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Repository of Practices

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By region
43 Global Practices


2 Practices
By GCM Objective
  • 1 - Data
  • 2 - Minimize adverse drivers
  • 3 - Information provision
  • 4 - Legal identity and documentation
  • 5 - Regular pathways
  • 6 - Recruitment and decent work
  • 7 - Reduce vulnerabilities
  • 8 - Save lives
  • 9 - Counter smuggling
  • 10 - Eradicate trafficking
  • 11 - Manage borders
  • 12 - Screening and referral
  • 13 - Alternatives to detention
  • 14 - Consular protection
  • 15 - Access to basic services
  • 16 - Inclusion and social cohesion
  • 17 - Eliminate discrimination
  • 18 - Skills development and recognition
  • 19 - Migrant and diaspora contributions
  • 20 - Remittances
  • 21 - Dignified return and reintegration
  • 22 - Social protection
  • 23 - International cooperation
  • General

Practices by GCM Objectives


13 - Alternatives to detention


14 - Consular protection


18 - Skills development and recognition


20 - Remittances


*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).