in international forums, such as the Global Forum on Migration and Development, provided an opportunity for the City of Paris to advocate for migration-inclusive climate policies and engage with other cities and stakeholders. This global engagement can lead to increased support of the issue on an international scale.

Flexibility and Adaptability: The project encountered start delays and other challenges, but effective project management and flexibility allowed for extensions and adaptations. Being open to adjustments when facing obstacles is essential for successful project implementation.

Capacity Building and Learning: The project contributed to capacity building within the City of Paris and partner cities in terms of understanding climate migration dynamics and integrating migration considerations into policies. Knowledge gained through the project creates a foundation for continued learning and improvement.

Long-term Vision: The project's emphasis on long-term impact and replicability demonstrated the importance of viewing climate migration as a continuous and evolving challenge.

Importance of Evidence-based Recommendations: The development of the action agenda based on scientific scenarios and data analysis reinforced the credibility and effectiveness of the recommendations. Evidence-based policy-making is essential in garnering support and ensuring successful implementation.

Recommandations(if the practice is to be replicated)

Foster Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Encourage ongoing collaboration between academic experts, city officials, NGOs, and local communities to promote a holistic understanding of climate migration challenges and enhance the development of effective solutions.

Prioritize Inclusivity in Data Collection: Emphasize the inclusion of diverse voices and perspectives, especially from vulnerable groups like women, children, and the elderly, during data collection processes.

Implement Forward-looking Scenarios: Continue utilizing prospective analysis and future scenarios to anticipate migration trends and challenges in the context of climate change. This forward-looking approach will support cities in preparing proactive and resilient adaptation measures.

Advocate for Migration-inclusive Policies: Engage in international forums and platforms to advocate for the inclusion of migration considerations in climate policies. Work towards forming alliances with other cities and stakeholders to strengthen the collective voice for climate and migration action.

Embrace Flexibility and Adaptability: Be prepared to address challenges and delays with flexible project management strategies. Allow for extensions and adaptations when needed, ensuring project goals remain achievable.

Tailor Solutions to Local Context: Acknowledge the unique characteristics of each urban area and tailor climate migration strategies to suit the specific needs and vulnerabilities of the local population.

Foster Capacity Building: Continue building the capacity of city officials and stakeholders to understand climate migration dynamics and incorporate migration considerations into urban planning. This ongoing learning process will facilitate informed decision-making and policy implementation.

Focus on Long-term Vision: Recognize that climate migration is an evolving and continuous challenge. Prioritize long-term planning and engagement to ensure sustained efforts in addressing migration-related issues.

Promote Evidence-based Policy-making: Emphasize the importance of evidence-based recommendations by utilizing scientific data and analysis in the development of policy agendas. Evidence-based policy-making enhances credibility and increases the likelihood of successful implementation.


This project has proven to be an innovative approach: our predictions are based on climate scenarios designed by Dr. François Gemenne, Researcher, IPCC Lead Author and Director of the Hugo Observatory, University of Liège. By bringing academic experts into the project, we ensure scientific credibility. Future scenarios enabled to predict what issues may arise, plan for solutions well in advance and therefore make sure cities do not face a minimum of urgent issues as they go with the implementation of measures. In addition, an important forward-looking initiative of this project included the development of an online public consultation/survey. This allowed to capture Parisians' perceptions about climate risks and migration. The results from this consultation will feed into the draft Action Agenda for the city hall to integrate migration considerations in its adaptation plan, thus ensuring such an inclusive approach have a long-term impact. Finally, this project was a pilot project, which may be replicated to other cities if it proved successful with Paris. Future projects are intended follow a common timeline with the same steps but will be adapted every time to match local contexts. Through this project, cities are also brought together through our collaboration with MMC/C40 to exchange best practices and innovative local initiatives.

In addition, the workshop organized by the City of Paris with the support of the Mayors Mechanism and led by IOM, took place during the Global Forum on Migration and Development event, chaired this year by France with the overarching topic: ““Impact of climate change on human mobility”. Numerous cities and city networks participated to the workshop at the Académie du Climat, titled How to implement climate adaptation policies promoting migrant and refugee inclusion in local contexts? City administrations from Ecuador, Haiti, Ecuador, Strasbourg, Hargeisa, Sao Paulo, Casablanca and Nigeria, among others, took part in the 4-hours session, and many new practices and best examples were highlighted and shared among participants. 

Date de soumission:

29 septembre 2023

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.