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Pledging initiative – Submission form: Submission #2285

Informations sur la soumission

Numéro de la soumission: 2285
Identifiant (ID) de la soumission: 7971
Identifiant universel unique (UUID) de la soumission: 672f82f1-af9a-46b4-8c21-8ca72b12e58d
URI de la soumission: /fr/submit-pledges

Créé: dim 31/07/2022 - 21:11
Terminé: dim 31/07/2022 - 21:11
Modifié: mar 10/10/2023 - 07:12

Adresse IP distante:
Langue: English

Est un brouillon: Non

Flaggé: Oui
Section I
Nom de l’État/acteur qui fait l’annonce (veuillez indiquer le site Web, le cas échéant): The Mayors Mechanism submitting in the name of the City of Addis Ababa
Pledging entity: Cities, Municipalities, and Local Authority
Is the country of the pledging entity a GCM Champion country?: {Vide}
Nom et prénom(s): Pablo Mariani
Poste: KMO
Pays: Éthiopie (120)
Other country of implementation: Global (23641)
Region of implementation: {Vide}
Secondary contact person: {Vide}
Secondary email: {Vide}

Section II
Intitulé de l’annonce de contribution: Providing the Koyefeche settlement with clean water and entrepreneurship support 
Type d’annonce de contribution (veuillez cocher la case correspondante): Individuelle (faite par un État/acteur)
Is this a mirror pledge (pledge is also relevant to the Global Compact on Refugees) ?: {Vide}

Section III
Nature de l’annonce (veuillez cocher la case correspondante) : Axée sur les processus (par exemple, organisation de processus pleinement consultatifs aux fins d’établissement de rapports nationaux pour le Forum); structured

Section IV
Veuillez indiquer le ou les objectifs du Pacte mondial auxquels l’annonce est censée contribuer.: 7. S’attaquer aux facteurs de vulnérabilité liés aux migrations et les réduire; 15. Assurer l’accès des migrants aux services de base; 23. Renforcer la coopération internationale et les partenariats mondiaux pour des migrations sûres, ordonnées et régulières

Section V
Veuillez indiquer le ou les principes directeurs du Pacte mondial qui sont particulièrement pertinents pour l’annonce de contribution.:
Priorité à la dimension humaine (738); Coopération internationale (739); Souveraineté nationale (742); Primauté du droit et garanties d’une procédure régulière (741); Développement durable (740); Droits de l’homme (259); Prise en compte de la problématique femmes-hommes (258); Adaptation aux besoins de l’enfant (257); Approche mobilisant l’ensemble des pouvoirs publics (737); Approche mobilisant l’ensemble de la société (736)

Section VI
Veuillez décrire l’annonce de contribution:
Addis Ababa is a recipient of the Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees (GCF), the Mayors Migration Council’s response to the unmet needs of cities as they support migrants, refugees, and internally displaced people.
The City’s project “Water Supply and Entrepreneurship for IDPs” will provide access to critical water infrastructure for over 1,200 IDP households living in Akaki Sub-city’s Koyefeche – an IDP settlement constructed by the Addis Ababa City Administration – addressing their immediate public health needs while improving their capacity to cope with future stresses. The Addis Ababa City Administration will provide improved access to water via the addition of new water mains servicing Koyefeche and reducing the cost of water bills for residents of the area, providing some financial relief until the IDPs become economically self-sufficient. The City Administration will also provide entrepreneurship training and financial assistance to 40 residents of Koyefeche, half of them women, interested in starting new businesses.  
The project will be implemented by Addis Ababa City Administration, through Addis Ababa Fire and Disaster Risk Management Commission and in collaboration with Addis Ababa City Resilience Project Office, Addis Ababa Cooperatives, Promotion Office, Addis Ababa City Water and Sewage Authority, and in direct consultation with the locally elected committees of Koyefeche. 

Addis Ababa’s project anticipates three key impacts:
1.	IDPs in Akaki sub-city have access to potable water and improved public health.
2.	IDPs in Akaki sub-city generate a sustainable income. 
3.	The Addis Ababa City Administration strengthens its inter-institutional coordination and delivers on national priorities to assist IDPs and other vulnerable groups at the city level.
The impact of the project will be evaluated through a grant report at the end of the Global Cities Fund grant term. This report will measure anticipated against outcomes and indicators developed at the start of the grant period against actual outcomes and indicators.  
Addis Ababa’s project’s key innovations: 

1.	This is Addis Ababa’s first internationally-funded project focused on displaced communities and will address both their immediate needs and their preparedness to deal with future stresses.
2.	Further, the institutional experience the city gains from this intervention will critically inform similar processes in other areas of the city or in other Ethiopian cities.
3.	This project strengthens Addis Ababa’s collaboration with Global Cities Fund Strategic Partners: UN-Habitat, UCLG, IOM, and UNHCR.

Section VII
Veuillez indiquer un délai indicatif pour la réalisation de l’annonce de contribution: 30 oct 2022

Upload project document: {Vide}

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.