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Migration Lab for the domestic and home care sector

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Migration Lab for the domestic and home care sector

Primary GCM Objectives

Principes directeurs du Pacte mondial*

*All practices are to uphold the ten guiding principles of the GCM. This practice particularly exemplifies these listed principles.

Objectifs de développement durable (ODD)


2022 - Present

Type de pratique

Partnership/Multistakeholder initiative

Geographic Scope




The aim of the project is to foster successful economic inclusion for individuals arriving from abroad, ensuring their integration into society as productive citizens with access to employment opportunities. Recognizing the pressing challenges of structural recruitment tensions and demographic shifts in France, these concerns were duly addressed in the Social and Environmental Economic Council's opinion adopted on January 12, 2022, following referral to the Prime Minister. The Council emphasized the imperative of integrating newcomers and immigrant populations into the workforce by acknowledging their qualifications and fostering inclusivity across professional sectors, including language proficiency certifications such as French. Concurrently, the French Observatory for the domestic and home care sector forecasted a significant demand for labor in the household employment sector, with nearly 800,000 positions projected to be filled by 2030. Given that half of the current workforce will reach retirement age by then and an aging population will generate additional labor needs (with an estimated 800,000 individual employers aged at least 80 by 2030), it's evident that proactive measures are required.

In response, the sector has launched the "Migration Lab for the domestic and home care sector," an innovative initiative designed to provide a tailored integration pathway from reception to employment. This initiative addresses the challenges of job attractiveness, professional development, and certification by focusing on the pillars of language proficiency, professional skills, and citizenship, alongside dedicated support for domestic and home care. The Migration Lab project represents a collaborative effort involving various stakeholders. The French Federation of Household Employers (Fepem) and the private sector are committed to leveraging partner feedback and fostering strong, enduring partnerships to realize this ambitious endeavor.


Principale(s) organisation(s) de mise en œuvre

Fédération des particuliers employeurs de France - FEPEM

Partenaires impliqués

Fepem - Fédération des particuliers employeurs de France

Organisations partenaires/donatrices

Government of France
Regional and local authorities in France
French Office for Immigration and Integration - OFII
French Public Employment Service

Bénéfice et impact

Observation of the Migration Lab in Marseille (the first one, launched in March 2022) aligns with key objectives aimed at understanding and improving migration integration processes. Firstly, the lab aims to assess and document its evolution, serving as a reference for future endeavors. This includes creating a reference document and an installation booklet to streamline implementation in other territories. Secondly, qualitative research and interviews seek to uncover practical conditions and constraints affecting lab implementation. Understanding these factors is crucial for optimizing the system's functioning and addressing challenges effectively.

Moreover, the lab seeks to delve into the factors influencing the social and professional integration of trainees. By mobilizing researchers and engaging a scientific committee, the aim is to gain comprehensive insights into integration dynamics, facilitating evidence-based decision-making. These objectives underscore a holistic approach to migration integration, encompassing both practical implementation and theoretical understanding.

As the experimentation continues, we await the conclusions to comprehensively analyze the results. However, based on the progress to date, it is likely that the practice will continue beyond the initial end date. The evolving nature of migration challenges necessitates sustained efforts, and the success observed thus far indicates the viability of scaling the lab model to other territories. In May 2023 another Lab was launched in the Île-de-France region in presence of Olivier Dussopt, Minister of Labour, Employment and Insertion in France and in 2024 we are planning to launch two new experimentations of the Lab migration in the cities of Lille and Le Havre. Efforts are underway to create a reference document and installation booklet to facilitate the implementation of similar labs elsewhere, ensuring that the positive impacts continue to ripple across communities.

Principales leçons

The Migration Lab for home employment navigated challenges by customizing courses for diverse needs and ensuring language proficiency. Continuous evaluation, course refinement, and long-term monitoring enhance program effectiveness.
By addressing these challenges and incorporating the lessons learned into our practices, we aim to continually enhance the effectiveness and relevance of our professionalization program for future participants.
The Migration Lab's journey towards professionalization in domestic & home care is marked by its remarkable adaptability and modular structure tailored to the preferences and needs of prospective trainees.
The program encompasses a series of sector-specific modules certified by IPERIA, focusing on the professional sector of household employers and domestic and home employment. In addition to these modules, there are supplementary courses in French language proficiency and professional skills tailored for individuals requiring additional support.
Each participant will receive personalized guidance from a Career Development Advisor (CEP) who will assist in identifying their specific training needs through a custom placement test designed for this project. Proficiency in French at level A2 (both written and oral) is a prerequisite for enrollment.
Following the placement test, participants will undertake a mandatory training course, approximately 250 hours in duration, provided by an IPERIA (certified training organization). This course covers essential skills for domestic and home care, including:
-Managing professional activities with multiple household employers
-Ensuring home safety and prevention
-Home and laundry maintenance with eco-friendly practices
Additionally, participants will undergo a 14-hour Lifeguard Rescue Worker certification program (certified by INRS) and a 4-hour Citizenship training module delivered by the University of Domicile (UDD), in collaboration with IPERIA.
The "Home and laundry maintenance, ecological practices" module not only equips employees with eco-friendly skills but also fosters awareness among employers regarding sustainable practices in household management and conservation.
Following the mandatory training, participants will have the opportunity to customize their learning path based on their positioning test results and career aspirations. Specialized modules such as life assistance for dependents, childcare, or family management will be offered to cater to individual interests and goals.
For those seeking to enhance their professional French proficiency, additional modules focusing on oral and written communication skills will be recommended.
Irrespective of their chosen specialization, the personalized professionalization program will equip participants with the specific skills necessary to excel in domestic and home care, ensuring the quality of their interventions aligns with the personalized projects of their employers.

Recommandations(if the practice is to be replicated)

Several prerequisites are crucial for successfully implementing projects of this nature.
Firstly, a thorough understanding of the experiment's target audiences is essential. This involves comprehensive knowledge of the demographics, needs, and challenges faced by the intended beneficiaries.
Secondly, a detailed analysis of the implementation territory is necessary. This includes assessing the policies of decision-makers, identifying potential funders, and evaluating the presence of individuals or groups who could benefit from the project. Such analysis provides valuable insights into the local context and informs strategic decision-making.
Lastly, effective coordination of institutional actors is vital. By fostering collaboration and creating a sense of shared purpose, these actors can work together to drive project initiatives forward. This coordination not only enhances efficiency but also promotes a cohesive approach to addressing challenges within the territory.


The innovation of the Migration Lab lies in its capacity to provide a personalized and seamless pathway to employment for individuals from abroad. This innovative approach relies on a triad of competencies: proficiency in the French language, familiarity with citizenship processes, and the cultivation of specific skills needed for employment.
Integral to this process is the guidance and support provided by Individual Employer Tutors, who play a pivotal role in mentoring trainees through their journey towards employment. Moreover, intercultural exchanges between employers and employees, facilitates the smooth integration of newcomers into French society.
This project is not confined to a single location but is available nationwide. It operates within the sector of domestic and home care and household employers, addressing the increasing demand for domestic services across the country. This sector serves as a crucial driver of job creation, contributing to local development and solidarity initiatives. Operating in diverse territories, it encompasses a broad spectrum of activities, including the maintenance and management of living environments, childcare, and assistance for individuals with age or disability-related needs.

Date de soumission:

07 mai 2024

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.