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Engagement of migrants in migration management of Azerbaijan

Repositorio de Prácticas

Engagement of migrants in migration management of Azerbaijan

Primary GCM Objectives

Secondary GCM Objectives


Principios Rectores del Pacto Mundial para la Migración*

*All practices are to uphold the ten guiding principles of the GCM. This practice particularly exemplifies these listed principles.

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS)


2022 - Presente

Tipo de práctica

Partnership/Multistakeholder initiative

Geographic Scope




The Migrant Council under the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan was established to ensure more active participation of migrants residing in Azerbaijan in the migration management of the country, to improve the effectiveness of the protection of their human rights and freedoms, the quality of services provided to them and to ensure transparency, as well as to assess the impact of the decisions taken in the sphere of migration on daily life of migrants. Currently, the Migrant Council consists of 8 members. Members of the Migrant Council are selected among migrants based on a number of criteria, such as long-term residence in the territory of Azerbaijan, having close contacts with communities of their country and diaspora organizations operating in Azerbaijan, as well as other social activities. The Council have advisory status under the State Migration Service. The Chairman of the Council is elected by a simple majority vote of the members of the Council.


Principales organizaciones implementadoras

Government of Azerbaijan

Des informations détaillées

State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Beneficio e impacto

Migrants play a variety of sociocultural, civic-political and economic roles in destination countries as workers, students, entrepreneurs, family members, and more. Involvement of migrants in this process is one of the guarantees of effective coordination of migration issues, increasing transparency and inclusion in migration management, cultural diversity, social unity and the use of innovative methods. Migrants serve as an effective source for a better understanding of the migration phenomenon and reduce the spread of misconceptions about migration in society.

Adopting a multipronged approach to policymaking is essential in order to consider different viewpoints and interests. Taking into account the situation and problems of migrants while defining state policy in the sphere of migration and determining the directions of activity, the Migrant Council leads to the formation of a more effective migration policy.

The Migrant Council also promotes an open dialogue between migrants and public officials in order to bridge the gap between decision makers and those affected by their decisions. Regular consultations and conversations with the Council can ensure that the government is better informed about the needs of the migrants. Council members, closely involved in the projects and events in migration sphere, play an important role in determining the future direction of migration management.

Furthermore, ensuring the effective involvement of migrants in migration issues can be a major milestone for their effective integration into local society by fostering investment, trade and technology linkages.

Lecciones clave

The first challenge in the implementation of the initiative was the process of selecting members of the Council, as these should be people who have close ties with migrant diasporas living in our country, who are interested in solving the problems of migrants and find more effective solutions.

In addition, the participation of this Council in migration management should be direct and tangible. This task has also been solved, and the participation of the Council is ensured by direct contacts with the employees of the State Migration Service, their participation in events in the migration field, as well as the organization of special meetings according to their needs.

Recomendaciones(para replicar)

We encourage other countries to ensure more active participation of migrants in the migration management of their countries in order to improve the effectiveness of the protection of their human rights and freedoms, the quality of services provided to foreigners and stateless persons and to ensure transparency, as well as to assess the impact of the decisions taken in the sphere of migration on daily life of foreigners.


The migrant-centered approach is a forward-thinking and innovative way of responding to the needs and rights of those who are often excluded, vulnerable and disadvantaged by conventional modes of migration management. Migrants are given chance to have a say in decisions that significantly impact their lives through the Council. And this allows to fill the gap between policymaking and the experiences of migrants, and gives policy-makers a closer look at the complexities and issues faced by migrants and the communities in which they live. Adopting migrant-centered approach increases mutual understanding, foster collaborative solutions to migration challenges, and help to strengthen social cohesion.

Fecha Enviado:

12 July 2023

*Todas las referencias a Kosovo deben entenderse en el contexto de la Resolución 1244 [1999] del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.