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Pledging initiative – Submission form: Submission #2289

Informations sur la soumission

Numéro de la soumission: 2289
Identifiant (ID) de la soumission: 7991
Identifiant universel unique (UUID) de la soumission: e00ee7dd-f1ee-4c99-bb75-34cbd2aa146a
URI de la soumission: /fr/submit-pledges

Créé: dim 31/07/2022 - 21:59
Terminé: dim 31/07/2022 - 21:59
Modifié: mar 10/10/2023 - 07:39

Adresse IP distante:
Langue: English

Est un brouillon: Non

Flaggé: Oui
Section I
Nom de l’État/acteur qui fait l’annonce (veuillez indiquer le site Web, le cas échéant): The Mayors Mechanism submitting in the name of the City of Barcelona
Pledging entity: Cities, Municipalities, and Local Authority
Is the country of the pledging entity a GCM Champion country?: {Vide}
Nom et prénom(s): Pablo Mariani
Poste: KMO
Pays: Espagne (226)
Other country of implementation: Global (23641)
Region of implementation: {Vide}
Secondary contact person: {Vide}
Secondary email: {Vide}

Section II
Intitulé de l’annonce de contribution: A humanitarian bridge between Barcelona and Ukraine: A new instance for “Ciutat Refugi”
Type d’annonce de contribution (veuillez cocher la case correspondante): Individuelle (faite par un État/acteur)
Is this a mirror pledge (pledge is also relevant to the Global Compact on Refugees) ?: {Vide}

Section III
Nature de l’annonce (veuillez cocher la case correspondante) : Axée sur les processus (par exemple, organisation de processus pleinement consultatifs aux fins d’établissement de rapports nationaux pour le Forum); Axée sur une dimension politique/juridique autour d’un objectif précis du Pacte mondial; structured

Section IV
Veuillez indiquer le ou les objectifs du Pacte mondial auxquels l’annonce est censée contribuer.: 7. S’attaquer aux facteurs de vulnérabilité liés aux migrations et les réduire; 15. Assurer l’accès des migrants aux services de base; 16. Donner aux migrants et aux sociétés des moyens en faveur de la pleine intégration et de la cohésion sociale; 17. Éliminer toutes les formes de discrimination et encourager un débat public fondé sur l’analyse des faits afin de faire évoluer la manière dont les migrations sont perçues

Section V
Veuillez indiquer le ou les principes directeurs du Pacte mondial qui sont particulièrement pertinents pour l’annonce de contribution.:
Priorité à la dimension humaine (738); Coopération internationale (739); Souveraineté nationale (742); Primauté du droit et garanties d’une procédure régulière (741); Développement durable (740); Droits de l’homme (259); Prise en compte de la problématique femmes-hommes (258); Adaptation aux besoins de l’enfant (257); Approche mobilisant l’ensemble des pouvoirs publics (737); Approche mobilisant l’ensemble de la société (736)

Section VI
Veuillez décrire l’annonce de contribution:
In September 2015, the City Council launched the plan "Barcelona, ciutat refugi", with the aim of preparing the city to welcome, assist, provide the necessary services and guarantee the rights of migrantrs and refugees. The main objectives of this plan were:

1. To set up a comprehensive operational and strategic plan for reception in the city.
2. To create a stable and permanent support structure for refugees and asylum seekers, complementary to state programmes, with its own criteria and in collaboration with entities, public administrations and citizens. 
3. Pay special attention to those asylum seekers who are left out of the state social support programme and to those who suffer any kind of discrimination.
4. Create a city-to-city cooperation plan aimed at municipalities with a high density of refugees and migrants. 
5. To use the international networks of cities and the prestige of Barcelona to make a political impact on the State and the European Union and to demand the fulfilment of international commitments on refuge.

To welcome the new influx of migrants and refugees following the conflict in Ukraine (Phase "Barcelona amb Ucraïna"), the website "Barcelona, ciutat refugi", added the following elements:

1. a compilation of social entities and NGOs responding on the ground to the humanitarian crisis, for people who want to make donations.
2. A list of organisations that carry out campaigns to donate materials, medicines and clothes in coordination with the Ukrainian authorities.
3. The procedure for taking in refugees, both children and adults.
4. Information on how to become a volunteer.	

The war in Ukraine has generated numerous expressions of solidarity from the people of Barcelona who want to help people who are trapped in this armed conflict and also those seeking refuge. Various initiatives have sprung up over the last few days, either by making financial contributions to NGOs working on the ground, by collaborating with material collection campaigns in different parts of the city or by volunteering to accompany the refugees once they arrive in Barcelona. Barcelona City Council is organising various initiatives to meet the needs of displaced people arriving in our city and of the population suffering from the war in Ukraine and its borders. he Directorate of Global Justice and International Cooperation is calling on organisations with expertise in humanitarian action and emergencies, which have been previously accredited, to present their projects for intervention in Ukraine and grant applications. In view of the public's desire to offer support to the population affected by the conflict in Ukraine, Barcelona City Council, in accordance with the criteria of most international organisations, considers that the most effective way of channelling aid is to make financial contributions to organisations already working on the ground.

Section VII
Veuillez indiquer un délai indicatif pour la réalisation de l’annonce de contribution: 31 déc 2024

Upload project document: {Vide}

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.