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Inventory of tools, guidance, policies, statement and best practices including for COVID-19 response

Inventory of tools, guidance, policies, statement and best practices including for COVID-19 response

At a glance

This inventory provides Member States and stakeholders with relevant tools, guidance, policies, statements and best practices for responding to COVID-19.

What it offers

This tool offers a simple way to address the lack of centralized information on COVID-19 response and migration, focusing on implementation and follow-up of actions to ensure that all migrants, regardless of status, have safe access to basic services as outlined in GCM objective 15. The content is organised as a table, with the name of the organization that has produced the output, the name of the output and a link to it.

Further information

This tool was drafted by the co-leads and members of the Working Group on Access to Services of the UN Network on Migration: WHO, UN-Habitat, FAO, ILO, IOM, OHCHR, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, UN Women, Caritas on behalf of the Initiative for Child Rights, IFRC, PICUM, PSI and UCLG.

Fecha de publicación
Tipo de material
Intergovernmental Organization
UN Network on Migration
Ámbito geográfico
Grupo de trabajo
Grupo de trabajo
Preparing for future health emergencies 
Proceso de revisión regional
Objetivos del Pacto Mundial para la Migración
Tema transversal
Sustainable development
Human rights

*Todas las referencias a Kosovo deben entenderse en el contexto de la Resolución 1244 [1999] del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.