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Submission form: Submission #2302

Informations sur la soumission

Numéro de la soumission: 2302
Identifiant (ID) de la soumission: 8056
Identifiant universel unique (UUID) de la soumission: 09a8190f-cec4-4520-90b9-cd131da4eb4d
URI de la soumission: /fr/submit-pledges

Créé: dim 31/07/2022 - 23:16
Terminé: dim 31/07/2022 - 23:16
Modifié: mar 02/08/2022 - 19:28

Adresse IP distante:
Langue: English

Est un brouillon: Non
Soumettre à: Submission form

Flaggé: Oui
serial: '2302'
sid: '8056'
uuid: 09a8190f-cec4-4520-90b9-cd131da4eb4d
uri: /submit-pledges
created: '1659280576'
completed: '1659280576'
changed: '1659439686'
in_draft: '0'
current_page: ''
uid: '2561'
langcode: en
webform_id: pledges_submission_form
entity_type: node
entity_id: '7516'
locked: '0'
sticky: '1'
notes: ''
metatag: meta
    - individual
  participating_states_and_actors: {  }
    - process_oriented
    - structured
    - gcm_objective_support_23
    - '738'
    - '739'
    - '742'
    - '741'
    - '740'
    - '259'
    - '258'
    - '257'
    - '737'
    - '736'
  country: '103'
  full_name: 'Pablo Mariani'
  id_of_the_matched_pledge: ''
  name_of_state_actor_submitting: 'The Mayors Mechanism submitting in the name of the City of Coto Brus'
  name_of_the_matched_pledge: ''
  name_of_the_pledge: 'Local Migration Governance Indicators (Local MGI)'
  pledging_entity: cities_municipalities_local_authority
  position: KMO
  provide_description: |-
    The Municipality of Coto Brus participated in the Local Migration Governance Indicators Process (Local MGI) from 2021-2022. The objective of this process is to gain a better understanding of the policies, programs and structures in place to manage migration, identify areas with good practices as well as areas that could be further developed and establish priorities based on these findings. One of the key benefits of embarking in this process, is that it contributes to the strengthening of local governments institutional capacities to manage migration by providing accurate and timely data to develop evidence-based policies and interventions. In Coto Brus, the Local MGI process is supporting the development of the Municipal Migration Policy, the first of its kind in Costa Rica.

    The Municipality of Coto Brus will utilize the findings of the Local MGI assessments to inform the process of developing its Municipal Migration Policy. Through the assessment, the Municipality will be able to identify the good practices as well as areas with potential for further development, which will be essential to select the key priority areas that will structure the policy. Moreover, this exercise will allow us to establish a baseline of the migration governance capacities in Coto Brus, set strategic goals and objectives, and track the progress achieved over time.

    The implementation of the Local MGI process in Coto Brus is ongoing, however we can already identify a few takeaways: 1) The exchange of knowledge between local authorities is key, by learning from one another’s successes and shortcomings we can be better prepared to tackle the challenges and harness the benefits of migration. 2) Local authorities must work together around common objectives, and coordinate with the national government to ensure better articulation around migration related issues. In Costa Rica, other four municipalities have embarked in the process (San José, Heredia, Desamparados and La Cruz), and we look forward to joining them in spaces for dialogue and knowledge exchange.  
  tentative_deadline: '2022-09-30'

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.