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Pledging initiative – Submission form: Submission #2277

Submission information

Submission Number: 2277
Submission ID: 7896
Submission UUID: 81877989-8cff-4d49-abc2-58358abab4f7
Submission URI: /es/submit-pledges

Created: Fri, 07/22/2022 - 18:38
Completed: Fri, 07/22/2022 - 18:38
Changed: Mon, 07/25/2022 - 19:38

Remote IP address:
Language: English

Is draft: No

Flagged: Yes
Sección I
Nombre del Estado o agente que presenta el compromiso (sírvase indicar el sitio web, si lo hay): The Mayors Mechanism submitting in the name of the Government of Lampedusa & Linosa
Pledging entity: Cities, Municipalities, and Local Authority
Is the country of the pledging entity a GCM Champion country?: {Empty}
Nombres y apellidos: Pablo Mariani
Puesto que ocupa: KMO
País: España (226)
Other country of implementation: Global (23641)
Region of implementation: {Empty}
Dirección de correo electrónico:
Secondary contact person: {Empty}
Secondary email: {Empty}

Sección II
Título del compromiso: From a former military base to an international centre for peace studies
Tipo de compromiso (sírvase seleccionar): Individual (un solo Estado Miembro/ una sola parte interesada)
Is this a mirror pledge (pledge is also relevant to the Global Compact on Refugees) ?: {Empty}

 Sección III
Naturaleza del compromiso (sírvase seleccionar): Participación en los procesos (p. ej., organización de procesos plenamente consultivos para elaboración de informes nacionales para el Foro de Examen de la Migración Internacional); structured

 Sección V
Sírvase indicar el (los) objetivo(s) del Pacto Mundial para la Migración que este compromiso pretende promover: 2. Minimizar los factores adversos y estructurales que obligan a las personas a abandonar su país de origen ; 7. Abordar y reducir las vulnerabilidades en la migración; 15. Proporcionar a los migrantes acceso a servicios básicos; 17. Eliminar todas las formas de discriminación y promover un discurso público con base empírica para modificar las percepciones de la migración; 23. Fortalecer la cooperación internacional y las alianzas mundiales para la migración segura, ordenada y regular

 Sección IV
Sírvase indicar qué principio(s) rector(es)1 es (son) particularmente pertinente(s) para este compromiso:
Centrada en las personas (738); Cooperación internacional (739); Soberanía nacional (742); Estado de derecho y garantías procesales (741); Desarrollo sostenible (740); Derechos humanos (259); Perspectiva de género (258); Perspectiva infantil (257); Enfoque pangubernamental (737); Enfoque pansocial (736)

 Sección VI
Sírvase describir el compromiso:
The island of Lampedusa, in the heart of the Mediterranean, is a candidate to become an epicentre of political, cultural and artistic study and planning on the themes of peace and migratory flows. The project, which the municipality intends to entrust to the architect Stefano Boeri, aims to transform the former military base of Loran, located in the Capo Ponente area, into a Study Centre capable of involving international institutions and associations, volunteer networks, research institutes on geopolitics, the world of art and international culture, and also intended to host major events. The project, which will be led by the municipal administration of Lampedusa e Linosa in the front line, involves the Sicilian Region, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Defence. In addition to the International Centre for Peace Studies, the project envisages the creation of several other realities on the island, including: an auditorium; a museum equipped with a digital archive that will be able to host not only works but also performative and narrative events on the theme of the great migratory flows and their interrelations with the great challenges of climate change and poverty; a system of laboratories and places of study and residence for scholars, researchers, artists and witnesses of the great phenomenology of migration that will be obtained from the reuse of the disused military forts surrounding the island. A letter of intent for the project has been signed in recent weeks between the municipality of Lampedusa e Linosa and the Region of Sicily.

Sección VII
Sírvase señalar un plazo indicativo para el cumplimiento del compromiso: 02 Dec 2024

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*Todas las referencias a Kosovo deben entenderse en el contexto de la Resolución 1244 [1999] del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.